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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Re: List Your CO Heroes! I've added: Mister Midnight, Unleashed. Freeform Dual Blades. level 20ish. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41521[/ATTACH] This is probably my favorite costume, just haven't settled on an archetype I like for him. I may pick up one of the martial arts archetypes if I don't like Unleashed, but I may wait to see if they release a brawler. I'd really like to go with Savage, but the attack animations don't match the concept. Arrow Guy, Marksman Freeform Archer, level 20ish. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41522[/ATTACH] I'm kind of liking Arrow Guy. I've decided that he got the name when his super group had their first press conference, and he wise-cracked, "I'm the arrow guy, ......" but never got to say his actual code name because of an interruption.
  2. Re: Black Enchantress What I want to know is how she uses her henchmen? Is she using them to capture people to sacrifice or do other nefarious things to? Otherwise, the stun-only blasters they have seem at odds with her description of being utterly evil.
  3. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes I'll toss my vote in for JLU/DCAU tone being favored. Or late Silver, early-Bronze age, but without the GM being a d-bag and saying, "You roll to catch Gwen in your webbing... but the shock at the bottom breaks her neck!" Seriously. I'll never let Gerry Conway GM for me. As for Watchmen, I find it odd that the OP used it at the counter example, then later describes the style of game as: The Watchmen definitely had personal lives. I don't know that the thing is nearly as revolutionary or as important to comics history as a lot of people seem to think, though. The story was just a morality play hung over a fairly simple plot. The characters having some depth is what made it work for me, though.
  4. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes And by "stat" he means "star." Not to be pedantic about the type-o, just to prevent someone looking for a mouseover about stats. =)
  5. Re: OT: Anyone try out STO FTP yet? I think I know the answer to this, but I'm going to ask just in case: When you zoom close to your character, the camera jumps over to stand to the character's right. It's super annoying. Any way to make it not do that? Finished first mission after tutorial. Or maybe it was a continuation of the tutorial, I dunno. Rescue mission that rewards you with second crew member. Was OK. Controls are still a bit to get used to. Clunky is a word that comes to mind, but still pretty playable. I like it well enough, but the length of the missions (do this! great! now do that! thanks! can you just do just one more little thing for me... ) makes me not want to login unless I'm sure that I'm going to have enough time to sit through one without interruptions. Given the medical stuff, I haven't logged in as much as I otherwise might have.
  6. Re: OT: Anyone try out STO FTP yet? I tried some space battles today. I drive like a drunken maniac, but it was pretty fun. Do the things have a reverse? 'Cause that'd help.
  7. Re: OT: Anyone try out STO FTP yet? Speaking of ship names, when you get a new ship, do you have to get a new name? Or can you reuse the same name on the new ship, either by repeating it or just renaming the first ship to something else and renaming the new ship to the first name?
  8. Re: OT: Anyone try out STO FTP yet? Yeah, I can't believe another smart-alec didn't think of it already. =)
  9. Re: OT: Anyone try out STO FTP yet? Got my Vulcan science officer, T'Pau of the USS Heart and Soul through the tutorials last night. Pretty interesting game. Lots of stuff to keep track of and lots of keybinds to remember.
  10. Re: OT: Anyone try out STO FTP yet? I had Malwarebytes alerts on a Moldovan IP address trying to gain access through Pando Media Booster today, after installing the game last night. I already had Pando Media Booster installed, but it was set not to run in the background. Apparently, the good folks at Perfect World saw fit to turn that setting off for me. PMB is allegedly safe, and it's possible the IP address is a dynamic one that some legit user (or even a scammer legitimately playing the game is possible I suppose) got it today. Either way, it's annoying that the bastards are stealing my bandwidth without asking. Turbine backed off on leaving the thing run in the background after taking flak for this issue. Some people have very limited plans, and have found themselves on the receiving end of very large bills or having their access cut off or restricted for exceeding their bandwidth because of this program. (Not a huge issue for me, but folks in other countries have been burned by this.)
  11. Looks like STO went FTP on the 17th. I'm downloading it now. Anyone else try it out yet? Opinions? Is the FTP model as liberal as the CO one? (IE, lots of stuff to do for the freeps.)
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Dang, that's weird. I was actually listening to T'Pau earlier too, and forgot to put a link up. Eerie.
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I was just listening to: Who I found from her appearance in this song: Which kind of reminded me of this song (male and female harmonizing): I've also been listening to this Welsh lass a lot lately: I liked how she made a crap song into something much better. She's better known for: Just got done listening to a little PCD. (Michael Buble eat your elevator-music voiced heart out.) Then I went down to the river to pray:
  14. Re: Order of the Stick No anger about Worfing. Just that everyone here should know the term. No need to post more links to the Tropes site. The usage was fine.
  15. Re: Order of the Stick LOL, rep for turning my outburst into genuine humor.
  16. Re: Order of the Stick Seriously, do we need a freaking TV Tropes link on Worfed? On the Hero boards? God, I hate that idiot site, and I hate it more now.
  17. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! The books have a lot more depth as far as world building. The TV show is a decent adaptation, albeit with a lot less "stuff."
  18. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Well, there are tournament formats for booster drafts, or for taking a starter and X number of boosters and building a deck on the spot. Those still introduce some luck, but test your on the spot deck building skills (vs. copying a popular deck style) and tend to even the field. On the plus side, you usually get to keep the cards after it's over. If you're building a deck for a constructed format, you can use proxies to practice with, then just buy the cards you need on an individual basis. It's a lot cheaper than trying to get lucky buying booster boxes. I got tired of the game mainly because of the constant introduction of new rules and the phone book of rules errata. I still have a few thousand older cards I need to get around to putting on eBay.
  19. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! I think the fact that he actually had a planned out beginning, middle, and end and didn't milk the series past the intended length helped a lot. And there was no middle book syndrome. Each book told its story, which led to the next book, but were all pretty self-contained. Overall, very well put together and didn't fall into traps that a lot of series fantasy does nowadays.
  20. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Especially given his environment. I still like it, but I see your point. You might like Codex Alera by Butcher a bit better. (Or you may hate it.)
  21. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! If I wasn't me, I'd agree with you. =) Fair point, though. It does make for a pretty solid pace, though.
  22. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! He makes the main character's life difficult in so many ways it'll make your head spin. He doesn't need the magic and technology thing to do that in the least, as Dresden manages to get himself into multiple life and death fixes in every book due to his own personality quirks, whether stubbornness, pride, contrariness, or nobility. The magic vs technology thing is just setting fluff.
  23. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Same here. Just don't like her style. I'm not going to tell you what to read, but... They are very quick reads, like a lot of Zelazny's stuff. Won't take much time at all. =) I think that one's too mainstream for you to worry about it impacting geek cred. You know, high end VCRs in the 80s and 90s had a lot of features you still can't get on digital. I do loves my Blu-Ray though. =) You're absolved by Sturgeon's Law on this one. You probably aren't missing much, really. That's on the game developers, I think. I like some manga. They can be fun, and tend to be more character driven (depending on genre) than Western comics. Liking Asian women is more of a horny sailor thing, though, so I don't think it impacts geek cred much. I liked the show, but not the goofy ending. I ended up missing a lot of the first season of B5 due to work schedule and VCR failure, and never did get around to watching it. DS9 sucked at the beginning, but got very good later IMO.
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