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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. It would be very expensive and technically I am the wrong sort of sex to interest Bruce Wayne. Although setting things up as a business dinner to discuss matters should work..... Oh you meant, how would you beat Batman ? Ok. Nothing to see here, move along.
  2. Muerte first appeared in the second Enemy's book (I believe) as the head of Terror Inc. He worshipped Dr Destroyer. His associates were Feur, Scorpia and Giganto. Giganto was a brick. They were based in South America.
  3. Dave, Back to proper names worthy of heroes and villains. Jaguar Janus Jarl Jason Jawbreaker Jaws Jet Ski Jetskate Jolly Reaper Jolly Roger Judas Goat Judge Mentday Junk Junkyard Dog Kaolin Kaotik Kayman Kayoko Karate Kid Killer Claw King Crimson King of Flame King of Pain Kingslor (German Wizard who stole the Holy Grail) Kite Krait Krakatoa Kreig Minister Krypton Lady Fauna Janus was is who the month of January is named after. Jarl is a Scandavian word meaning chief. Judus Goat is a form of trap. The goat is left out in the open as bait and the creature attacks it and suffers attacks from hunters. Same thing has been applied to police procedure from what I have seen. Kaolin is one of the products that China Clay comes from and is derived from Granite I believe. Kayman is a form of alligater/crocodile. Kingslor is the villain in a famous German Opera. I think Wagner composed it. Krait is a type of snake. Krakatoa is a famous volcano and has a film named after it although the geographic direction in the film is out. Kreig Minister means War Minister.
  4. And if you arrest the leaders you will find that they are all B.A.S.E. heads.....
  5. If Lord Liaden wants to start a seperate thread about Voice in 5e, I will lend my support. But I am pleased that the Organised Crime idea is being supported and bashed out.
  6. The Gerbils are secretly Tribbles in disguise and are doing what they do every night: Plotting to take over the World ! Area 51 is where they test out fabrics and materials used in the construction of prisons for Super Powered beings. It is also one of the locations where the survivors of Project Sunburst and other questionable military research are held
  7. Good thing it is not booked like films either which have to hit their release date. And can then look rushed. I have found though with White Wolf stuff that when they say the Americans will get it that everyone else does too. We'll get it when it is ready.
  8. Dave, Have you had second thoughts on Double Cross as it seems to have left the list ?
  9. I live in London but the main papers have not picked this up.
  10. I have loads like that. If you have a look deep into the thread you will see them. Haven't posted what I consider my brother's best one yet but I will, I will. Keep it up. Just because some of the people can do the new stuff on a PC doesn't mean that the old paper and pen/pencil stuff is not worth looking at. More power to your elbow my son ! (as they say in my part of the world)
  11. I am serious. She reminds me of my beautiful, psychopathic spider goddess, Lolth. So I get all over protective and hit high purr mode. Calms them down.
  12. Dave, Illusionist Immovable Object Impasse Imperial Imperial Wizard Inca, The Infamy Inka, The (Fuzzy) Incendiary Incinerator Indecency, The Indefatigable Infiltraitor Infra Red Inhuman Skull, The Insect Insect Master Intellect Interrogater IO Ion Storm Iron Golem Iron Hand Iron Master Iron Warrior Ironside Irresistable Force Ivory Jack Frost Jaeger (German Hunter) IO again is a Jupiter or Saturn moon. Ironside refers to Cromwell's troops in the British Civil War.
  13. You could always have a Legion of Tribbles commanded by the Death Tribble. Someone actually did this on another board that I frequent and some did D20 stats for me as well. Seriously though it sound interesting. If we are abandoning iper why not make it organised crime like the Mafia only now they are beginning to use paranormals properly ? So you have the backdrop of crime that has been around a while but has a new twist. And does not have to be Dark Champions which is more street level stuff. I know this will be some way off but I look forward to it and its eventual travel across the Atlantic.
  14. I handle desolidified characters with my extra special gloves especially the female ones.... Oh you want help with a game mechanic ! Whistles Nothing to see here move along, nothing to see here move along !
  15. I wondered what Veer was doing now that Babylon 5 had ended. (ducks to avoid the hurled objects of disapproval)
  16. To be honest I am not that fond of either of these two. But calling Alice a bimbo was too much.
  17. Where did you see the cover ?
  18. Except he got his head blow off by the guy who could make you die by meeting your gaze. Have the series and the Gurps conversion book. Just don't mention the Vietnamese villain.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions so far. The family would definitely be American and might now be exiles. I know that Robert Taylor the actor testified for the committee as did Elia Kazan but I also believe that Ronald Reagan did as well. Yes as soon as McCarthy went after the army he was ruined. But a lot of others had been hurt as well before then. All started with the Hollywood 10 and Alger Hiss. As a side note some of the writers etc who fell foul of McCarthy got jobs in Britain with the fledgling Independent TV. Although I like what Crimson Arrow said for a name, I'd have to use Rocket Redglare as a patriot. Anytime people make mistakes singing your national anthem or mock it, people go beserk. I know Roseanne was singing it at a Baseball match and deliberately goofed it to mass booing from the crowd. Anastacia forgot the words when she was singing and got attacked as a result (mental blocks happen). And Whitney Housten just extended the vocal at a Superbowl rendition and received hate mail. I am not American, what would happen to me ? If the Sex Pistols had done to your anthem what they did to God Save the Queen, I don't think they'd be alive now.
  20. Enforcer84, At least you can draw. The pic was good. Wildcat, Post more pics. I did.
  21. I am working on a villain and his colleagues who is anti-American. The acronym for the main villain is HUAC and so far I have come up with Horrific UnAmerican Activities Creator. Trouble is I do't think that sounds good enough. Commando for the C is also inappropriate as he would not be a soldier or matial artist type. Hadn't really decided on the full powers yet either. One might be a transform or mind control that turns an individual against America. Background is that the villain's family were ruined by the House on UnAmerican Activities Commission that sat following the Second World War. And the descendent is back to make America and its institutions pay. I also would need ones based on FBI, CIA and NASA. Got one for NSA (New Soviet American). But unless or until I can get the HUAC one right there is no point continuing. And I am not that keen on using HUAC as the name of the group as the guy may strike on his own. Any ideas ? Thanks
  22. Dave, Here is the start of the next batch Heatray Hecate Heinkel Hell Hound Hell Queen Hellblazer Hellfire Queen Helloween Hide (of Hide and Seek) Hoodlum Hooligan Hoplite (Ancient Greek infantry) Horus Hospitalier Host Hotspur Hotwire Human Bullet, The Human Fly Hyaena Hybrid Ice Ice Ice Baby Ice Lord Ice Maiden Ice Master Ice Scream Illuminations Illuminatus Illusion Heinkel was a German aircraft firm in WW2.
  23. Dave, Thanks for the improvement to FAST. Like it, like it a lot.
  24. This is one of the funniest things I have seen. The idea of the accent mistakes from Mammoth are priceless. I cannot remember Thespian but I know the others. My heartiest congratulations, as a European myself, on this.
  25. Dave, Another official one I missed. Turbine.
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