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Everything posted by LordGhee

  1. Re: Medieval Farming Villages Thease sites are based on hard data, a gamer friend of mine is an anthropoigist (sorry spell) and look at them. just remmeber if you use oxen to plow and do not need to shoe horses and use a wood plow a blacksmith is not needed much. in the 1920-1930 a working farm in Ok. where my family is from was 160 acres to 320 and families could support themselves. (in that time peorid 60% of the wage earners in the US made 200 a year. with a doctor 2500$ and Mae West earning the most in 1932 320,000$. ( much to Randolf Hearst dismay!) Try to find info did not the old boards have a discussion on this?? Lord Ghee
  2. Re: Medieval Farming Villages forgot base on med dem made easy Lord ghee
  3. Re: Medieval Farming Villages This is cool also http://www.rpglibrary.org/utils/meddemog/ this you can do a country Lord Ghee
  4. Re: Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2 Na super guns easy the Germans had a gun that shot 131km + at Paris (the paris gun in WWI) they took it apart and destoryed it as the allied approached it was just a matter of dusting off old plans. see link http://www.firstworldwar.com/atoz/parisgun.htm even talks about the v3 also Lord Ghee
  5. Re: 80 years we've waited for this Hey I read your all char (posted here) and you all would give it up to the aurthorities cause you are Heros. Ha!
  6. Re: The Stilleto did not hulk hogan have one of those?
  7. Re: Make them Pay! Kiss my oh - - - - sorry I was surprised that I can not give Mardok rep untill i spread it around some. What Mardoc said! I have had player pay to start with items, the bag of orange creation, actually a "hole" that allow a player to reach into his uncles warehouse. the spot normally had oranges. this was a big deal mor than I or the player thought, for he could always sell it for coin. I deveopled a random table of what he grabed A medallon of protection (force field) A magic rope. and in my friend last game last year a couple of us had megaskills also. What they have found ( read looted stole purchased created ) Magic weapons of everytype. potions scrolls wands rings magic rug of entrappment. Chest of holding. strange animals. Stuff is cool.
  8. Re: Nets as Weapons OMW and I should have also stated a cloak, shawl, cape and a Kilt (tight weave or course:)) If you think this is just funny then watch (was it last year) the Illida (spell) when Agommenon wife walk in to his bath and threw her shawl over him and preceded to knife the Entangled husband (who scarificed her children for a fair wind). great seen totaly unexpected cool.
  9. Re: Nets as Weapons the net of net and trident fame was weighted, not hook. I used one once and the weight caused it to open up like a hand, It griped the orther fellows sword like a gaint hand. yanked it out in one motion. (you hold the net in the center). in the movie style games the net could be used to climb, tye up some one, block a door, entangle at range, block incoming weapons, fish with it, and club some one with the weights. (use it to disguise -like a cammo net.) Lord Ghee
  10. Re: Clever Future Weapons Hienlien (sorry spell) had a ray in a book that released the surface tension on the body (boom). gory!
  11. Re: Clever Future Weapons E.E. Doc Smith lensmen seris has a great list of weapons telepaphy and mind control, and the counter the thought shield. overloading the main engery ordaince of the ships to create the needle engery gun that pop the good guys shields and ships (causing the bad guys gun to overload bu they they where dead anyway) hyper space tube (or tunnel) to travel between gaxalies. The first fortress moons that travel through space that the sunbeam gun countred. I think they where call negitve spheres guns that shot out black holes that would be tractored / pressered to the target. fleets and holograghic tanks to derect the action all written in 1939, 1947-or so ( he was a phyiicsist who work on the atomic bomb. (as they all did ) and the best well read it
  12. Re: Clever Future Weapons from the strageypage.com Death Ray Versus MANPADS by James Dunnigan June 30, 2005 Discussion Board on this DLS topic Raytheon Corporation has developed an anti-missile (of the portable, shoulder fired variety) system for civilian air airports. Called Vigilant Eagle, the system uses a network of heat sensitive missile detectors, mounted like cell phone antenna, all over the airport area. When at least two of these detect a missile launch, a beam of electromagnetic energy fries the missile electronics, causing it to miss. The High-power Amplifier-Transmitter (HAT), does the zapping. This is a large, billboard sized array of small electronic emitters, that can send a powerful bean of electronic in any direction. MANPADS (portable SAMs, or Surface to Air Missiles) are seen as a major terrorist threat against civilian aviation. The air transport industry is looking for a cost effective way to deal with this threat. Vigilant Eagle will cost about $25 million per airport, which is a tenth of the cost for equipping individual aircraft with anti-missile systems. About 70 percent of air traffic in the United States goes in and out of just 30 airports. Vigilant Eagle has been tested successfully, but is relatively new technology. However, this “directed energy” type of weapon is showing up in many areas, and is not some off-the-wall idea. Directed energy devices have been in the works for decades, and are now finally entering service. there is also a humve that has a laser on it used for mine clarence.
  13. Re: So if I have 30 rPD/30 rED armor... Put him in a pit and see if he can eat that armour. Put him in a desert and see if he can drink that armour. and Curufea beat me to it. . . . . Can you say defenestration. oh this is great from dictonary.com third def. defenestration n. [mythically from a traditional Czech assasination method, via SF fandom] 1. Proper karmic retribution for an incorrigible punster. "Oh, ghod, that was _awful_!" "Quick! Defenestrate him!" 2. The act of exiting a window system in order to get better response time from a full-screen program. This comes from the dictionary meaning of `defenestrate', which is to throw something out a window. 3. The act of discarding something under the assumption that it will improve matters. "I don't have any disk space left." "Well, why don't you defenestrate that 100 megs worth of old core dumps?" 4. Under a GUI, the act of dragging something out of a window (onto the screen). "Next, defenestrate the MugWump icon." 5. The act of completely removing Micro$oft Windows from a PC in favor of a better OS (typically Linux).
  14. Re: Carl Denham, Obsessed Film Maker hey Carl was the villian, he moved the piece. Without the fact that his bad out ways his good there would not be a movie,
  15. Re: My new campaign there was a book that I have read on an alternate world with the hero helping tthe locals (chinese) to defeat the coloinal powers (Uk, US, GER, Jap). the locals have airplanes vs the airships, ends in the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan, Warlords of the Air is the name I think. The Airships have dissapearing recoiless guns (retracted to be loaded) which they use to fire at each orther. some German airships could carry 2 tons of bombs.
  16. Re: A Question of Title William Marshall greatest of all Knights was made a Knight on eve of Battle at age of 16 (this gave right of arms and they where expected to lead and prove that they were worthy) with many orther young men. This was common. over the next 16 + years he made his living by fighting at tourney. (he was 6-4 ) he won and won. winners of tourney got the orther quys armour and horse. Richard the lionhearted upoun gaining his crown gave the hand of the maid who had the right to the third largest estates in England.
  17. Re: Teleport catcher A dispel with the special effect that he is caught? will ask our group. Lord Ghee
  18. Re: Fixin' what's broken - switching from d20 to HERO On the subject of +2 swords and such. In general in my campains over the years players have made and found many items. (thease do not cost points) I feel that some Hero players have lost some of the wonder in that they requrie points to be spent on items. I Have player find a +1 sword (it just feels right ) and a +1 sword that dose an extra +1 damage ( well blanced and sharpe) Finding treasure is one of the best things about adventuring! A player found some Lotus plants and gather some of the pollen and created a sleep dust (sounded cool so the dust gave the points). Lord Ghee
  19. Re: Star Wars - Balancing Jedi with everyone else and heroic vs. superheroic one of the champion group here in town did a Jedi game. 150 pts and light sabre 2 d6 kill penatrating. 3 picked to be jedi, 3 picked the fighter jock, the engineer, con man. played a few games and they had a great time and no one felt that the Jedi dominated the game. jedi powers where what the players felt them to be with frameworks, some of the orther players had psionics, devices (powers0 ect. anther example of man this system works.
  20. Re: Nazi in my last Pulp game set 1932 the players had a run in with the KGB now by 1940 every KGB agent except one and agents in deep cover had been killed by Stalin!!!!! So if you got a good job working for the KGB in the 1930 you where an unlucky man (you will get shot.) so therefore all KGB agents had 3 dice unluck. Gave the organization color. (cannot rember what the name was-NKVD but this is true.) Lord Ghee '
  21. Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures People in LA are servants of the Lizard gods, that explains alot:)
  22. Re: Gold!!!! Cancer have you read rogers warfare under oars. now the sea cow a 400 ton merchant (national Geograpic spell ah) that sank in the BCE. crew 5 and captain. now a man could get a drachma (silver piece) a day with the Athenian navay (6 month of work) as a rower. so on the cow the crew would make 5 silver a day the cow would cost about (from memory I ran a Greek game long ago) 6,000 silver and last 6 years so if you use it 10 months thats a 100 silver cost. so that 200 silver a month plus as a bottom line. a passenger is profit over cargo so I would bill 2 silver a day for passage (no pay but work could go, some work and some pay good ) dirve you nuts
  23. Re: Gold!!!! Okay Cancer so give us a table with a skill vs skill roll to modified the cost, say an Anctient tech, middle ages, the ren. . . . spell aahah. There is rep in it for you. :wink: challange
  24. Re: Transparent Aluminum twenty years ago I was doing a search at the libary and found an articule on transparent Al date mid seventies seem the writers of Star Trek werent so creative just wrote about a new prossess. the fact that it took twenty years to get out is not strange, a lot of tech is left on the shelf until the patents expire then big buisness uses them with out having to pay for them ( alot of cell phone tech is this way)
  25. Re: Valdorian Age Campaign A Go! ahahahahaha the moments a GM waits for ahahahah rep
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