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Everything posted by dsatow

  1. Assuming you are allowed to summon a vehicle, Is the vehicle "stunned and disoriented"? Do you need to roll EGO vs EGO? Background (if it helps): I am creating a spaceship with homing missiles (as vehicles so that they can be shot down). I was thinking of using summons to chamber the torpedoes in the vehicle.
  2. If a multiform character's change doesn't change the person's appearance, does multiform require the advantage invisible power effects? Ex: Channel is a superhero who can channel the spirits of incredible heroes. He can become a world class cat burglar, a famous detective, an incredible actor, or a kung fu legend by taking in the ghost of one of these people. Physically, he doesn't change just mentally.
  3. I'll see what I can do. I am not good with excel as a warning.
  4. Still more micro gaming ideas Metronova Chronicle vs Last Crusade Weekly: Two newspapers fight it out for the readership of Metronova. The Chronicle is an old school newspaper and operates a daily paper. It has the majority of readership in the area and has many devotees. It has many prestigious reporting awards for its news articles in the past 50+ years its been in business. Unfortunately, its slowly losing profit and going into the red like many American newspapers these days. Its been trying to adapt to the times and had made some success. (Think Metronova Chronicle = Chicago Tribune/LA Times/NY Times) Unfortunately for the Chronicle, there is the LC Weekly, a smaller upstart newspaper. With a smaller production run and lower costs, the LC Weekly is the hip new newspaper that the younger folk are starting to take a liking to. The Weekly has no awards and the reporting isn't as robust as the Chronicle but it moves faster and has a couple of times beaten the Chronicle to a headliner. Le Magnifique: A fancy restaurant rated with two Michelin stars, Le Magnifique offers some of the finest food in the country at some of the highest prices (hors d'oeuvre start at $40 and go up). Anybody who is anybody is seen eating at the restaurant. Strangely, given its name, the restaurant is owned by Harry Hanzo, a second generation Japanese American. He employs a largely Asian staff. Given the clientele and the amount of money flowing through the club, Le Magnifique has has little trouble with supers or crime in general. Given Harry's name and nationality, rumors state a squad of highly trained ninja keeps the peace in the club, but Harry maintains its the quality of the food and atmosphere that maintains the congenial nature of the restaurant. He also adds any trouble maker would be banned from his restaurants for life. Summer Auto Sales: "Its Summer. Time to buy a new car!" Warren Summer is the car salesman to beat. With three sales lots and the constant bombardment of ads, everyone in Metronova know of Summer. Summer is every bit of the stereotypical car salesman except his cars are not lemons. The cars all meet a minimum level of drive-ability and never resorts to sand bagging people. On the other hand, he is good at getting people to pay more of cars than they otherwise originally were expecting. His tv spots almost always sport attractive models of both sexes, usually happy at their more plainer partner buying a car from Warren. Summer has a couple of retired super cars that are for sale but are extremely costly. They are mostly there to pull in customers but he'd sell them in a heartbeat if someone would match his price. Included in these super cars is the armored Beast, the vehicle used by The Hunter in his crime wave 20 years ago. Warren bought the vehicle at a police auction and its on display at his headquarters. St. Eligius: A teaching hospital(yes, name stolen from St. Elsewhere), the hospital gets more than its fair share of victims of super battles. Staff are torn whether supers are good for the health of the city based on the numbers of victims it encounters. Still despite what side of the battle you are on, St. Eligius gives high quality health care to any who need it. It's staff specializes in trauma, burns, and psychic damage. Goddricks Academy: A private institution for grades 9-12, Goddricks Academy trains not only the rich and wealthy but it serves as a new "hidden" magical school, training young mages to control their magical powers and protect them while they are vulnerable and young from the dark forces that may arise. Because of the number of magical scholarship students at Goddricks, it is sometimes referred to as Goth High. It doesn't help that the Academy's mascot is a scarecrow.
  5. I like to think smaller, so since you are looking for some ideas, here some ideas for filler stuff. Donnie's: A pizzeria that mostly survived the alien attack. It specializes in wood fired pizza and before the attack wasn't doing very well economically. After the attack, it was able to stay open and feed a lot of the refugees for free. The mayor has made Donnie's a cultural landmark. The pizza's ok, the beer is cold, and many people still come to it as its a minor landmark/tourist attraction with items saved during the fall. 4th and Main: A small set of buildings that survived the attack (sort of) in the middle of a large blast area. Designated a historic landmark. Think Hiroshima Peace Memorial (google it). Its a nice historic backdrop and can be used as a place where energies of the fight might still linger. The Atomic Pile: A comic book and supers fan store. Run by a secondary class superhero with connections to some of the local first class heroes. A nice guy, Andy Fisher, runs the place which basically would only make ends meet if his friends didn't come by every so often and lend guest appearances (or possibly, he blackmails them into doing it). Cuppa Joe: A coffee shop which set up for the construction workers during the rebuild. Its food, notably the pies, and the coffee are so good, the coffee shop has grown to a small empire in the city. The original has the best stuff though and is open 24 hours a day. A good place for heroes to hang out after a large battle. Metronova Repair: A small fix it shop that's been in business since the reconstruction. the shop has all sorts of parts and machine, some not of human design. The owner is cheerful enough and seems to be able to breath life back into any device. Rumor has it, some scummy people have hung around the store at times but the owner never complains. Dragon Knights Dojo: An eastern martial arts studio whose students help maintain order immediately after the historic battle. The owner has changed a few times (the last one under questionable circumstances) in the past 50 years and the current owner is a disagreeable man who believes only the strongest survive and win at any cost. The original owner is unhappy but old and unable to get the dojo back. Maybe he just needs a proper student.
  6. If you have a naked advantage that is applicable to two different powers, can it be applied to both powers? Ex: Calamity Jane has a big honking pistol which she is really good at. Her skill with the firearms is so good, she get a variable advantage naked advantage on firearms. Normally she uses it just with her pistol but she knocks out a viper agent and gets his firearm too. Can she use both pistols with the naked advantage against Viper X?
  7. This reminds me of a villain I had in Champions. The villain had absorbtion into DCV. Each time you hit him, he would learn your attacks and dodge better. The absorbtion had limitations that it was effective only versus the attacking person. The next thing he had was Aid to OCV on a trigger. Each time he hit, his OCV would go up against that character. The flaw in my design is that the combat went too quick for it to really get usable, that and my really poor to hit rolls. After 3 hits, his DCV had gone up by 2 but he was KO'd. After 6 attacks, only one hit and he never did get any OCV.
  8. Just some notes: 1) The combining END and STUN is similar to the POWER concept in V&V (Villains and Vigilantes). When you run out of POWER in V&V, you become fatigued and things become harder to do. Personally, I always find it easy to manage stun and end as a PC but not as a GM. I tend to calculate the average amount of end a villain would use and extrapolate how many turns of combat they would be able to do before running. This usually turns out to be about 18 - 20 phases or never if they have a high enough recovery. 2) I've thought about merging BODY and CON, but haven't tried it. I like the idea that as you take real physical damage you are less able to take more damage. The bedraggled body syndrome as it were.
  9. Does an accurate attack automatically give you indirect? Example: Sociopathic genius Dr. Charles Luther has created a smart gun with miniature heat seeking bullets 2d6 RKA AoE Radius 4m Accurate. Our hero, Sgt. Jack R. Ramsay, dives for cover behind a table. Game mechanically speaking: Does hiding behind the table protect Jack or does it fly up and over the table to hit him? If he were to jump into an armored van, would that help save him?
  10. Everything should be editable. You can just change the title and words to customize it to a single character.
  11. So, I am making a character who is a bit of a gun nut. He has bought a pistol and then bought quantity x4 for +10 points so if he gets one gun taken away, he can pull out another one. And I was thinking, how do the charges work? I mean, it seems relatively cheap way to get twice the number of bullets by simply dropping one gun and fast drawing another. Am I interpreting this correctly?
  12. I know you can use breakfall against taking damage against a a throw (6E1 p66). But what happens if they throw you into a wall? If they can reduce the damage from a throw into a wall, they should be able to reduce the damage from being knocked back into the wall too, right?
  13. Version 1.0


    I was working on creating little frames for my villains, comic book covers, for the drawings. Basically the idea was to create an empty frame and draw the character on to the sheet of paper. Its pretty simple but it turned out nice. Adding a jpg for the image and changing the text should be simple. I thought people might like this for their own campaigns, so here it is. The format is MSWord docx. Yes, its evil, but I am a GM after all.
  14. Not to me, but who cares. It just needs to make sense to you and your GM. You should always keep a little PD/ED even if you are out of end. So we'll keep the base 2/2. Say you have 60 END which cost you 8 pts. Buy +60 PD/+60 ED which costs 30 and 30. Buy a naked advantage for each to make the PD and ED resistant. Now the problematic part is that most GMs will balk putting a linked limitation on the higher cost power. So the best way to do this is to beef up the END purchase cost with difficult to dispel (bought multiple times for a +2.75 adv on both the base and the bought). This makes the end cost 33 character points. Then buy linked on the PD and ED each, dropping those to 20 points a piece. This mechanically will do what you want. But personally, I think that the multipower idea is a better option.
  15. For the most part, you've answered my questions on the power darkness and mental powers. One last question though, if a person buys mind control telepathic(+1/4) and their target enters a mental darkness field, if the attacker were still paying end (the constant mode I was referring to), could the attacker just shout to the target their instructions or does the command have to be telepathic?
  16. OK, I know 1) Darkness doesn't block an attack, it just affects perception. So a laser blast in a darkness area still does damage if it hits something in the darkness field. 2) A continual attack continues to damage a character even if the target can no longer target the target so long as they keep paying end. 3) While in a darkness field that block that type of communication, you can not communicate in that way. Morse code light signals will not pass through a darkness field. Question: 1) If someone hits a person with telepathy before enshrouded in psionic darkness, can you still read their mind? 2) If you telepathically mind control someone in constant mode, if that person enters a psionic darkness field, can you still send new commands to them?
  17. I'll use a common saying from Steve: "It depends on your GM." As for me, its accessible if a person using a disarm maneuver can disarm the focus. Some people call a focus accessible if they can access the focus and render it inert while in the character's possession. I see that as restrainable. So my rule of thumb generally is, if it can be disarmed from you via a maneuver, its accessible.
  18. If you put AoE Accurate on deflection, does it make the deflection accurate(i.e:CV 3)?
  19. Figure I'd ask since the last question trigger my memory of the question. Whats the difference between AoE Usable by Others teleport vs. Usable Nearby teleport?
  20. Sorry about the following post but it popped into my head it is sort of relevant. I was thinking of the power: 9v So scared, you sh!t your costume 9d6 Cosmetic Transform Might even be a presence drain...
  21. On a side note, I have use Enraged/Beserk in other ways than just to simulate Anger/Blind Hatred. I have used it as a mania where the character goes crazily obsessive like the sparks in Girl Genius.
  22. The limitation is only a guess given No Conscious Control is a -2 limitation. Your GM may reduce the value to 1/2 which may be more reasonable in a Heroic level game. Personally, I'd think the -1 Lim is fair since, they can't control where slot goes, but then again I mostly do Champions in modern day and it is a large point deduction.
  23. I think you are mistaken about the rules not being tied to hit locations. 6E2 pg 111, under both impairing and disabling sections, the first paragraph says "You can use this optional rule in conjunction with the Hit Location optional rule." You might be thinking of Wounding which isn't tied to hit locations.
  24. On the disabling/impairment, the impairment/disablement is based on the total Body of the character vs. the damage received. Depending on the GM, you might say the wound while the Body aid is in effect is not disabling and when the Body wears off, the impairment/disablement happens.
  25. You could also build it as a multipower. One slot for Berserk, one for Rage, and one normal. Each slot would have a compound power with the characteristics in them. I would still use aid for the Body bonus, the fade rate might add a bit of drama as the player starts to fade out. For example: 15 Multipower (30) Lim: Slot control based on state (-1) 1u "Normal" +3 OCV, +3 DCV 1u "Rage" +5 Str, +2 OCV, +2 DCV,+5 PD 1u "Beserk" +10 Str, +5 PD, 1/4 resistant PD reduction Stun Only This is just a suggestion. As always, GM's discretion is advised.
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