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Everything posted by dsatow

  1. Super smell. Think about it the next time you go to the bathroom.
  2. I had a player with this power and as a GM I prefer if the player who has this power does a couple of things. 1) Have feedback or whatever its called. If one clone is hurt, they all hurt. This make stun accounting simple. 2) All clones have the same stun amounts. 3) As a player, you are able to plan your actions ahead of your phase so that you do not take any more time as the other players. Also, consider investing in 3d6 set of different colors to make rolls for different clones. And be quick with what DCV you hit when rolling to hit. If you do take feedback (or whatever its called), be careful of AoE attacks, as the damage multiplies, and you might want to invest in danger sense. Teamwork is usually a must for people with duplication. Regeneration resurrection for clones is also a good thing. If you are doing a Naruto style duplication, consider Summoning instead. This way if they are defeated, you summon new "clones" to replace the ones popped. Finally, make each summoned clone only have say 1 body and 1 stun. This way they pop if hurt.
  3. The Blob used to give me nightmares when I was a kid! It didn't help matters that the first time I saw it, I had a 104 degree temperature. SIDENOTE: So, if you've been to the last couple of Dundracons, in my game, I try to put as many of these ideas as possible into the game just so that the players can do anything they seem interested in. I'll report to this thread after the con as to what I prepared and what they actually did as there may be players reading these forums.
  4. Perfect precognition. You would know when you are about to die and how. You would never be surprised reading a book or watching a show. You would know how everyone else dies and how (friends,loved ones). Games would become boring because you would know who wins and how. Super sense of touch Even silk would feel rough You'd feel the temperature variations in the air It would always feel breezy because you could feel the motion of the air If you sneezed into you hands you can feel the mucus hit your skin
  5. I have a physical limitation on my cyborg character that she doesn't heal. She has to be repaired. While it is a supers game, Body can be taken and while I haven't taken Body yet, it has been close with other players have taken a few Body. Also, given the fact that none of the other players can effectively repair me it is also a problem. The value of the limitation should be based on the frequency and difficulty your character encounters the problem. I still remember a 1/4 lim. not vs magic on defenses for a character and then the next 30+ games had magical attacks.
  6. So far, people have hit 4 of the monsters I was planning to inflic...err.. run against the players, but there are some I haven't thought of. So my thanks! If people have any more suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
  7. Just some clarifications If you push when on, say a resistant protection force field which costs end and only needs pay end to start, you need to push every phase to continue the pushed effect. Does the whole power shut off when you stop pushing, thus requiring you to "restart" the power? If you stop pushing it, can you push the power at a later time without restarting it? If the "force field" has alterable defenses (reallocating PD and ED etc), does this counts as turning off and on the power? If the "force field" has variable advantage, does changing the advantage count as restarting the power?
  8. At least one of the suggestions above is scheduled to appear. Both monsters big and human sized will be seen, though not Godzilla. I'm doing more SyFy monsters, as when a year or two ago SyFy went movie monster of the week crazy. A couple of classics (dracula, wolfman, frankenstein) may appear but may be in a slightly updated form.
  9. My game will be about a group of super teens heading off to spring break on an island with a camp, amusement park, beach, etc. I am planning there will be a lot of geek fandom horror movie spots on the island with the SyFy monsters providing the big challenges. I have a few ideas for my Dundracon game about what SyFy Monsters will appear, but what are people favorites? In case people are wondering: 403 Summer of SyFy Saturday 6 PM in 160 for 8 hours Room Map GM: Don Satow Type: RPG System: Hero 6th ed. Edition: 6th Players: 6 Provided: Characters may be provided by GM Power Level: 9d6, 8 CV, 5 Spd (5th ed chars ok; no Find Weakness) Variations: Teen Champions Rules Knowledge: Useful Game Content: Mainstream It's Summer Break! Time for a break for teen supers at the beach. Everyone's headed to the Amity Island for the amusement park, bikinis and Camp Crystal Lake. As you refuel your vehicle at the last gas stop before Amity Island, an old man warns of impending doom. The new amusement park and camp are built on lands said to be cursed by the local indians. A group of teens and their great dane, also heading to the island, say it's all poppycock. They are headed to the island for the hot dog eating contest and the beach. As the teens finish filling up their green van, they wish the heroes well and head off. The old man maintains, the island is cursed. As if in response, the weather report on the radio reports unusual weather activity off the coast... Be prepared to meet up with some of SyFy's biggest stars in a mix of monsters and summer horror movie madness.
  10. Does an entangle's mass affect a person's teleport area effect mass limits? Even if the mass is defined as a living entangle (say like animated vines or a dozen goblin grabbing the target)? How much does a barrier weigh? If it weight little, can't a brick just lift the barrier up rather than break it? If it weighs a lot, can't the user just it to flatten weak characters? Ex: A player playing Bunker needs to ground a hot air balloon he's in from taking off any higher. So he fills the gondola with a ton of bricks using entangle or barrier. How much weight can he generate? Ex: The Incredible Bulk is surrounded in a hemisphere of stone (barrier). Can't he just lift the barrier off the ground?
  11. If a character is bestowed power defense with the usable by other advantage and then gets aided by an aid to power defense, if they lose the power defense, do they lose the aid?
  12. Side note: Ego is also sometimes used against PRE attacks by GMs. See 6E2, p136.
  13. If you use teleport area of effect but do not have sufficient mass to carry everyone, how do you determine who stays and who goes? Is it random and if so, how do you determine the randomness?
  14. In Brave New World and as a standard comic meme, people get strange new powers when their lives are threatened. I.E. You get bitten by a high toxic radioactive spider and instead of dying of poisoning and radiation, you get spider powers! So I was think about the fallout to this. the most common one is: 1) More people start commiting suicide in a failed attempt to get superpowers. but I also was thinking 2) Terrorists are less likely to hold hostages and the ones that do are assured they won't be tortured or killed in propaganda and are kept comfortable. (Don't want you hostage Hulking out.) 3) Insurance companies will not pay out if you gain superpowers as a result of the accident. (you got into an accident and gain super strength, then you totaled your car to get out?) Any other causalities?
  15. Jedi "Foul sith lords, stop that transmogrifying right this instant. The Dark Side is no match for the Light Side." Of course, Jedi is nuts whose powers allow him to become a Jedi, but then again that is how he rolls.
  16. If a villain has a Vulnerability to Drugs and he gets a Drain defined as a dopamine/depressant, he takes additional drain damage. If a villain has a Vulnerability to Drugs and he gets an Aid defined as a stimulant, will they take addition aid effects?
  17. Per 6E1 147, all of a defense must be Hardened; you can't Harden part of it. However, a character can have some defenses that are Hardened, and some not. So a character could have 10 PD (not Hardened) and then buy Resistant Protection (10 PD), Hardened. That's perfectly legit. But you can't have 10 PD with 5 of it Hardened and 5 of it not Hardened. I have always assumed that this applies to a specific purchase of a power. If a person buys resistant defenses twice, they could hardened one power and not the other. Ex: Kevlar suit - 6/6 Resistant Defense -18 points Steel inserts - 6/6 Resistant Hardened Defense - 22 points The character has 12/12 resistant. Against an AP attack, it would be 9/9. Am I correct or misunderstanding the rule on pg 147?
  18. Does Mental and Power defense triple in cost when taking the "takes no stun" power vs just creating an automaton from scratch? Checking on an inconsistency in Hero Designer.
  19. Am I correct in assuming that at Huge and larger in growth, Strength will get pro-rated for AoE after 15 Strength? Ex: Growup man has 30 Strength and can grow to Huge size. He decides to smack down Miley Cyrus but The Inbetweener takes the blow for Miley. Does Inbetweener take 15d6 or 14d6 AoE 1mR?
  20. Hrmmm, my advice would be a Major Transform into an entangled person.
  21. BTW: Personally, I love the Champions Complete and use the 6th ed PDFs as a searchable reference.
  22. I can see why HERO might not want to produce hard bound books. Without significant knowledge of sales, hard bound books may represent a loss for them. Too many loses and HERO dies. PDFs provide a significantly less risk solution but there are many people who would rather have a hard bound book than an electronic one (us luddites ) A solution is if HERO games can make sure that the PDF is properly formatted and then refer to a PDF book binding company. There are several online though I don't know if they would be capable of such a massive book as 6th ed vol 1 and 2. Here are some links http://www.book1one.com/BindingStyles/HardCover.aspx This one looks promising http://shop.paperchasepress.com/pages/hardcover_book Hero could then make minor updates to the PDFs and make the PDFs available to the consumer.
  23. If when summoning a vehicle, what happens if you fail your EGO roll? Since it's non-sentient, it really doesn't have a choice of flee, attack, twiddle its thumbs, etc.
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