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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Having your country's political process compared unfavorably to the 2016 US Presidential election.
  2. You need to post this on FB so I can inflict it on Share it with my friends!
  3. Your mother insists that you watch it...because she's going to be riding.
  4. From the one of the geniuses on Facebook: "It looks like the U.K. and the U.S. are in a contest to see who can screw themselves the most. Britain has the early lead, but the Americans have a trump card."
  5. Berkeley, California. The entire city needs to be repainted in a tie-dye motif.
  6. You work with teenagers all [redacted] day, every [redacted] day. (Also, your phone keeps trying to change the word 'redacted' to 'refacted' because, apparently, it's now set to operate in German.)
  7. Searing animal flesh over an open flame in sacrifice to the heathen gods of barbecue.
  8. Please put it back. This is a family-friendly forum.
  9. When you ask him the ingredients of the special sauce, he says, "Hydrogen and time."
  10. He finds himself the sudden recipient of the adulation of countless intelligent, attractive young people: congressional interns who have realized that Hermit is smarter, more passionate, better-looking, more principled, a better lover, funnier, etc., than the politicians they're usually stuck with. New Topic: The state of Tennessee will now have a chemical element named after it. Unexpected consequences of this decision.
  11. You mean he's not willing to give anyone the credit they deserve?
  12. ...you'll need it to defend yourself.
  13. "On a scale of one to ten, I give this day an F." - Disgust, 'Inside Out'
  14. The answer to both questions: Lots and lots of booze.
  15. You, good sir, are clearly a man of exceptional taste. Well said.
  16. Q: What's wrong with the Federal government these days? A: Touching me, touching you.
  17. Q: How do you recognize a Dad joke?
  18. And Paramount is Star Trek. Therefore, by syllogism, hygiene is Star Trek. QED
  19. According to who? (Or is that whom?)
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