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    LoneWolf got a reaction from Grailknight in Mind Control limitation question   
    That is not always the case.  What you have to do is to look at how limiting the restriction is and what you can do with it.   There are multiple ways you can get a person to do what you want them to.  If someone is enraged or berserk, I can use other commands besides clam down to prevent them from attacking.  I could simply order them not to attack and if I get a high enough roll, they don’t attack despite being berserk.  If I can achieve the result, I want without using that command the restriction of not being able to use that command is less restrictive and therefore is worth less. 
    Often only being able to do, or not being able to something is more restrictive than opposite. Take the situation where there are a hundred cars and 1 of them is pink.  Not being able to attack the pink car means I still have 99 targets to choose from.  If I can only attack the pink car I have only a single target I can attack.  Not being able to attack the pink car hardly limits me at all and should be worth little to no limitation.  Only being able to attack pink cars on the other hand incredibly restrictive and should be result in a much higher limitation.  
    The command calm down might not even prevent the character from attacking his target even if it achieves EGO +30.  If the enraged character would normally attack the target removing the enraged or berserk, they can still do so.  In fact, in some cases, it may even work against the target.   When a character is enraged or berserk, they do not always choose the best attack option.     
  2. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from migo2154 in Making shadow clone power   
    This seems more like a suite of powers instead of a single power. I would probably start with images as the base power and link abilities to the image powers. Teleport will allow you to swap places with the shadows. Stretching with the advantages Does Not Cross Intervening Space and Invisible power effects will allow you to attack through the shadows.  Using Indirect works too, but you may need to buy ranged on some powers.  This will increase the active cost of all your powers which could be a problem is you have any active point campaign limitations.
    You would not be able to attack more times than you can without using the shadows except if you used the multiple attack maneuver.  In all honesty this is probably better for the game.  Allowing a character to attack more often than their SPD allows with no drawbacks is a bad idea.   
  3. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Doc Democracy in Making shadow clone power   
    This seems more like a suite of powers instead of a single power. I would probably start with images as the base power and link abilities to the image powers. Teleport will allow you to swap places with the shadows. Stretching with the advantages Does Not Cross Intervening Space and Invisible power effects will allow you to attack through the shadows.  Using Indirect works too, but you may need to buy ranged on some powers.  This will increase the active cost of all your powers which could be a problem is you have any active point campaign limitations.
    You would not be able to attack more times than you can without using the shadows except if you used the multiple attack maneuver.  In all honesty this is probably better for the game.  Allowing a character to attack more often than their SPD allows with no drawbacks is a bad idea.   
  4. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Pattern Ghost in Mind Control limitation question   
    When you go against a psychological complication the strength of the complication is used to determine the level of mind control needed.  I would suggest that an enraged or berserk look at the recovery to determine the level of control needed.  The recovery chance is based on how easy it is for the character to overcome his rage.   A recovery of 14 or less might be an EGO +10, an 11 or less an EGO +20 and a 8 or less would be a EGO +30.   Straight EGO I feel is inappropriate because the character does have to excerpt some effort to calm down.  
  5. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Grailknight in Mind Control limitation question   
    When you go against a psychological complication the strength of the complication is used to determine the level of mind control needed.  I would suggest that an enraged or berserk look at the recovery to determine the level of control needed.  The recovery chance is based on how easy it is for the character to overcome his rage.   A recovery of 14 or less might be an EGO +10, an 11 or less an EGO +20 and a 8 or less would be a EGO +30.   Straight EGO I feel is inappropriate because the character does have to excerpt some effort to calm down.  
  6. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Hugh Neilson in Everyman is a World-Class Sprinter   
    The normal human maximum is the point that above this the character is getting into the superhuman range.  Characters with a high SPD that are supposed to be normal humans should consider buying down their movement unless they are supposed to be world class athletes. Part of the problem is that the SPD’s of most published characters are too high.  This is probably because the earlier editions of the game most of the opponents were written like that and it carried over into the later editions.  What people don’t seem to realize is that SPD is a relative stat.  
    If you lower the SPD of all characters equally the end result is pretty much the same.   In fact, it often ends up better for the PC’s because it reduces a lot of problems like END usage and other long-term issues. Don’t forget that almost all actions cost at least 1 END including firing a gun or using a defensive action like dodge or block.  Movement also costs END, so a character needs 2 x their SPD in REC or they start losing END quickly.  If the character is using powers that require more END than 1 it is even worse.     
  7. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Accidental Change with Time Limit   
    The 5 points for doubling is part of the multiform power, this is not the +5 point to get double number of objects.  This is the same thing as increasing the non-combat multiplier on a movement power or increased mass on teleport.   This means it is actually affected by advantages and limitations. 
    My point total is accurate for the multiform. 
  8. Like
    LoneWolf reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Armor Piercing vs Penetrating   
    I am not sure.  Its possible that hardened had become the catch-all bonus defense and it was covering too much ground? They split out several things from what hard defenses used to do in 6th edition, adding to the list and expense of making a character more invulnerable.
    But what it did is make penetration much more useful as an advantage because seriously, who takes impenetrable?
  9. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Grailknight in What should be DROPPED from HERO?   
    When you buy damage negation you buy it for physical damage, energy damage or mental damage.  If you bought it for physical, it does not affect the other two unless you also bought it for that.  That applies no matter what the advantage or limitation on the power is.  Damage negation only affects AVLD and NND attacks with appropriate special effects.  So, if your NND is a nerve strike damage negation physical would apply, if it is a microwave gun that heats up the target form the inside damage negation energy applies.  If the special effect is not physical, energy or mental damage negation does not apply.  So, the NND that has a disease as its special effect is not affected by any damage negation.  For many attacks the type of attack is going to be obvious, but if not, it is up to the GM to decide which if any category the attack fits in.
    The other thing to keep in mind is that while it affects AVLD and NND it does not stop them completely.  Someone with 4 DCs of damage negation being hit by a 6d6 NND still takes 4d6 damage.   With an NND you can often buy the defense for a couple of points.  The defense of an NND of being immune to heat only cost 2 points.  That 2 points will protect you from any amount of damage.  Why is it ok to ignore someone’s 60-point power for 2 points, but to paying 20 points for 4 DCs of damage negation reducing the damage by 2d6 is not?    
  10. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Cloppy Clip in Changing VPP and Using Power in One Go   
    I would still require prewritten power instead of using the template @unclevlad presented.  The reason to do that is that not everyone has all the modifiers memorized.  The thing that slows down the game is having to look things up.  Very few people are able to write up a power in their head and get everything right.  To prevent seeming favoritism it is easier and fairer to simply say all powers need to be prewritten.  
    In addition to having to look things up this also eliminates questionable powers or abusive powers that are legal.  The only way to ensure that there is no distracting discussion on powers during combat is to have all powers defined before the combat starts.  This would also mean any NND’s have to be defined before combat to prevent discussions on whether the defense is appropriate or how much of a limitation it is.  
    Keep in mind that the problems affect both the player and the GM.  If the GM is not capable of checking the power in his head including the math that will slow the game down just as much as the player looking it up.  One of the main responsibilities of the GM is to ensure that the characters are appropriate for the game he is running.  Having a player able to create things on the fly makes this incredibly difficult.  
    This is one time where the GM should give the players little or no slack.  Changing the special effect of a power that does not alter the game mechanics is fine.  Changing an attack from physical to energy should also be fine.  Changing the defense for an NND from immune to heat to mental defense is not.   About as far as I would allow would be change the defense of an NND from immune to fire to immune to cold, immune to fire to longevity would not be acceptable.   
  11. Like
    LoneWolf reacted to Simon in Multiple instances of Unified Power   
    Apart from GM restrictions, the rules allow for multiple instances of Unified Power (multiple sets of Powers, minimum of 2 in each set).
  12. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Gauntlet in Multiple instances of Unified Power   
    Is there any reason a character cannot have two or more separate sets of powers with taking the unified power limitation?  Each set would only be affected by drains targeting powers in their own set.  For example, a character with both fire and ice powers is hit with a drain that affects one of his fire powers so drains all the fire powers, but none of the ice powers.      
  13. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Steven Wayde in Perceivability of Defense Powers   
    The perceivable is basically the noisy limitation from the older editions.   What it really means is that it draws attention to the person with the power.  Under those rules someone who saw a spell caster casting an obvious spell would be able to “see” the spell being cast.  A spell with the noisy limitation meant that any wizard had a chance of noticing the spell even if they were not looking where the spell caster was.  
    I would not focus on the fact that specific powers from characters have the limitation.  In the Hero System each power is unique and does not have to operate the way a similar power.  One characters body of stone could be smooth and difficult to tell from normal flesh at a distance.  Think of a carved marble statue.   Another character's body of stone could be individual rocks like the Thing from the Fantastic Four.   The first character could sound fairly normal when they move, the second could sound like chalk on a blackboard when the plates rub against each other.   The first character would have the -0 limitation where the second would be justified in taking the -1/4.  Both have the same power and similar special effect.    
  14. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Perceivability of Defense Powers   
    The perceivable is basically the noisy limitation from the older editions.   What it really means is that it draws attention to the person with the power.  Under those rules someone who saw a spell caster casting an obvious spell would be able to “see” the spell being cast.  A spell with the noisy limitation meant that any wizard had a chance of noticing the spell even if they were not looking where the spell caster was.  
    I would not focus on the fact that specific powers from characters have the limitation.  In the Hero System each power is unique and does not have to operate the way a similar power.  One characters body of stone could be smooth and difficult to tell from normal flesh at a distance.  Think of a carved marble statue.   Another character's body of stone could be individual rocks like the Thing from the Fantastic Four.   The first character could sound fairly normal when they move, the second could sound like chalk on a blackboard when the plates rub against each other.   The first character would have the -0 limitation where the second would be justified in taking the -1/4.  Both have the same power and similar special effect.    
  15. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Changing VPP and Using Power in One Go   
    The way to do this according to the rules would be to buy a cosmic VPP (No skill roll, can be changes as a 0 phase) and take the requires skill roll as a limitation.  That would mean you can change the pool at will, but to cast the spell you need to make the skill roll.  
    If you are the GM, you could simply hose rule it that the roll is to cast the spell instead of changing it.  If I were doing this in my campaign, I would probably use the this.  I would still have the character pay for changing the pool as a 0-phase action.   To me having to make the roll to cast is more limiting than for changing it.    The standard way you only need to make the roll once if you are going to cast it multiple times, the other way you have to make the roll each time you cast the spell.  
  16. Thanks
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Cloppy Clip in Changing VPP and Using Power in One Go   
    The way to do this according to the rules would be to buy a cosmic VPP (No skill roll, can be changes as a 0 phase) and take the requires skill roll as a limitation.  That would mean you can change the pool at will, but to cast the spell you need to make the skill roll.  
    If you are the GM, you could simply hose rule it that the roll is to cast the spell instead of changing it.  If I were doing this in my campaign, I would probably use the this.  I would still have the character pay for changing the pool as a 0-phase action.   To me having to make the roll to cast is more limiting than for changing it.    The standard way you only need to make the roll once if you are going to cast it multiple times, the other way you have to make the roll each time you cast the spell.  
  17. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Ndreare in Changing VPP and Using Power in One Go   
    The way to do this according to the rules would be to buy a cosmic VPP (No skill roll, can be changes as a 0 phase) and take the requires skill roll as a limitation.  That would mean you can change the pool at will, but to cast the spell you need to make the skill roll.  
    If you are the GM, you could simply hose rule it that the roll is to cast the spell instead of changing it.  If I were doing this in my campaign, I would probably use the this.  I would still have the character pay for changing the pool as a 0-phase action.   To me having to make the roll to cast is more limiting than for changing it.    The standard way you only need to make the roll once if you are going to cast it multiple times, the other way you have to make the roll each time you cast the spell.  
  18. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from wcw43921 in WWYCD: Flash Mobs Ransack City Stores!   
    My character Devil Advocate that has a 50 PRE would destroy some large object and deliver a good soliloquy and hit them with about a 12+ dice PRE attack.  After that use his persuasion to get them to line up neatly for when the officers arrive on the scene from processing.  It’s been a while since I played the character, but I think I had a couple of skill levels that I can use for persuasion.  That should give me an 11 or less after taking the -10 penalty for extraordinary skill use.  
  19. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in 5th Edition vs 6th Edition   
    Most of the pathfinder books have new classes, spell, feats and other significant things.  Pathfinder is a class based system with defined spell lists so none of that should be considered fluff.  It’s not like in the Hero System where you can easily build your own spells or abilities.  You are limited to picking from prewritten options.   In the Hero System all the information you need is in the main rule book(s).  I can create a Fantasy Hero character with spells without needing more than a single book.  In Pathfinder unless the GM is restricting you to core only, you typically need multiple books to create a character.  You class could be in one book, and your spells and feats scattered through half a dozen other books.  
  20. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Ndreare in 5th Edition vs 6th Edition   
    Most of the pathfinder books have new classes, spell, feats and other significant things.  Pathfinder is a class based system with defined spell lists so none of that should be considered fluff.  It’s not like in the Hero System where you can easily build your own spells or abilities.  You are limited to picking from prewritten options.   In the Hero System all the information you need is in the main rule book(s).  I can create a Fantasy Hero character with spells without needing more than a single book.  In Pathfinder unless the GM is restricting you to core only, you typically need multiple books to create a character.  You class could be in one book, and your spells and feats scattered through half a dozen other books.  
  21. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Pattern Ghost in The necessity of complications/disadvantages   
    There is  long history of characters having a single dehabilitating weakness.  Bram Stokers Dracula had multiple weakness including being destroyed by sunlight.  Werewolves being harmed by silver and the fey being harmed by iron also predate the appearance of superman.  Then there is the most famous disadvantage in history.  The term Achilles Heel comes from the Greek mythology that is thousands of years old.  Giving superman credit for the idea a character having a weakness is ignoring a long history of other characters having weaknesses.  
    Even in gaming there are numerous examples of this.   When AD&D first came out Magic Users could not use armor and clerics were limited to specific weapons.  Champions might have been the first that gave players the choice of what their weakness was but is not the first to build weaknesses into characters.  
  22. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Doc Democracy in 5th Edition vs 6th Edition   
    It is more complicated than that because you have two variables that affect the stun.  First you have to roll high enough BODY for the stun multiple to matter.  There is a 56% chance of rolling at least 14 BODY on 4d6.  After that you have a 1 in 3 chance of rolling a 3 on the stun multiple.  That means you have a have a 19% chance of matching the stun from a normal attack.   The law of averages is going to mean that the normal attack is far more consistent in how much stun is rolled.      
  23. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in 5th Edition vs 6th Edition   
    That may be true but when I stack up my Pathfinder books compared to the Hero System books the Pathfinder stacks is a lot higher.   I have 15 1st edition Pathfinder books and that does not include all the splat books that I just bought the data packages for Hero Labs.   Pathfinder definitely has more reading but is broken up into easier to manage packages.  
  24. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Grailknight in Armor Piercing vs Penetrating   
    I would say that penetrating being more expensive and having its own defense makes it worth the extra cost.  It’s kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  
    Making hardened the defense against both actually makes penetrating worth less and almost worthless.  It also weakens armor piercing at the same time.  When it protects against both it becomes too effective and means that any player with at least moderate system mastery will probably end up hardening their defenses, which means if you want an armor piercing attack you are going to need to take it twice. 
  25. Like
    LoneWolf got a reaction from Grailknight in Armor Piercing vs Penetrating   
    The real value of penetrating is on killing attacks.  If we take Hugh’s attacks and defenses against a killing attack and resistant defenses against a similar killing attack we get different results.  For defenses 10 resistant defense costs about the same as 15 PD, 16 is about 25 and 22 works out to be about the same as 35.   For the killing attack the normal will be a 4d6, the AP a 3d6+1 and the PEN will be a 2 1/2d6.   VS the normal attack does 4 points to the DEF 10, and no damage to the 16 DEF or 22 DEF.  The AP does 7 points to the 10 DEF,   4 points vs the 16 DEF and 1 point to the 22 DEF.  The penetrating attack will do 2 points of damage vs any DEF.  
     If we look at a low powered attack against the same DEF the PEN is the story is different.  At 30 points the normal attack becomes a 2d6, the AP becomes a 1 ½ d6 and the penetrating is 1d6+1.   The normal attack and the AP attack will on the average fail to get any BODY through.   The normal attack has a 5% chance of getting damage through the DEF 10 and no chance on the other two DEF.  The AP attack will get at least 1 BODY through as long as it rolls above average and about a 3% chance to get BODY through the DEF 16, and cannot harm the 22 DEF.   The PEN attack will usually get 1 BODY through on any attack.  This type of attack is perfect for delivering other attacks.  For example, a 1d6+1 penetrating killing attack could be used to deliver a poison to its target.   
    Penetrating is a complicated advantage.  It is actually more effective at lower level and under specific circumstances.  In those cases it can become very effective, but outside of that it is not as efficient as other attacks.   Because it is not as efficient as AP under most circumstances impenetrable is probably going to be less common than hardened.   In a strange way the higher cost becomes justification for the higher cost.  If it was cheaper it would become more common which would mean the defense would be more common and its value would be less.  
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