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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. Aha! I think I've got it. The character's Multipower has Variable Lim (Gestures, Incantations, OAF, Extra Time, and Costs END). Everything is normally on Charges, and doesn't cost any END, and none of the slots have the Costs END Lim. 3 Silent Spell: Endurance Reserve (10 END, 10 REC); REC Recovers Once per Day (-4), Only for Replacing Incantations with Costs END (-0). Now, he can cast 10 END worth of spells silently (the largest spell right now costs 7 END). If I wanted to further limit it to 1 spell, I could throw on a 1 Charge Lim on the Reserve.
  2. Problem 2: Involve her with the team some other way. As a secretary/manager, public face for the team, cop assigned to the case, the wife of someone's DNPC, etc.
  3. How much leaping does a character get from a STR of 8? Is it 2" or 1.5"? And is the noncombat 4" or 3"?
  4. Buy Invisibility to Hearing for your own voice? Buy Ventriloquism and Stealth, to speak without moving your lips or being heard? I worked up a nice Empower feat last week -- +10 END, Only for Pushing magic spells (-1), 1 Charge (-2). 1 point.
  5. Thanks, Agent333. Good to know someone's getting some use out of it.
  6. For the gun, I'd go with either Images with the Beam limitation (so that it doesn't fill an entire hex with IR), or else (more simply) buy the gun IR Vision with the Transmit option. The vest would just be IR Vision (maybe 360-degree), only for the specific fequency of the guns. Apply a limitation to the guns and/or vest, so that for 1 Turn after being hit, the gun can't be used, and the vest blinks.
  7. Even better -- 400 Overall Levels. That's a +40 at doing ANYTHING. What's the penalty for attempting an untrained skill, -10? -20? No problem!
  8. Hmm... If I were to use 400 points to dump into another single ability to make a god of a stat other than STR, how about DEX? 390 points would give me a 140 DEX, for an OCV/DCV of 47. My DEX Roll would be 37-. Even at a -10 for doing the impossible, and another -10 for doing the impossibly impossible, I'd still succeed 99.5% of the time. My base SPD would be a 16, allowing me double actions four times per Turn. Need to target the head of a DCV 10 villain? -8. From 4000 hexes away? -40. You'll still hit on a 10 or less. Who needs MegaScale? Now, off to contemplate +390 points of PRE...
  9. I can hear the police now, "Throw your hands on the ground, and put your guns where we can see them!"
  10. I had a character with a 6-foot staff, which he could use for extra reach, extra damage, and extra leaping. I figured it would add its own size to the leaping ability, so, in his case, it was one hex. Since vertical leap costs double, I gave him +2" of extra Leaping. Your athlete's telescopic pole will probably be about three times that long, so I'd got with a +6" or so.
  11. Aiming for a man's head is a -8, and in one of the old supplements (Dark Champions, I think), there were rules for aiming for the eyes (-10 or -12, I think), which are about the same size as a dartboard bullseye. Of course, since the dartboard is not trying to move or dodge, it should probably be the equivalent of aiming for the eye of an unconscious man, which would be half of the -12. Add in some range modifiers, and you've got a pretty challenging came on your hands.
  12. If all the slots in a Multipower have the Charges Limitation, does the reserve need take the Charges Limitation too? How about if the total of the Charges in all the slots add up to be an Advantage (>16) for the reserve? Does the Multipower need to take the Advantage?
  13. Maybe he has Bemused on an 11 or less...
  14. Re: I just became a member of the lollipop guild, the LOLLIPOP GUILD Let's all give JmOz a hand... (I shoulda quit while I was a head)
  15. And instead of buying a Slavishly Devoted Balrog at a +1, it's so much cheaper to buy Summon Balrog, Ranged (+1/2), and have him pop up inside the enemy camp...
  16. Since Images is the power to create light, to make a Torch spell, could it be made Explosive (instead of buying up the radius), so that the PER bonuses to see get less as you get farther from the center?
  17. Nah, I'd rather base my Magic Skill on COM. It's the same price as END, plus I can look good while spellcasting.
  18. I always figured that's what the new Power Skill was for.
  19. With a minimum cost of 1, I'm sure. I don't want to see a guy with 100 songbirds (or some negative point animal) followers.
  20. The cost of Followers is determined from the follower's Base Points. From the Bestiary, normal animals have a Base of 75, even though their Total Cost is often much lower. What does an animal with a Total Cost of 40, with a Base of 75 and 25 in Disadvantages cost to have as a Follower?
  21. I want to design a Find Weakness power that only works for the next strike. If the attacker wants to attack against half the defenses again, he'll have to Find Weakness again. This also means that there can be no quartering or eighthing of the defeneses. Find Weakness 13- with Melee Attacks; Weakness is Not Persistent (-1) Does a -1 sounds right for that?
  22. Your sidekick is Dr. Destroyer... Reminds me of the time we joked about building a character with Reputation: Dr. Destroyer owes him a favor. He didn't even need to have a favor from Dr. D, just the reputation for a favor.
  23. So, then, for a "mental invisibility" (see other thread), if the invisibility were visible to the mental sense group, would that qualify for a -1/4 Visible limitation?
  24. Autofire is forbid in the rules, but can Find Weakness be used with the Rapid Sense modifier? Or Rapid Fire or Sweep? Can Penalty Skill Levels reduce the penalty for secondary attempts?
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