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Everything posted by LoneWolf

  1. Summons is probably not the right game mechanic for this. I would use either multiform or shapeshift to accomplish this. If the form is just changing configuration, then shapeshift may be all you need. Otherwise, I would go with multiform. To keep it simple I would use the vehicle rules and not worry about the base. A sufficiently large vehicle without movement is in effect a base. This would greatly simplify purchasing the power. If you do use summon any vehicle or base is going to be more than a +1/4 advantage.
  2. Giving any high ranking retired military officer well connected seem appropriate.
  3. AP limits may be house rules, but they are probably the single most common house rule. It might deserve a term of its own. Maybe county rule?
  4. Military rank especially high rank gives you a lot of things. For one it gives you the right to give orders to those under your command and to some extent to those of lesser rank. It also allows you access to restricted areas like military installations. You also get some security clearances. In the game it is a bundle of different perks grouped together for sake of convenience and to give you a break in the price. When you retire many of those are lost or at least severely reduced. You can no longer give orders, and some of your clearances and access are reduced. The way I would probably handle it is have a perk retired military costing 1 point. This gets you basic access to military installations and services like medical care. Any security clearance the character retains would be purchased normally. A retired sergeant will probably not have much if any security clearance, but a retired general might still have fairly good security clearance.
  5. With that level of concentration there is not much else he can do. The only thing he can use when in the trance are things that will happen without his doing anything. Lockout is not really limiting him unless it affects things that would be able to be started. Regeneration is the way I would do it. With healing you are limited in how much you can heal. Keep it simple. I can see counts as sleep as being a +1/4 advantage. With it only healing 1 body per hour that means if it did not count as sleep there is a good chance of him being exhausted after healing form a serious injury.
  6. In games I run 0 END, 1/2 END all still count. Being able to keep fighting when you have no END left is an advantage so why would you not count it?
  7. You might want to post this in the Company Question form.
  8. A chariot is the only proper choice for a hero based on Cú Chulainn. The chariot will give him a more ancient vibe which seems to fit what you are going for. Láeg was a hero in his own right so having his charioteer with him is fitting.
  9. Simon just out of curiosity was this changed somewhere? If so, do you know where it was changed? The section uncleavland posted matches exactly what is in my copy of the rules.
  10. The rules seem pretty clear to me that you cannot link a framework to another power. This seems to be a new restriction in 6th edition which is why it was probably overlooked. Unless this was changed it may be something Simon needs to fix. I suspect it may be due to removing elemental controls as frameworks in 6th edition.
  11. You can link a slot of a framework to a power outside the framework, but you cannot link the actual framework to a power outside the framework. It specifically states that on page 401 of the 6th edition volume 1. The text you highlighted and the part just before it is copied word for word from the rule book.
  12. You cannot link a framework (or more than one slot in a framework) to a power outside the framework, nor can you link a power in one framework to another framework, or to another framework. Frameworks are not really powers they are constructs you use to purchase power. Looking over the framework section of 6th edition I don’t see the word active cost used in describing the frameworks themselves. The use terms like base cost, control cost, pool cost or cost of the slot. The only time I see active cost actually used is to state that a power cannot have an active cost higher than the base (or control cost for a VPP). They probably show up in Hero designer that way because it is easier to program and to understand. The best ways to deal with the active cost limitation of a framework is to apply them to the slots of the framework, not the framework itself. That also means you get no limitation on the cost of the framework, or the slots of a framework based on campaign active cost limits.
  13. To me it makes more sense to limit the control cost rather than the pool cost. The Control cost determines how high the active cost of the power in the pool can be. Allowing the control cost to be higher than the campaign limit would allow breaking of the limit. Putting a limit on the control cost does not make since in this case. Do you count the cost of the slots in a multipower when determining if it is over the campaign limit? If you are going to limit one framework with a campaign limit you should limit all frameworks as a matter of fairness. If that is the case the classic 3 power multipower with blast, flight and force field in a campaign limited to 60 active points would mean you can only put in 36 points into the power. 39 points for the multipower itself and 3 variable slots at 7 active points each works out to 60 points. That would give you a 8d6 blast, a 12 DEF force field, and a 37 “ flight. Seems like that is going to really limit certain character concepts to the point where they become unplayable. Throwing In barrier to the multipower listed above would be a basic green lantern concept. But that would require reducing the blast to 6d6 the force field to 10 DEF and the flight to 30” to afford a barrier of 6 PD 6 ED 1 Body with a length of 8”, height of 2”. Does that seem reasonable for a character in a campaign with a 60 point active cost limitation?
  14. For the most part when you wake from a natural sleep you should be at full END and STUN. A normal person has a 4 recovery. If you did not wake up with full END and STUN that means a normal person that is woken up by a fire alarm will knock themselves out trying to escape the building. If the character has certain physical complications, that may change things. If the campaign is using LTE and the character has not recovered all of it when they are woken up, they will still be affected by that.
  15. Trigger lets you setup a power that activates under specific circumstances. One of the things it is useful for is setting up a trap. Like anything in the Hero System, it can be used for a lot of different things. By purchasing it with an automatic reset it is possible to set up a kind of double attack. Since it is an advantage and an automatic reset increases the value of the advantage it can get expensive. Most of the time when it is used like this is to setup something that is not normally allowed. For example you could purchase an attack that is triggered when you successfully block. A linked power is where you have one power that can only be used when the other is used. Normally you link the lesser power to the greater, but at the GMS option you can link the greater power to a lesser power. The linked power can only be used when the power it is linked to is used. Linked is a limitation so it actually reduces the cost of the linked power. A triggered attack is a separate attack and will often require its own attack roll. For example if you have a counter strike that is bought as a HKA triggered by a block. You have to first make the block, and if you do you can roll to hit with the HKA. You could successfully block the attack, but miss the roll to hit on the HKA. This still only takes a ½ phase as the triggered attack does not require an action. A linked attack uses one attack roll. If you hit with the first attack the target is automatically hit with the linked attack. In some cases the you may need to penetrate the targets defense or the linked attack does For example if you have a drain defined as a poison linked to a HKA defined as a knife you need to actually cut the target for them to be poisoned. In some cases the linked is going to be the better way to go. If your chance of hitting is low your chance of affecting the target with the triggered attack is more difficult. You may need to hit both times for both effects to happen. Like anything in the Hero System the special effect of the powers is going to affect how it operates.
  16. The best way to control SPD is to let the players know that if they go to high with their SPD, you will adjust the SPD of all their opponents. Let them know that you want to keep things reasonable, and their opponents will not have really high SPD. Be up front with this and let every player know where you stand. If they insist on buying their SPD higher than you want it simply to increase the SPD of every one of your NPC’s including the normals. When Aunt May has a 5 SPD instead of 1 that 12 SPD is not as impressive. In campaigns I run having over a 4 SPD needs some kind of justification. Many martial artists end up with a 5 SP, a 6 SPD or higher SPD is a speedster. I usually drop the SPD of any published character by 2 points. We had one character who wanted to buy up his SPD to beyond what his concept fit. When he was told that if he did that the SPD of every creature in the universe would go up, he quickly changed his mind. He was a player that was used to playing with published material so did not realize that his SPD was actually fairly high for the campaign. Having active cost limits on power including STR and counting reduced END as part of that will also prevent people from abusing SPD. So the character that puts O END on all his attacks end up doing less damage. The character that puts 0 END on his 15 STR and buys a 3d6 HTH attack is doing 3d6 less damage then the other players. His DEF, movement and all other powers are also similarly reduced. Don’t forget that movement and a lot of defense also cost END. One of the best ways to deal with a high SPD character is to have some of his opponents save phase. This prevents the high SPD character from taking a recovery. I took out a speedster once by saving phase until he was jumping over something and put a continuing area of effect attack in the hex he was going to land in. He had already acted in that phase so could not abort to a dive for cover.
  17. Beam was probably a not the ideal choice for the name. What beam really is intended to simulate is something like a gun or similar weapon. I am not sure what a better name would be so I really cannot blame them for using beam. If I have a flame thrower, I can widen the stream or even use a sweeping motion to explain what his happening when I spread it. I can also adjust the flow on fuel, so it does less damage. When I damage something the flame mushrooms out and affects a large area therefore opening a “large” hole. Beam is probably not an appropriate limitation on a flamethrower. What possible explanation do I have for a bullet doing these things? Without firing more bullets there is no way to spread the attack. Firing more bullets is the advantage auto fire. When you fire a bullet, you cannot make the bullet go slower to do less damage? Bullets do their damage by concentrating the kinetic force in a relatively small area. The Body of an item is how much damage it can take before it is broken, not how much damage it takes to destroy it. To destroy and item you need to do twice the listed body. Destroying an item is the equivalent of killing a creature. In both cases the target is killed/destroyed when it reaches negative of its positive body. When a large caliber gun blows something apart that is because it did enough body to destroy the object, not because it broke the object.
  18. Small is a relative term. Keep in mind that an attack without the beam limitation exceeds the DEF and Body of a barrier it creates a 2m wide by 2m high by 2m deep hole in the barrier. Basically, it creates a hole large enough for a normal sized person to walk through. An attack with the beam limitation could create a hole in the barrier that was several inches wide, maybe even a foot wide and still be considered “small”. The beam limitation was created to simulate a specific type of attack. It is not and never has been just about not being able to be spread. That Limitation would be a -0 limitation.
  19. The beam limitation in both 5th and 6th edition has 3 parts. The first part states it cannot be spread, the second part states must be used at full power, and the last is that it explicitly states that it only creates a small hole in the character or object. Most people only pay attention to the first part, but if your attack can do the second or third thing, it does not qualify for the beam limitation When you take a limitation on a power it is affected by all things the limitation covers. If it is able to ignore any aspect of what is listed on the limitation you cannot take it but may be able to create a similar limitation for a lesser amount. Considering Beam is a -1/4 limitation that means an attack that cannot be spread but can be used at less than full power, and or creates more than a small hole gets a -0 limitation If you took beam on all your ranged attacks you may want to reconsider it. Having it on all your ranged attacks is actually quite limiting. Not being able to reduce the damage when shooting at a target without a lot of defenses is going to make it difficult to take down a target without severely injuring or killing them. Using a 12d blast on normal with only 2 DEF is going to put them in the hospital on the first shot and may cripple them. If you are using the disabling and impairing rules you have a very good chance of causing a permanent injury. You are also going to be unable to bring down a barrier or blast open a door.
  20. Can the character cast the spell on others? If not don’t worry about the SPD just build the spell to do what you want based on the character purchasing the spell. Unless you build the spell with the UoO advantage it is only going to affect the person casting the spell. If the spell only affects the caster you don’t even need to worry about other people who have the same spell. Nothing in the rules state you have to have exactly the same game mechanics for each character. You could have two characters with the same spell but each of them pays a different cost based on the character. It’s when you want to be able to cast it on others that it gets tricky.
  21. Might be cheaper and easier to simply buy enough movement for a 2 SPD and put a limitation on the movement only up to 66MPH. Gaining a high SPD if your character was not built for it can create problem with other aspects of the character. For one thing your END usage probably goes through the roof. If you want to get more precise purchase the movement as a partially limited power. So, you would end up with +x movement, then +x movement only for if you have y SPD, then some extra movement if you have y-1 SPD, then some extra movement if you have y-2 SPD and so on. This may actually be slightly easier in play because you would know how much movement each SPD would have. The other thing to consider is that you can only change SPD when both SPD have an action. This often means that you cannot change SPD in combat, or it gets delayed.
  22. Do they still take damage or other effects of their wounds? What happens when they get their heads cut off or suffer other normally lethal wounds? If all you are looking for is the is to make them harder to kill some extra defenses only to prevent death works. Take invisible power effects and to make it look like they actually took the damage. An extra 12 points of resistant defense should probably work. Remember this is on top of their normal DEF. 24pts Hard to Kill: +12 DEF resistant defense, Hardened, Impenetrable, fully invisible, only to prevent death
  23. How long the target remains under mind control is determined by the breakout roll as Lord Liaden states. But that only covers how long you remain mind controlled. Some commands by their nature may involve shorter time. If you give the target a command that can be completed before the mind control is broken they are no longer bound by the mind control. How you phrase your command is very important. A lot of it is going to depend on the GM. In the example you give you have Stop or Don’t Move. Those could easily be considered very different commands. Stop could simply mean you stop moving, once you have come to a stop you can move after that. That is basically what happens when you come to a stop sign. You come to a complete stop and after that you move through the intersection. Don’t Move on the other hand is move likely to keep the target from moving. It can be interpreted as an ongoing command instead of a onetime command. If you have the +1/4 advantage telepathic it should make this a little easier. Since telepathic is not dependent on language it should allow you to communicate what you want the target to do.
  24. Prior to 6th edition we did the same thing. Barrier gives you a lot more options and allows for things that were impractical or ineffective under the old rules.
  25. Look at it this way under the older editions it took a lot of advantages to get forcewall to act as barrier does now. Forcewall in the older editions was one of the least used powers, because it was so expensive. If you wanted something to last for any time it usually ended up being so weak that anyone could bring it down. If you wanted a persistent force wall and had a 60pt cap on active cost, you got 4 PD 4 ED wall with a length of 6 and a height of 1. Under 6th edition that same 60 points gets you a 10 PD 10 ED barrier with a length of 13 and a height of 4 with 12 BODY. Since 6th edition uses a different scale, it would be the equivalent of a 7” long 2” high for comparative purpose. In all honesty I never saw very many people in the older editions using forcewall because of this reason. To build a wall that could stop anything stronger than Aunt May was expensive.
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