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Everything posted by LordGhee

  1. Re: Hollow Earth Expedition! consideering that 2/3 of the Nation made under 200 a year that a lot per gun
  2. Re: Hit Locations for Melee (particularly Fantasy/Mediaeval) combat In my fantasy Hero games players with shield can use them as a wall. a medium round shield would cover hit locations formthe shoulder to the thigh form one hex side if you hit those locatoins you have to penatrate the shield first. Roman legionires would get cover from the ankle to the shoulder. This repasents the person active holding the shield up and toward an attacker. A player can just take the shield bonus, which is a more active moving the shield in a parry (which randomly opens you up so you can get hit anywhere) Lord Ghee
  3. came across this on the coast to coast site. good plot thread. http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/montmonster/ have fun have not look over the site. Lord Ghee
  4. Re: Hit Locations for Melee (particularly Fantasy/Mediaeval) combat One reason I like Hero is that the hit chart was a lot like my experince in medival renacting combat and Marital art experince. In sparring you garde your head and torso so hand and leg blows are recieved and deliviered more. I use cover from shields and packs pouches as covering hit location. In a western game i was in a player stole some gold and was shot in that location and it saved him. Lord ghee
  5. Re: Stupid firearms question it is generally not the heat that fires shell. If I remember correct the primer need to be wacked to go off. in a fire the round expands which allows the powder to be contacted by the fire which sets off the bullets ect. this is one reason that the rounds go off at different times and some never go off in the fire. Now heat might cause the powder and the primer to become more unstable eaisier togo off with less force. Lord Ghee
  6. Re: Stupid firearms question Rumor has it that NASA had an Astronaut try out a 45 to see if it work and the rumor was that it did Rumor many years later wispherd that the soviets had mounted a 30mm cannon on a capsul and tried it out (it worked) so that they had a polieted anti sat system. Lord Ghee
  7. Re: Knights of the Griffin hey the griffon has disadvantages that should help defray the cost of the mount. just throwing this in to add to the pot.
  8. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks We have been playing and the minie campain came to a climatic Jedi on Jedi end last friday the 21st of july. sorry about the lack of post. computer trouble ( I thought I had a virus instead a bad key board.). el Tripon is getting a post together and so are the orthers. I am going on a trip and Piranha just got back from one so in about a 10 days more post. Lord Ghee
  9. Re: Star Wars - The Jedi Academy Campaign: The Final Chapter heheeehe supress force powers they better be good with thier blades. not in concept maybe
  10. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks GM to Dangerous Dan:"so you did not post anything on the game. DD to GM:" what is there to post, I flew up saw the Padawan Sabrina get Hosed off the tower so I pursuied her. Caught her in mid flight and then was stop by two Traffic Droids, which gave me tickets for :desceneding to fast, greatly exceeding the speed limit and most annoining of all picking up an illeagal hicthhiker. And the burn is that the Padawan did not get a ticket for Hitchhiking just stated "Jedi business". Wow that's . . .(really not hiding smile much) bad. so you going to get the jedi to pay for the tickets? DD looking at GM like he is insane;" Have you ever heard of a Jedi paying for anything" GM: oh, you got a point. I love Piranha (who GM that night) will post on june 30 run later to night late thanks
  11. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks Here is the Fire Driod (large and raw) Name: Fire Engine Droid Player: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Val Char Base Cost 10/50 STR 10 0 10 DEX 10 0 10 CON 10 0 10/18 BODY 10 0 10 INT 10 0 10 EGO 10 0 10 PRE 10 0 10 COM 10 0 7 PD 2 0 12 ED 2 0 12 SPD 2.0 100 10 REC 4 12 20 END 20 0 20/28 STUN 20 0 6" RUN 6" 0 2" SWIM 2" 0 2" LEAP 2" 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STR Roll: 11- / 19- Run: 6" DEX Roll: 11- Swim: 2" CON Roll: 11- Leap: 2" INT Roll: 11- EGO Roll: 11- Perception Roll: 11- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disadvantages Pts Dependence: power, Very Common, Takes 1d6 Damage, 1 Week 0 Distinctive Features: Fire Droid, Not Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses 15 Physical Limitation: fire truck size, Frequently, Greatly Impairing 15 Psychological Limitation: fire fighter - over ride capture senator and staff - clue, Very Common, Strong 20 Social Limitation: gaint droid , Very Frequently (14-), Major 20 Psychological Limitation: defend self (not normal this strong hidden program -clue), Very Common, Strong 20 XP 0 Base Points : 200 Disads Total + 90 Experience Spent + 358 Total Cost = 648 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pts. Skill/Perk/Talent/Power END 14 Flight 2" (Improved Noncombat Movement (x8)) 1 23 Armor (5 PD / 10 ED) (added to Primary Value) 30 Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 30 Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 4 GRAB ARMs and Hoses: Extra Limbs (5 Active Points); Limited Manipulation (-1/4) 55 water effect on fire: Change Environment 32" radius (-2 of any one mode of Movement, -4 PER Roll: Normal Hearing, -5 PER Roll: Sight Group, -5 to Characteristic Roll or Skill Roll, 2 Temperature Level Adjustment, Long-Lasting: 20 Minutes) (83 Active Points); Explosion (-1/4), Custom Modifier (-1/4) [Notes: Only where water hit - minus to perception is where the water hit the fire.] 8 32 Infrared Perception (Discriminatory, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Sense, Targeting Sense, Tracking) 32 Radar (Discriminatory, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Range, Sense) 24 High Range Radio Perception (Discriminatory, Range, Sense) 80 Growth (+40 STR, +8 BODY, +8 STUN, -8" KB, -4 DCV, +4 PER Rolls to perceive character, 11 m tall, 5 m wide, 2" reach), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (80 Active Points) (added to Secondary Value) 66 grab arms: Stretching 10" (Improved Noncombat Stretching (x4)), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (82 Active Points); Limited Body Parts (-1/4) 8 20 Robot: Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week, Longevity: 200 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) 27 waqter spray: Telekinesis (25 STR), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Does BODY (+1) (103 Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (-1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 27 waqter spray: Telekinesis (25 STR), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Does BODY (+1) (103 Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (-1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 27 waqter spray: Telekinesis (25 STR), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Does BODY (+1) (103 Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (-1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 27 waqter spray: Telekinesis (25 STR), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Does BODY (+1) (103 Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (-1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 3 PS - fire fighter (INT-based) 11- 2 AK: senatoral area 11- 2 KS: buildings 11- 3 Systems Operation 11- 2 Navigation (Air) 11- 3 CuK: senator, family and staff (INT-based) 11- 3 Ambidexterity (Reduce Off Hand Penalty to -2) 518 : Powers Cost 18 + Skills Cost 112 + Characteristics Cost 648 = Total Cost Base OCV: 3 Base DCV: 3 Adjustment+ Adjustment+ Final OCV: Final DCV: Levels: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Maneuvers Name Phase OCV DCV Effect Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, Abort Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod. Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm Dodge 1/2 --- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4DC to attack Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5 Move Through 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3 Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged attacks only Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128 RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEX: 10 SPD: 12 ECV: 3 Phases: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 7 PD (5 rPD) 12 ED (10 rED) MD: 0 END: 20 STUN: 20/28 BODY: 10/18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roll Location STUNx NSTUN BODYx To Hit 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 6 Hands x1 x1/2 x1/2 -6 7-8 Arms x2 x1/2 x1/2 -5 9 Shoulders x3 x1 x1 -5 10-11 Chest x3 x1 x1 -3 12 Stomach x4 x1.5 x1 -7 13 Vitals x4 x1.5 x2 -8 14 Thighs x2 x1 x1 -4 15-16 Legs x2 x1/2 x1/2 -6 17-18 Feet x1 x1/2 x1/2 -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Height: 6' 6" Hair: Brown Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Brown Appearance: Background:
  12. Re: Post Apocalyptic Hero Diesels where original made to run on peanut oil - yes peanut oil. a gent I think from OU invented it in 1900 or abouts. this is no secret as bio fuels are being used today (the problem of using animal fat is it freezes and rot in heat.) gas is used because it is far cheaper and easier to store (no need to heat the tanks most of the world) note in col. and northern New Mexico ther is over a trillion barrel in know fields a well there will pump 30 barrels a day and in Araba 1200 barrels (same cost) Lord Ghee
  13. Re: Adventuring Archetypes demi god demi god's friend warrior maid Noble savage innoble savage ships captain sailior king of thieves prince of thieves petty thief begger jinn soldier spy spirt guide (animial ghost, divine ect -think jason of the agro healer - ect
  14. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks Hello everyone, Friday we played. Unfortunately most of the Players showed up late and so we only got to play a half session. Piranha as GM had to remind the Jedi that they where on Coruscant for the great council. So the Jedi had to stay a couple of days so Tribune left in immediate pursuit. Chapter two title: Pirates of the space Mines. The opening scene : in the Jedi temple’s great hall. The Padawans Sabrina and Gerald (Roberts character) are walking to meet their masters as the great meeting has broken up. Yoda glides up and address the Padawans. Praises the rescues and questions about Sabrina’s light saber lost. After the exchange Yoda gives Sabrina a test of skill to determine if she is able to go on missions. Yoda: In danger you are (to Sabrina) Yoda: Run you must (to Gerald) Robert to GM: run I do Sabrina is then attacked by 6 Jedi training spheres. (GM note: Robert and Sabrina are new to Hero and I felt that it would be a good thing to get them and others get use to my style and their Jedi before their lives are on the line.) Sabrina pulls her blaster after her Light sabre fails (it worked just a minute ago really!) to activate. (yep she had one {yoda’s quote to El Tripon- young she is: dumb she’s not) GM surprised.) fights the spheres a bit then decides to run (to change the environment ect.) ends up finding Blackjack and Robert. Who together defeat the spheres. Quote : Sabrina to the clean up Droids “ Bill Yoda it was his training Session.” The Jedi Knight Blackjack and Padawans, Sabrina and Gerald, prompted by Sabrina inquire on Jedi stuff and outfit themselves with –breathers, skin armour, enviro cloaks and more. Master El Tripon joins them and the four leave to rescue the Senator. With Dangerous Dan as their pilot who uses his hyper space navigation and hyper space speed enhancer (lets mess with the plot, dratted mega skill {to cool}) to arrive in system almost on top of the Pirates who just intercepted the Tribune’s ship. Being Jedi their plan is one of getting captured with the bonus of the fact that Blackjack and Gerald disguise themselves figuring that the pirates would not expect a second Jedi pair. Into the pirate ship (a gaint converted mining ship) they go and are off loaded to the brig with Jedi Master El Tripon and Padawan Sabrina taken to the tractor beam warehouse where they are imprisoned floating in the air. Splash page everyone in their proper prison. Everyone had a good time. Next run Friday the June the 30th. Will be posting the Fire Driod and the Padawans. May the Force be with you . Lord Ghee.
  15. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks Thats is Great Post Michele duh!
  16. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks From the "yummy licious dude's" (thanks, Sabrina) viewpoint: (GM note :Report from Tribune) I was in my suite acclimating to Corruscant's (sp?) inexorable gravity well when I noticed a large robot controlled vehicle of some sort careening through traffic toward my building. It slammed into the side of the tower, shattering windows and starting a large fire on the exterior of the building. Grabbing my laser pistol I headed for the door with my (almost) trusty protocal robot and found the blast doors closed, effectively locking me in the room. The air in the apartment was rapidly venting out into the atmosphere, dangerously low on oxygen at this altitude, so I activated my personal life support module and tried overriding the computer lock on the blast doors. I discovered that the security settings had been tampered with to show my apartment as vacant, adding to my suspicion that this had been no accident. A robot fire vehicle approached and a couple of rescue droids flew in the window. The rescue droids proceeded to grab the two of us and carry us out the broken window. I was concerned but the situation within the apartment was degrading rapidly so I decided going with them was the better strategy. Just as I was carried out the window, a small transport flew in and depositied four persons I soon learned were of the Jedi Order. Upon their arrival they were attacked by the robot fire vehicle, a woman being deliberately struck with a jet of water that sent her flying out the window. A mysterious force, or I should say Force, halted her descent and she managed to regain the window. My view of what was happening within the room was obscured by the bulk of the fire vehicle, but it was clear that is was engaged in some sort of battle with the Jedi, a second of whom was eventually swept out the window to fall out of my sight. The small craft that they had arrived in first tried to disable the fire droid by landing on it, then followed the falling Jedi. I later learned that he successfully caught up with the man. I fired a few shots at the fire droid but was not able to breach its defenses. I ordered the rescue droid to remain in the area and it refused the command. I used a Council security override code and it still refused my command, confirming my belief that this "accident" was to cover an attack against Council members and their families. Eventually I was carried out of sight of the conflict. My protocol robot and I were carried to a building where robots are maintained and repaired. When we reached a safe place to land I destroyed the rescue bots that had kidnapped us and proceeded on my own into the building. I found a room with (four?) men who appeared to be relaxing and asked them who they were. They at first mistook me for Senator Treyor, then told me that the Senator had been kidnapped as well. I asked to what end had these kidnappings been effected, and they responded that they wished to influence the Senator in his trade negotiations with the mining colonies. While the assertion seemed absurd on its face, I was hardly in a position to disagree. After learning that I was not Senator Treyor -- they did not inquire further into my actual identity-- I was allowed to leave. I took a cab back to the residence and attempted to visit the Senator's apartments. When I could not gain access, I alerted security that the Senator might be in danger. The security robots would not investigate, so I tracked down the security chief and, after considerable assistance, convinced him to make a physical check. Although cameras and other electronic surveillance showed the Senator present, it was a robot in his stead. At this point I could do little other than comandeer a suite and investigate through the infocore. I spent several hours backtracking the identities of the men who'd accomplished this coup. They had gained access to building security by posing as maintenance workers. They had not been too concerned about concealing their identities as I was able to pull up security footage of their entry into the building and match it to my recollection of the men I saw at the repair facility. At that time I was visited by (Jeff's, Loren's and Robert's characters) and the pilot who had been on the scene of the fire. They'd been told of the Senator's disappearance and sent to investigate. I led them to the factory where we spent an interminable time wandering the halls and learned very little. The men were all recent hires, had all been hired about the same time, and none could be accounted for. Further investigation revealed that they had taken a fast transport bound for the mining colonies. I made arrangements for the use of a faster transport, which could not be secured until the morning. I bid the Jedi good night. In the morning I had a message from (Blackjacks character) that they had been detained for at least another day by business of the Jedi Council. I secured a second fast transport for their use and left them a message saying that I would meet them at the mining colonies. I departed immediately with my protocol droid and the cadre of guards assigned me by the Council. Michele Ellington visit my web page to see my art and other interests http://fantasyworks.roxr.com/ Get post Michele thanks
  17. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks here is some group e mails form Lord Ghee to group Subject: Game >Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 15:40:15 -0600 > >OK who was at the game? Did Chris play, I heard that Robert Played. So I >very gratful to blackjack for helping him with a charater. The same goes to >El Tripon for the help that he gave to Sabrina. >what happen!!!! >thanks Piranha for filling in and getting the game off to a start. >I will be able to game master Friday. >It seems the evil I have been doing to my Bosses vodoo doll is having an >effect. from Sabrina What happened was a big "lets pic on the padhwan's" well you know what I say, I say robert and I get a big box of toilet paper and tag Piranha house!!!!! PADWAN POWER!!!!! *high five to Robert* Lord Ghee - what You all are unhappy? sabrina reply no no not unhappiness. just padjuan power toilet papering manny's house. Basically we were headed to Yoda's shack when a garbage truck ran in front of us and crashed into a building. welp the fire broke out and so it was octpus jedi (aka Blackjack) and his padjuans to the rescue or so we thought. (El Tripon was late so I was on loan to jeff as the spare padjuan) it was about that time we realized our wookie was cooked cause the fire equiptment started attacking us and it knocked Robert off the 200 mile tall building. For a moment we all thought Robert could fly but fortunatley dan realized he was only falling with style so he used the ship to play catch the rookie (and he got a big fat ticket for that I might add) in the mean time I was busy impressing squid man and the fire hoses with my ability to duck and move for about a full phase when we finally got knocked out from the water. you could say we got hosed. when we woke up we found ourselfs in the dump and me missing my light sabre. so Blackjack and I headed over to yoda's and caught up with everyone where we discovered that the whole thing was faked so that they could kidnap a senator. so me and a blasted r2 unit spent the evening making a new sabre while everyone else got to go see the yummy lucious dude (aka senators son) and found the clues as to who did it..... and we left off with yoda wanting to delay us with a meeting and the Yummy senators son splitting from the party and taking off early so that he could persue the daddynappers. and that is why Piranha (as GM) is a goat raper and his house must be tp'ed Lord Ghee -Oh so it was a good time.
  18. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks STAR WARS EPOSIDE I.I THE GATHERING STORM BREAKS It is a dark time for the Galactic Republic, as the separatists movement gains momentum. The Senate is locked in debate and corruption flourishes. The Jedi have been dispatched to the far reaches of the Galaxy to act as the traditional peacemakers. Recently the Jedi have broken the Trade Federation’s blockade on Naboo. The victory seems fleeting as more conflicts are arising between the powers of the Republic. As the clouds of Civil War loom the Jedi council calls a general meeting .
  19. Hello everyone this thread is about our STAR WARS campaign here in El Paso Texas. The Main Game Master: Lord Ghee*. 1st Assistant Game Master: Piranha. Jedi Master: El Tripon*. Jedi: BlackJack*. Padiwan to Jedi Master: Sabrina. Padiwan to Jedi: Robert. R-20 D-40 Jedi repair droid: Kathon. Tribune: Michele. Protocol Droid of Tribune: Piranha. Pilot wandering by: Dangerous Dan*. * = poster on this glorious board (AND yes all I know is the Driods name ) Well the game got off to a great start I had wanted to do a Star Wars game for over a year but it took that long for our group to get a gap. Then after a month of planning my work interfered and I could not make the game. Luckily Piranha step in and ran the start. A great time had by all – I could tell by the laughter on the other end of the phone when I was able to call. So here there will be posts on what happen thoughts and what not. 150pts and light sabers are 2 d6 killing double penetrating. And now cue fanfare: curtain.
  20. Re: Feats Galore Hey I can not open thease file with zip central! Is there a place I can just copy them by cut and paste thanks lord ghee
  21. Re: Slow reload/flintlocks, muskets etc. We discussed this in this thread In the orther Genres forum.:http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42025 lot of work on muskets ect.
  22. Re: Ships of the Dark Ages and Medieval Period Try kirk douglis (sorry spell) and tony curitis in the vikings or was it the longships (became a tv seires) with a long ship taking on a very big cog (those troop should invest in some armour that works) Lord Ghee
  23. Re: Things I Have Learned Playing a Hard Boiled Detective If you can not slap a rube and take his gun you are not hard boiled enough. Lrod Ghee
  24. Re: Lordship Ranks We here in El Paso really like the books, (Treb, Mentor and me), the Wiki has some good articules. like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secessio about the use of session by the plebs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribune_of_the_people with the right of veto this one on imperium is good. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperium
  25. Re: The things I learned playing a gunbunny A radio and a fire base is a Glorious thing. Lord Ghee
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