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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. As someone who was in a campaign with a Wolverine clone it is not a good idea. Good Idea: Having a hero emulate Batman Bad Idea: Having a hero emulate Bat-Mite
  2. The signs are supposed united by the four elements, earth, air, fire and water. If we stick to the original 12. I'd have to check which ones are which though. Although it is glaringly obvious in the case of Pisces for example. As for powers, Aquarius has to have water powers either as an elemental or as a form of projection. Pisces would have to have swimming or control of fish Sagittarius would have to have a bow of some description. Gemini would have to have some form of double power like duplication.
  3. My worst eh ? Ok I think her costume needs some work. Seriously have some concern for those of us with failing eyesight, the characteristics and skill section needs to be in the same font as the powers so we can read it. Interesting idea.
  4. I use timelines as well to get background. One of the last ones dealt with the Germans having paranormals but not that powerful in WW2. Think Godlike for those who have seen it. At the end of the war, Uberman the most senior of the Germa paranormals left alive is tried aand sentenced to death. However after bullets and explosives fail, they put him on the Prinz Eugen and drop the A-Bomb on it. A few years later they find Uberman alive in the Pacific living on an island. Hello Superman.
  5. I played one for the scare power and that was a mystic. After her soul was bonded with a demon's so that half was in her own body and half in the demon's, Cosmic Girl decided that her current name was not any good anymore. So she went the Batman route and took the name the Demoness. Her powers were magic via a VPP. Basically she could do anything with magic. But she could transform into a demon and there was a red tint in her eyes. And when she went enraged due to her now demonic nature. One trick she did was touch the soul. If you did not kill or were not very evil, you were immune. If not she could inflict the punishments of Hell on the soul. Of course if you did not have a soul anymore you were also immune. This sort of stuff works. Then on the opposition was Nightmare. Nightmare sold her soul for power. And one of her little tricks was a presence drain damge shield. She say BOO and off you ran. It helped that she could look like a giant manta ray in flight as well. Again this was a mystic.
  6. Dave, The next 30 Taser Taserbeam Technician, The Techno Man Terminator Terminus Tethys Teuton Teutonic Theorem Thermite Thin Ice Thrill-Kill Thriller Thunderclap Tiger Man Tiger Master Time Dancer Time Master Time Warden Time Warrior Tiny Top Man, The Trebauchet Triceratops Trickshot Trotsky True Blue Tuberculosis Tumble Techno Man. Could be the music or short for Technology. Tethys is another planetary moon. Teuton and Teutonic. For the Germanic amongst us. Theorem. Another good/evil Maths character. Thermite. As in the explosive. Top Man, The. As in the head or boss, or alternately as someone with a collection of spinning tops. Trebauchet as in catapult and the poster on the site. Triceratops. As in the dinosaur. Trotsky. Or Trotskyist. The communist or those that followed Trotsky's doctrine. Tuberculosis. As in the disease.
  7. On the subject of retirement plans, just look at what they did in the Man from UNCLE television series. Thrush agents got a clock when they retired which blew up and killed them. Which is why UNCLE never found any old Thrush agents. So theyu schemed a way to get an agent who was on the verge of retirement to betray his employers.
  8. Cyberknight, The post about the Battle Bikini and gun on Vipera made me laugh out loud. Thank you very much. You are officially a bad person.
  9. Just to say congratulations to Killer Shrike. And I loved Choir. very interesting.
  10. I stand corrected at the mercy of the baby eating Bishop of Bath and Wells. You'll pardon me if I run. I recall what you wished to do to Lord Blackadder
  11. I'd drop the silver susceptability and change it to Fire instead. Vampires tend to get pretty het up on fire whatever film, or resource I have come across. Silver is Werewolf territory. Interestingly one of the Vampire Clan Books from Vampire The Masquerade came up with an interesting idea. Vampiritis. They believe that they cannot cross running water, get affected by garlic, the holy symbol, sleep in coffin with Earth, the whole nine yards.
  12. There was a Titan called Antaeous who I believe drew power from the Earth. I believe it was Hercules who killed him ny lifting him off the ground and beating him that way. Gaea was not happy. Atlas was the other one who held the world on his shoulders. Again from the myths of Hercules.
  13. We had several deaths in the course of the campaign, some scripted and some not. Problems came up when it was done with malice as happened on one occasion. One character died off screen when his player left the regular group; another died when failing diving for cover and got hit by a disintegrating beam; during a revenge attack to avenge the above another of the characters was stabbed and died; one character was killed by a poisonous cloud unleashed by a guy who the character had previously killed; another one died despite the protections we threw up in front of them as a vast energy attack launched by a dying villain was set at them and they could not evade. That was the most comic book of the deaths. The malice one was a disintegrator cannon fired at one of the characters when the original player was not with us anymore. However an agreement had been reached between me and the other GM to knock off my character instead. The main GM thought this was too twee and deliberately bumped off this other character. He then allowed his girlfriend to carry the scenario and had my character vanish suddenly at the end. Which was a poor finish as well. The GM actually acknowledged that they did it this way so it is not a case of interpretation. Although the gloating was really unnecessary.
  14. Small Island nation could also apply to Britain (England, Scotland and Ireland), The Isle of Man or the Isle of Wight, Ireland (in its entirety), Cyprus, Scicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Madagascar and Japan. The others are a might too small. Although you could choose Antartica.
  15. Dave, The next 30. Stardust Statue Steelhead Stegosaur Stellar Valkyrie Steppanwolf Steroids Stone Age Storm Demon Storm Devil Storm Dragon Strife Sun God Super Agent Super Soldier Super Woman Supreme Genius Supreme Intellect Surround Sound Swansong Swift Sword (Terrible) Sword of Destiny Sword of Faith Sword of Omens Sylph Symphony Synchronicity T-Bird Talos Tarot
  16. Don't forget the orchestra. As Elvis said, 'The Whole Rhythm section was the Purple Gang, let's rock'
  17. Some of these most definitely need to be preserved. Like the Chronos/Foxbat one for example.
  18. I have been and voted. Firewing. I have a soft spot for the guy. He's been around since the beginning
  19. death tribble


    I got it today and I love some of the artwork and a few of the ideas that I saw as I browsed. More soon.
  20. To reiterate what I have said previously I don't like Vhan. The art on the cover looks ok but the inside drawing is off. And the whole concept. Just reading it left me cold. Plus the fact that I hate Tyrannon as I got the Mystic Masters book when that came out. So that more or less doomed her from the get go. Takofanes. I don't like tha art of him except that one pic of him sitting, down and again reading through did nothing for me. Nebula. I like the pic but the concept and backing story ? No. Herculan. Preferred the old story. Will use the new pic for someone else. The Crowns of Krim. Due to the tie to Krim et al and Takofanes, I just don't think this lot is of use to me. I like what Marchwarden did with them though. The Warlord. I can't seem to get scared of this guy. Not with armour that looks like that. Saw a pic from Storn of a guy called the Warlord and this held attention, presence, a threat. I'll reread the book to see what others I might leave out/alter.
  21. Dave, the next 30. Slime King, The Slingshot Slipknot Smilodon Smoke Jaguar Smoking Mirror Snake King Snake Skin Snow Maiden Snowy Owl Sodium Sonar Sonic Surfer Sound Spanish Inquisition, The Sparkler Sparks Speed King Spidera Spinning Top, The Spiral Splinter Spotlight Spyra Gyra Stacatto Stainless Steel Centurion Star Destroyer Star Dreadnought Star Slayer Starcore Smilodon is the correct name for a Sabre Tooth Tiger. You expected me to include the Spanish Inquisition so I did. Spyra Gyra was a rock group in the 70s. I thought the name could apply to a gyroscope sort of power. Star Detroyer/Dreadnought. Although they can be used as ship or ultimate weapon names they could also be used as the names of paranormals.
  22. Overkill Repost as the drawing did not come out. As I was saying, one of the recurring themes of the campaign was the Overkill Device, essentially a disintegrator Cannon. Some schmuk had to put it on a battlesuit eventually, didn't they ? Another Paul Geelan drawing. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  23. The Huntress This is the Huntress another member of SHATTER. SHATTER formed after Viper and Cobra imploded. The Huntress previously worked for Viper and had a green costume. Now she is in blue. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  24. Rocketsword Rocketsword was another villain from early in the campaign and another of Paul Geelan's drawings. This is the second incarnation of Rocketsword as a member of SHATTER. The uniforms were universally blue for agents and supers alike. Paul Geelan drew him and altered the handedness of the character to explain that SHATTER had developed a T-Port device but at this stage had not got all the bugs out. Rocketsword usually suffered the wrath of the team after raping one of the female members. This was the idea of the main DM and again not one of his best ideas. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  25. Misileer This is another Paul Geelan drawing, this time of the Misileer. The pose is ordinary but the bonus here is the missile launch from the gauntlets. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
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