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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. This bit from a Yahoo! Sports article pretty much sums it up for the Doneys in 2017: Ouch.
  2. ...and then there's the Browns.
  3. Heroes: Nightcrawler, Nightwing, and Nite Owl Mission: They have to stop a villainous plan to open a portal to the Darkforce dimension, which will forever bathe the Earth in darkness. New Letter: A
  4. Agreed. No matter who you play, it's an impressive feat. Especially if who you play includes a team like Auburn.
  5. Q: Hey, handsome! Wanna come to my dungeon? A: Rusty Bandsaw.
  6. Heroes: Mary Marvel, Miss Martian, and Ms. Marvel (Kamala) The Mission: A supervillain terrorist has taken over a convention center that was hosting a teen leadership conference. These three young ladies have to stop him without putting any innocents in danger--or compromising their secret identities! Next letter: C
  7. My five most entertaining science fiction movies, in no particular order: Galaxy Quest The Fifth Element Independence Day Star Wars Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  8. I'll take the original Battlestar Galactica over the reboot, thanks. Yes, I know it was cheesy and that some of the episodes are blatant rip-offs of other movies. But it had heart, and an odd sort of charm. I'll take that over BSG2.0's grimdark any day of the week.
  9. Not a Browns fan, but I kinda want this shirt.
  10. Almost certainly true.
  11. With Arians and Palmer gone, they're a lottery team for the foreseeable future. (Yes, I know the NFL doesn't have a draft lottery. You know what I mean.)
  12. RE: Cancer's comment: Me, too. Should've used 'em to buy off my "Socially Awkward" Disad (Very frequently, Fully impairing).
  13. To begin, I present my five favorite science fiction television series: 5. Firefly 4. Farscape 3. Star Trek: The Next Generation 2. Stargate SG-1 1. Babylon 5
  14. Today is National Science Fiction Day in the Untied States (and perhaps elsewhere). Celebrate by sharing your favorite Science Fiction stuff.
  15. I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
  16. Kinda like my four-year-old. He spent a bunch of his points on END, and not many (yet) on DEX.
  17. I don't know what to say, so I'll just say this: I'm glad you're here.
  18. We could send you some of that, too, if you'd like.
  19. Whoever decided to call it 'necking' was a rather poor judge of anatomy.
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