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Everything posted by LordGhee

  1. Re: Gold!!!! well if it is a nugget then the purity is an issue. best guess 1/ to 1/2 pound
  2. Re: Gold!!!! Worth when?
  3. Re: Valdorian Age Campaign A Go! Modivate the Soceress to need a barbarain by her hunteds her job her need to go somewhere (or possibality in far furture) the bar can deal with ex: she relize the bar is from the far north where the age reducing nut comes from. . . so with his knowledge he can lead her there. and a good non leathal bar fight to show how tough ect the bar is and impress the sor.
  4. Re: Magic irem writeup question Quick thought use Force filed 10 pts last 24 hours, gestures to to on ect., usealbe only vs first attack (invisalbe effects, ect ) or would this be one use only, (a charge limit?) basicly using a limited power approach
  5. Re: Star Hero/TE weapons Design in lasers to day are fueled by mixing of chemicals that gets a flash of photons that are lased. no way to get a bright enough flash from a light bulb. there is no way to get photons from ships power.
  6. Re: Filthy Rich Burghers so he was a banker
  7. Re: Filthy Rich Burghers How did he get so rich:think: thanks in advance Marcus
  8. Re: Skills Zorn your a genuis , I had forgotton that:dol:, ahahahah I have an Ideal:shock:. flow chart Matrix meets skills Hierarchyh (mod by secoundary skills)
  9. Re: A new look at shields thats great guns (arms)
  10. Re: A new look at shields I liked straight straps on a large bowl shield. you could hold it like a diagonal kite or let the edge rest on your Knee (greave ) or the inside top edge rest on your shoulder top. The romans with the large square shields held by the boss must have had get guns (arms)
  11. Re: Early Tommy Guns The best work on stopping power is mossad ayouubs book, I think he is a retired police man and using data taking from real shotings. from memory, best 357 with plus p ammo (realy fast) 75% one shot stop 45 with + load ( all 45 did well in the 60%) 69% 9mm with +p 67% again ten years + since I read the book The 40 cal or 10mm where not popular then so not much in data The 10mm (40cal long) was developed (adopted) because of the leasons from the Mamia shoot out that the FBI was in with the 2 bank robbers. The bad guys took many hits with 9mm and 38's and even thou bleeding out still kill a number of agents The FBI did extenive fire power test. things like stopping power (estimated damage the round would do) controllability (mulitpul rounds on target) this is one of the main reasons that the 45 failed. (my experince with 45 is that I fired it and wait to bring it down to target.) most people do not like big guns ( I top out at 40cal I really like it as do most people but a lady friend really likes big guns 45 - this big russion thing - a 50 cal revoler ) the FBI pick the 10mm (40 cal long) because it penatrate windows better (If an agent fired out of a car through the window) but after over a decade of use the FBI has gone to the 40 to many people had controlablilty issues (to big boom move pistol off target) Most police departments look at this data and pick the 40 cal of which the Glock is the most popular funny thing about guns some you like ( I am spooky with my 44 - 40 cap and ball colt with the 45 I can hit with it but get less than 1/2 of the rounds compare to the 40 cal ) controll is the issue, if you hit you win simple. Stoner stressing hitting the traget seems to have been proved out with our experince in the last 40 years . Now ladies are big part of police and the military and must be able to use the guns also. I belive that the 40 will be the choice. the experince that police have with it I hope will prove out. (in general ladies with small hands (as i have chubby hands also {but big feet ) wrapping around a big gun leads to controll issues) The 40 leaves a bigger hole this allows bleeding out to happen quicker which make it better that the 9mm +P and have to have a faster bullet leads to greater stress on the gun, more wear greater replacement more failures. of course if wear is not an issue you can do what GSG (german SWAT type unit one of the frist and excellent) did and load a 9mm short (ppk) with C4 and get P++++ (that really fast moving bullet) which they felt gave them a really concealable pistol that had very good stopping power the 38 special which New york carried for 100 years was the modern replacement that Teddy Roosevelt got for them, it was smokeless and had a higher velicoty than the black powder pistol they were using. it was more accurate also. the New York police reseted the automatic new ammo (hollow points) ect more than any force. revolutionary then reactionary. At the time the 38 was adopted in Europe was adopting the 9mm for it police. Now stopping power in Europe is less of an issue as lot of thier police carry a SMG with them. Just look at a group picture on a normal day. the data is that with hollow points as ball did not stop as well. the military has to use ball so the bigger hole (for bleed out ) is a factor. the mayland state police did studies in the early 50's which the best stopper was the 44-40 black powder - slower bullets tranfer engery better followed by the 45. but +P ammo was not popular. the 357 is a 38 with a long case ( I have shot a friends 357 with 38 ammo which is cheaper) so more powder higher velocity. Maryland police carried 357's with lesser loads ( a littler hotter than 38's can be but not a hot as a 357 can be.) the 357 was developed in the 30's ? Indinia Jones carried a 45 revoler. Because of the city fighting of late the army is now looking at a Smg for it's infantry units. Now for those adventure Hero types caring a 45 revoler a 45 lever action and having a 45 tommy around sounds good. the automatic in police circles was not really accepted until the 80's ( the FBI lead the anti auto lobby) Last in a pulp game guns can be fun, my charater: The Galdiator travel to the furture where he saw and used a 44 magumn. he like it so he brought one back to the 30's he found a gun smith to make the ammof for him ( limited) during one adventure we felt that vampires were involed (nope blood sucking aliens that where posing as aliens. so i got silver ammo made Many adventures later (which gladiator never fired his gun in combat) during an adventure a gaint werewolf burst in on me. gladiator I pull my 44 Gm as Werewolf : heeheee that wont help you - Blam Gm: you must have silver bullets to effect the Gaint Werewolf. smiling player Oh yeah. (thud of body as gm knock over the were figure) gladiator to anorther player : That was most satisfyingly anticlamatic. Blam Gm what was that for to make sure it is a rug:) Thanks for reading this 3am wandering missive.
  12. Re: incantation I think your call was good. I might have let the wizard incant once and then having expelled his air need to breath.
  13. Re: Early Tommy Guns Best tommy gun movie BATAAN 1943 - staring Robert Taylor Do trees move?
  14. Re: Filthy Rich Burghers In the modern period in 1900 80 percent of the population made $200 with 2500 being the general top 1 percent (which was doctors) In 1932 about R. Hearst the newspaper tycoon like to brag that he was the highest paid person in the U.S. was asked by his accountants how much to pay himself and his answer was $300,000. Much to his irrration Mae West deal with RKO netted her 325,00 dollars and he was number 2, income and wealth can be two differnt things. Ceaser got 400 talents to repensent EYGPT in a Roman court case that they knew they would lose. He Used this money to finance his army in Gaul where he sold 1 million slave and collect from them over 10,000 talents worth. The later Empire had a standing army of 250,000 men so it income was over 10,000 talents.
  15. Re: Filthy Rich Burghers according to Herodatous spelling sorry, the persian King of Kings had an income of 2,500 talents of silver from tribute. that is 6000 silver pieces which was a daily wage. or 15,000,000 million daily wages or about 75,000 avarge yearly wages. Athens had an income of 400 talents. this is from memory (India was in gold and 250 which was as much as the rest so it might be 5000 talents.)
  16. LordGhee


    Re: ?? I stop and tuck up and step away from the wall, and call to my compadres. (phase 13 I realise that they are to drunk to help anywayand this is going to be bad!)
  17. Re: Early Tommy Guns great post thanks Peter
  18. Re: Filthy Rich Burghers all righty then. what is village town city (hamlet, ect) We need to get on the same page for the discussion to make since. okay maybe to make since to me.
  19. Re: A new look at shields In the 1st ed of Fantasy Hero shields had a strenght mimium, so that ment to me twenty years ago that it cost that endurance to use. My players Baulked and the compromise was miuimim of one and half str cost to use. (two weapons use cost double right?) In my game even through shields cost endurance to use active the fact that you could set it on top of your grieve (boot top or knee) and rest with a wall covering 14 thru 6 (medium) toward the bad guys was very handy. From experince if you are using the shield it dose not add encumberance (tricky here). so in my game they did not add weight for dex negatives. (now slung they did)
  20. Re: Filthy Rich Burghers Try medieval Demographic made easy. http://www.io.com/~sjohn/demog.htm Or the Doomsday book http://www.rpglibrary.org/utils/meddemog/
  21. Re: Early Tommy Guns If you can find the poster circa 1921? add for the Thomson. A cowboy on his porch using his chopper to great effect against the rustlers. We here in the west quickly pick up on new fangle things. (the hawking rilfe, the revoler, the winchester.) A grease gun was a fixture in M1 tanks until a few years ago as standard equiment ( a place on the turret wall for gun and mags). it is a sten gun with the mag rotated since americans do not lie down to use thier gun, is the owen a sten variant?
  22. Re: Doc Savage Writeup?? Try searching the old boards. (bottom of page)
  23. Re: A new look at shields snice I allow shields to be active Dcv or passive (a wall) I used to charge endurance for active use. in my new campain this will be modified a little bit.
  24. Re: Buying up Char in FH No you are not alone. the style of game matters in a way. are the players skill to begin with or are they spose to start as teenagers? It is an issue I have had with my players for twenty years. They generally do not listen which leads to character inflation.
  25. Re: One Wizard tower is another's shop this is what Iam talking about Super. But to make the door move would that not be a major tranform? give it focus bonus (OIF) 1/2 and bulky 1/2(wall and building). Bulky might be considered metagaming. thanks Super Spuirrel
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