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Everything posted by Grimble

  1. Re: The Benchwarmers: Semi-super heroes The Wanderer: He has all the Safe Evironments and Self Contained Breathing and a bunch of useful Survival skills. Also, No Need to Sleep. He wanders the earth. Makes his living taking pictures of some pretty exotic places and sells them to National Geographic. He also writes travel books. Grimble
  2. Re: WWYCD?: Champions Universe Zombies Has Defender lost some of his armor, again? Otherwise how do you see his necrotized fleshy bits? Grimble
  3. Re: Mexican Vampires Thanks pinecone! With a few tweaks, I will use this Mayan Vampire as one of the Vampire Lord's Lts. The Pre-Aztec Vampire Lord I will be using as the major villian will be powerful enough to threaten my entire PC supergroup. This will be VERY powerful. I have 8 450+ superheroes in the group plus 1 more that shows up sporatically. This makes for a really tough and powerful villian, but I do want a Doctor Doom/Darkseid type Supervillian. He will have many followers,bases and lots of NCI and wealth. Even so, He will have plenty of raw power. Ideas on some of this raw power I should build into a Pre-Aztec Vampire/sorcerer with goals of Godhood?
  4. Re: The Godzilla Scenario The team just needs to whip up the worlds biggest Prozac! This should take care of that "Mindless Atomic Rage" and needless rampaging! Grimble
  5. Re: Super Hero? ::Eyes Glaze Over:: I say start all gamers on Rolemaster! Then nearly any other game would be a piece of cake! Grimble
  6. Re: So you got powers and want to be a Superhero? Here is the manual! A while back, I saw a clip about this Manual on YouTube! Very funny. Grimble
  7. Re: Super Hero? ::Eyes Glaze Over:: When I'm trying to sell the HERO system and Champions. I play up the fact that it is so versatile. Have the potential-player come up with a power or ability and show them how it can be tailor made to do EXACTLY what they want. I like to do character write-ups one-on-one with new players and let them know that they don't have to be fully versed in all thing HERO at the start. I'll answer any and all questions during and outside the game and help them undestand rolls and such. So, my best advice is to really push the fact that HERO can simulate any and all characters and powers the player can come up with. Grimble P.S. If they are just dead set against SUperhero games, then you just need to look further for players.
  8. Re: What would your inner geek pick? To make it clear. "I want the powers of Superman"!
  9. Re: What would your inner geek pick? I agree with Pariah. 30 pts of Disads leaves me with just 10 after my Overconfidence. That wouldn't even cover my Curiosity! Grimble
  10. Re: Mexican Vampires Thanks for the links Lord Liaden! Very useful. I'll do plenty of tweaking, but they are a great starting point. Grimble
  11. Re: How does a world die?
  12. Re: What would your inner geek pick? As for the 24 hrs before the transformation... The first stop would be the costume vendors. Disguising the Energy Being as a Goth Chick,Vulcan or elf. Something VERY different from her normal human body. Nothing with an obvious mask. I want her to look like she belongs at the Con. Grimble
  13. Re: How does a world die?
  14. Re: What would your inner geek pick? I would end up with my body in its perfect form and the powers of Superman. I know that a 375 pt Superman is weak, but when he first donned the cape he was much lower powered then he is now. My powers would grow as I soak up solar radiation from our yellow sun! Of course, I would still be "Me", right? Just, me with Superman's powers. Do I now retroactively create a bunch of Kryponite floating around in the universe? Is there now a super-genius out to get me? Great question! Now matter the answers to my questions, Superman is my pick. Grimble
  15. Re: Super Hero? ::Eyes Glaze Over:: Are you familiar with the overall gaming community of your city? I find your problem to be odd. Gaming and comicbooks tend to exite the same sort of people. I know this is not a steadfast rule, but a large percentage of gamers are into comics. Have you tried looking for gamers at the local Comicbook Store? Grimble
  16. Re: Mexican Vampires To be honest, all I have, so far, is the 5E Rev. I do plan on picking up more of the recent books, now that I am running,again. I have been playing Champions since the early 90s and have run MANY campaigns. It's pretty easy for me to whip stuff up from even te most general suggestions. I'll take whatever you're willing to throw at me! Grimble
  17. Re: The Benchwarmers: Semi-super heroes Here's another one, from my current game: Benson: The Bulter of the PC supergroup. Tall, thin older english gentlelman. His only powers are Absolute Time Sense and a minor form of Clairsentience and Teleportation (Only to be behind super just as they are calling for him). He's great as a NPC. The players believe he is more powerful than he is! Grimble
  18. Re: The Benchwarmers: Semi-super heroes Out of the 4 Supers I've shared, so far, the only one who "fought crime" is The Amazing Burn. Meter Man was a "Do-Gooder", but the powers-that-be thought of him as a blow to their parking ticket revenue. He'd run from any cops that saw him plugging other peoples meters. I believe this is just for fun. Populating campaigns with people with not-so-uper powers. Jump in and have fun, transmetahuman! Grimble
  19. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH -- What Would You Like To See? I'd like to see stuff on the Canadian Government. Intelligence agencies, superhero registration, Govt supergroups...That sort of thing. Grimble
  20. Re: Mexican Vampires All right. I'm going to give the Vampire Lord enough points to be more than a match for my entire PC team. His 2nd teir vamps wil be about the same starting points ofthe characters (450 pts), I want the 3rd teir vamps to be dangerous to normals, but push-overs to the PCs. 150+ or around there. I like the idea of the Vampire Lord having sorcerer/priests and were-jaguars as followers, too. How many points, and what kind of powers should a were-jaguar have? BTW Lord Liaden. Do you mind if I use your Mictlantecuhlti/Miguel Mictlan pre-Aztec vampire idea. It fits pretty close to what I was giong to do, and I just love the idea of a drug lord/Vampire Lord/cult leader who aspires to Godhood! Grimble
  21. Re: Where did all the Great Ones go? World building. In my Game World there is a mish-mash of old and new. I have a version of Doc Savage called Doctor Bronze. He is actually made of Bronze in the current era and still travels with a group of Very useful and clorful followers (They are not his original friends, they have died or retired over the years. One of them is the gradson of a previous follower). He's been active in the world since the 20s and got his Bronze body in the 60s. Mighty Man is my Superman rip-off character. He has been an active superhero since he first donned his cape in 1939. He's currently the leader of the World Watchers (JLA of my campaign). One of my PCs is playing James Bond. He drove his DB-5 into a warehouse during a High-energy physics experiment. Everything blew up. Thanks to the protection of the vehicle he survived, but was transported to Phoenix,AZ and to the year 2005. He is now in the PC Supergroup and using the Codename Duece. Highly skilled, Nano-weave armor given to him by Brittish Intelligence and several cool guns. The car has been fixed and suped-up, as well. I have a Tarzan-like character. He is active in the jungles of Africa and in England. He is a VERY skilled normal. He is, however, still in his physical prime thanks to a secret concoction of herbs and vines that a medicine man taught him how to brew (Longevity, but needs to drink secret brew once a week). He spends as much time as he can in England, but is ever drawn back to the jungles of his youth. King Arthur has just returned to England from the Land of the Fey to help stop an alien invasion! No sign of Merlin, yet, but I do have plans for him to show up in the near future of the game. There are also Champions Universe NPCs such as Black Mask and all of his, and his predecessors exploits. Several Immortals,undead and timetravellers that broaden the backstory. I love running a full and complicated world. Throw in Alternate Timelines and it gets even worse (or better)! Grimble
  22. Re: Evil Inc: we have your WMDS! And they are ON SALE!!! Thanks. I love Evil Inc. Very funny! Grimble
  23. Re: Sentient Costumes, Armour, Weapons, etc... I'd buy my Sentient Armor as a follower. With all of the Advantages and Disadvantages this would entail. Grimble
  24. Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones Isn't there a 48 hour time limit on Amalgams?
  25. Re: WWYCD?: Champions Universe Zombies Yep! Accept the help and try to find a way home. I'd add try to find a cure or way to stop the zombies. Grimble
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