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Everything posted by Grimble

  1. Re: Heroes for HERO? Claire should have another Limitation on her Regeneration. "Only when everything is in the right place". She didn't heal the broken rib after her fall until after she pushed it into place. After she woke up during the autopsy, her chest didn't heal until she pushed it back down. I'd say a -1/2 Lim. Grimble
  2. Re: Heroes for HERO? Agreed. It should be at Watched Lvl. I would say that they are trying to uncover her secrets, as far as they are all trying to find out what the heck is going on. You do have a point, though. Grimble
  3. Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See? I would like to see a Lex Luthor-like Master Villian. Normal Char Max (Probably pay the increase for above norm INT), Gadgets, bases, vehicles, followers, master plans. A "Normal Guy" with super-human megalomania. I always loved the so called normal holding his own against teams of heroes. Grimble
  4. Re: Master List of Limitations, HD Prefabs Thanks for pointing this list out,Edsel! What an awesome resourse! Grimble
  5. Re: Mexican Vampires Sorry, I was thinking "always on".
  6. Re: The Benchwarmers: Semi-super heroes Stuperpowers is a goofy, thin softcover RPG. You should be able to find it at your local gaming store (or have them order it). Grimble
  7. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains Shamrock and any other Irish Supervilians (or Heores) there may be in the IRA. I have an idea for an Irish plot. Please updateb Shamrock and what be's been up to... Grimble
  8. Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens I'd keep this character ready for either player (experienced or not). I have run many Champions games at several Cons. Inevitablely, there is someone who shows up who loves champions and has played it longer than I have (Over 13 years). Depending whether you have veterans or novices at your table, I'd decide the power changes myself. Just have a lot of cool changes ready. They will probably change often through what they don't like or want at the time. The character is cool. I see myself using it in my next Con game. Grimble
  9. Re: Claremont is ee cummings I got it, and you are not alone!
  10. Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens With no control over the change of powers, I see Facet as a sort of "Dial H for Hero" type character. Very nice. I was always a big fan of that comic in all it's incarnations. You have done a very good job on all your characters, but Facet is my favorite, so far. Thanks for sharing. I plan on using a few of your write ups in my game. Grimble
  11. Re: The Ultimate WWYCD: Ninja or Pirate! Jack "Crash" Parker: Would definitely go the pirate route. Capt'n Jack would try to get his hands on a really nice ship...maybe a naval vessel. Grimble
  12. Re: [bUILD ADVICE] Dazzler Dont forget to add Images to the framework. She would create her own light shows at her concerts. Also, extra running (roller-blades)
  13. Re: The Benchwarmers: Semi-super heroes The Egg thread has you stuck on lame word play jokes,huh?
  14. Re: Super-Hero Provided Patient Transportation This is why my Brick has 911 on spped dial.
  15. Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones Well, out of the 2 entries...I give it to Blue Jogger. Your turn,Blue.
  16. Re: The Benchwarmers: Semi-super heroes Roland,The headless Thompson Gunner: He is a headless undead army grunt with a Thompson sub-machine gun. He appears on battle fields across the world, fighting the good fight. Nobody knows where he goes when not in combat. Grimble
  17. Re: WWYCD: Egg-olution! I wonder if Eggs like Twinkies Snack Cakes?
  18. Re: WWYCD: Egg-olution! Jack "Crash" Parker: Grabs a frying pan and a spatula and says, "Let's get cracking!", to his teammates.
  19. Re: WWYCD: It's time for the Megaman KidZ Show! Jack "Crash" Parker: Would say "That's a great idea!". Decline and leave. He would then use his vast wealth to produce his own wholesome and action-packed saturday morning cartoon. Hire the right people to get it on the air and keep full script aproval rights. While he's at it he might as well start a line of tee shirts and lunch boxes. Don't forget the breakfast cereal!
  20. Re: QuestionL Would you consider this unfair or rail roading? Bad situation? Yes. Railroading? No. I agree that this is a tried and true comic book trope. It will be interesting to see how your PCs solve the problem. If they are anything like my players, they will come up with something you didn't even think of (for better or worse). As long as there is a chance of stopping the buffed villian after the ritual, it should play out all right. Grimble
  21. Re: Need an 8th PC character concept and some other help How about a stretchy guy. Every team needs a stretchy guy. You can even give him marial arts and detective skills! Grimble
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