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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Wally "got" it. Then she sent him for burgers when he started to move in for the make out / fade to black session.
  2. The Gorilla City arc was a bit disappointing. Not as good as the first Grodd arc. The actors all talking like Grodd while mind controlled was the best bit for me. Also, Gorilla City was a letdown. CGI just sucked, total lack of details. And although I understand that the origin story is different for the show, I was hoping for more of a high tech city. Probably ran into CGI budget issues there.
  3. It wasn't a lie, it was just a poor recollection.
  4. Speaking of The Secret World, it looks like it's getting a reboot sometime soon. This is about all that's known, a .jpg ripped by someone from Funcom's latest (?) financial report PDF. Spoilered for size. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. It kind of smells like a bad thing, as in, "We're going to toss money at the game to try to bring in more revenue, but if it doesn't work, we're pulling the plug." I haven't even gotten around to finishing the tutorials on it. I hope it sticks around long enough fore me to at least play through the main storyline once.
  5. I haven't beaten a computer at chess since 1986, and it took me and a friend working together. Actually, I was mostly dead weight.
  6. I might try that. I find it boring as heck, but I might give it a shot when/if I resub.
  7. It was pretty good, but it kind of lost its appeal after Dave and Maddie got together. ah, no -ing . . . nope, haven't seen of it, or heard of it until Oscar time.
  8. Thanks. (The next part may sound snippy, but since this is an MMO thread I thought I'd mention my current options. I do appreciated the post.) I play CO, don't like the other two, have Wildstar (now FTP) and three other buy to play MMOs installed (GW2, TESO, and TSW). So, I've got plenty of no-sub options available. Even DDO with a lot of content unlocked, though I don't like the level cap raises past 20. Now, WoW can be free to play (really playing on someone else's dime) buy buying WoW tokens. I have 8 or 9 in my bags. Someone who wants gold buys a token to sell on the AH for 20 bucks (five bucks more than a month of time), while someone who wants game time but has gold can buy the time token on the AH for around 40-50k gold (average last time I played, not sure where the prices currently sit). The game handles all the transactions, and sets the AH pricing according to some calculation behind the scenes. The issue I currently have is threefold: 1. I'm more than a bit bored with the game, and dislike most of the class changes the nimrod devs have pushed out this expansion. This makes it hard for me to get around to leveling my horde of alts to the new cap. 2. The way I usually make gold is the inefficient way, which is grinding old instances and raids. So, I need at least a fair number of those alts. 3. I'm low on the time required to level up some alts, because of multiple family emergencies. Low on funds for much the same reason, to the point that we've cut every entertainment subscription out, like games, Netflix, etc. One game is chicken scratch, but if you cut everything out, then you've saved enough for some groceries. Currently, I'm on Gold (subscribed) status in Champions Online. The mother-in-law got me a time card for Christmas. I was able to level up a few characters to 39 over the holidays while watching my father-in-law in the skilled nursing/rehab facilities (on spotty wireless), so activated it earlier this month to ding those to 40 and grab some free character slots. The sub runs out a couple of days into April, so I'm just popping on and off it, doing alerts, doing the new event a little, and messing around with builds and gearing (minimally) my fresh 40s. I needed a break from WoW anyway, and CO fits my schedule, since I just pop on and off a bit whenever and still get stuff done.
  9. Spoilered for moderately crude language. I should probably wear spoiler tags out in public, come to think of it.
  10. Thinking about it. The main problem I have is that I need to level up enough guys to farm gold to pay for sub tokens. I have a supply of them, but I haven't had time to level a bunch of guys to 110 lately. I was thinking of coming back after 7.2 drops. The time frame should work.
  11. Thanks. Figured it'd be some small town with like 10 cops. An idea that stupid usually can't spread much further than a small group of like-minded dummies. Larger departments are more likely to have at least one or two people with a modicum of common sense.
  12. Got a source on that one? Seems like it'd have to be a very small department or something to get away with it.
  13. You mean the Ryzen? Finally matched Intel on single-thread benchmarks? That's pretty cool.
  14. Champions Online rolled out some new content, a new premium archetype (Gunslinger), and more power set and archetype updates. I haven't done the new content yet. The AT updates look mostly OK. They updated the Soldier, the Specialist, the Blade and the Unleashed. Of note, the Blade got a heal (BCR), and the Unleashed got a lunge (finally!) and an energy unlock. Not too sure if I like the Soldier or Specialist changes yet. Blade and Unleashed seem for the better. Specialist got a CON superstat, which is nice, but lost Bullet Beatdown to the new Gunslinger AT, so if you go melee it looks like swords and more swords. Oh, they also fixed the diminishing returns to work on all of the updated archetypes. Some people who were exploiting that are up in arms, but the build improvements are worth it IMO. Linkage.
  15. Makes them look historically accurate to me. People have worn only head and chest armor for thousands of years to improve mobility while protecting only their vitals.
  16. So, the race relations advisor can't carry out basic communication with the police? Trouble could have been avoided by simply identifying himself after the police stated their probable cause for the contact. Tasing could have been avoided by not resisting arrest after he refused to ID himself. The only way I can see that one being on the police is if they were lying about him matching a suspect's description. I'd like to think the article would mention that, but "reporters" today don't actually do any research, so it's definitely a possibility.
  17. I just want the machines to advance enough to provide us with immortality but not far enough that they realize what a colossally bad idea it is.
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