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Posts posted by sentry0

  1. I think I'm lazy or something :)


    My go to crit rule is rolling 3 ones...automatically hits and does maximum damage.


    I'm not generally a big fan of systems that do x2 or more multipliers on crits (especially when crits are 5% or more of the time).  Maximum damage is a lot in HERO and rarely seen like in other games where you're rolling something like  a 1d8 (12.5%) vs a 12d6 blast  (0.0000000459393657998%).  Additionally, giving players 2x damage in HERO ends up being quite a bit, even on an average roll (assuming 3.5 per die) a 12d6 attack ends up being 84 vs a flat 72 if you just say max.  If they roll well it gets crazy....

  2. 6 hours ago, Scott Ruggels said:

    Like what?


    Well, it's more like it's easier to do certain things like say make someone who's a good brawler without having a huge Dex or CSLs.  You can make a brick that can know how to throw a punch but not necessarily be able to avoid them (high OCV low DCV).  


    Not that you couldn't do that in earlier editions it's just easier.



  3. I remember back in the day we started using random critical hit/critical fumbles table and my Fighter cut his own arm off on a fumble.  He was eventually retired after we found out what it would cost to have it regrown (we were only level 7 and strapped for cash).


    D&D was where I learned never to let the dice rule the game.  There's a reason why the "GM Screen" is a thing after all :)


  4. I've received a handful of bug reports over the last few months of people having issues loading the characters into the app...here are some observations about the issue:

    1. I currently believe that DropBox does NOT work as a loading location
    2. Google Drive and iCloud seem to be the most reliable way to load a character
    3. Some android phones have been sketchy with loading from the phone directly
      • I helped someone with a Samsung Note that kept getting a permission error when trying to load from the local file system
      • There may be more phones affected by this bug
    4. I think that reading from and SD card may be an issue

    I could use some help on points 1 and 4 to verify that they are indeed broken if anyone is feeling bored ;)


    Thanks for the bug reports!

  5. 25 minutes ago, RDU Neil said:


    Would like to hear more! Is there a thread in Champions about this?


    Well, there's this thread I started in the Looking For Player section that has a bit of background info.


    Essentially, I want to take Millennium City as it's currently written (circa 2003-ish) and darken it way up so that it's a cyberpunk-lite dystopian city in 2018.  I say lite because I don't want the emphasis to be on hacking and technology as much as a pure cyberpunk game would normally be but I still want the crime, gangs, and mega-corps though...that's just good fun ;)


    I think it'll be fun, in my head it's basically mashing Batman Begins and Blade Runner together or I suppose Batman Beyond would be an analogous setting just not as far into the future.


    I have a couple of brand new players at the table so I'm just hoping I don't screw it up for them.  I know I'll need to be in teaching mode for the first little while so the kid gloves will need to be on but I fully expect to bloody them up once we get going.


    • How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)?
      • it was the name of a Champions: New Millennium character that I made
    • What was the first tabletop RPG you played?
    • What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed?
      • 2nd Edition AD&D
    • What are you currently playing/GMing?
      • starting a new street level Champions game this weekend
    • When did you start to play Hero?
      • it was the 90s, BBB, leather pants, angsty music...a different time ;)
  6. Looking for 1 more player for a street level Champions game I'm starting up.  This game will take place in Millennium City and feature a dark and crime ridden backdrop.  It will be a cyberpunk-lite version of the setting where the promises of the City of the Future have failed to pan out and the people have instead been left with crime, corruption, mega-corporations, and neon holography.


    Building on 275 points with 50 points in Complications minimum and a 50 AP cap.  I have a campaign 1-pager ready for you if you're interested in playing.


    The City of the Future needs heroes who will defend its citizens, will you answer the call?

  7. I wonder if a compound power HKA/Levels with an activation would be appropriate.  The more powerful the vorpal the higher the activation would be.


    You could even add a trigger that fires off on a failed activation so that the user would still get a normal go at hitting the target.


    Seems OP but the venerable Vorpal Weapon is too ?

  8. 8 hours ago, Kenny Garg said:

    I have updated my Google Pixel 2 XL from Android 7.0 to Android 8.1 today and now when I will open the HERO System Mobile app it simply display a blank white screen during startup and crashes itself. Any idea how do I fix it guys?


    Kenny Garg
    Showbox Mobdro Tutuapp


    Thanks for the bug report.  I'm actually running Android 8.1 on a Pixel 1 myself but without issues.


    Have you tried a reinstall?

  9. 28 minutes ago, Lucius said:

    actually did a 400 pt character and forget to include the Multiform - I had to add that in then go in and tweak tweak tweak to get it all balanced.....


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary says in other words the tough part was getting it DOWN to under 400 pts....


    Very nice, but hey, I said you would have a hard time doing it not that it would be impossible ;)


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