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Everything posted by dsatow

  1. Re: Acronyms I'll challenge that assumption. What's your AC? My THAC0 is 12. Being a Pa3/Th4 has its rewards! I do 3d8+StrMod+3(okay maybe a +1). Your HP goes down 14 pts. I get 250 XP for the encounter. I suffered no AoO and still have a pot of CLW. ;D
  2. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM BESTIARY: What Do *You* Want To See? I'm late coming to this thread, so I'll just add my $0.02 and hope for the best. I'll not add to the requests for writeups and these are only ideas and suggestions. 1) Information on training and learning to ride these creatures would be good. 2) Creature reactions. How to have the creature react to animal handling and presence attacks. 3) Hit locations for both the creature itself and creature with rider. How to deal with attacks against mount and rider (ie: if the attack misses, does it hit the mount?). How to create hit locations for fantastic creatures such as a sharktopus or sea moose. 4) A list of standard creature powers as build packages: Tentacles, claws, teeth, fangs, venom, camouflage, etc. such that a beginner can just pick and choose what to keep to create a new fantastic creature.
  3. Re: More Complications, Please Sorry if this has already been noted, but I don't remember it saying anywhere in the 6e books that you can't have more complications. It's just that you do not get points for them.
  4. Re: TK Throws The standing print rule which supercedes all meta-rules is: What the GM allows. If the GM allows a design, no matter if you personally wouldn't allow it, the GM has last say. You could argue the point, but generally as common courtesy, is only allowed after the game.
  5. Re: Earthshaking stomp Just as a FYI, you could also build it as TK Explosion or AoE radius, Personal immunity, Only to throw targets away(-1), Targets must be in contact with surface(-1/2), no range or change environment -5 to DEX rolls or fall, personal immunity, targets must be in contact with surface, no range or (probably the worst build) flight movement usable against others AoE/Explosion, Only to move away, targets must be in contact with surface, no range.
  6. If a person buys a power UBO or UAO to affect a certain number of people in a constant AoE, what happens when the maximum number of people as defined by the UBO/UAO is reached? Ex: I create a Stargate which is XtraD travel UAOx16 AoE radius 4m Constant. I am trying to evacuate a town from the impending asteroid crash, how many people can go through the Stargate?
  7. If a character has invisibility on Str (they move so fast, you can't see them move their arms), then am I correctly interpreting the following 1) They do not have to activate the invisible power effects if they don't want to. (False: they must always use the invisible power effect as such, they should instead buy invisibility as a naked advantage). 2) If they buy martial arts, the maneuver is invisible. (False: they must buy invisibility enough to cover the entire dice of effect) 3) They can buy invisibility with a large limitation (say -2) that in effect doesn't make them invisible (i.e. no OCV/DCV advantage, no location advantage) but allows their actions to be invisible. (True: So long as the GM OKs this, but I'd still like to know your thoughts on the subject)
  8. Re: Power that does less damage the larger the area Multipower is the best way to go. Though you might also think about using change environment and darkness as well as blast. Multipower (XX) Slot one : EB single target Pen. Continuous. Slot two : EB 1 hex Pen. Cont. Slot three: EB AoE radius Pen. Con. Slot four: EB AoE hexes Pen Con. Slot five: change environment 1 pip of damage. Slot six: darkness
  9. Re: What can you do with five points? Be the luckiest man alive. Just grab your lucky rabbits foot and head to Vegas baby! 5 pts. Luck 3d6 (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)
  10. In the index it says 6e1 pg 192. I go to page 192 which is about desolidification but I don't see the advantage explained. I am assuming you can partially desolidify your body with the advantage. How does that affect Area of Effect attacks, falls, the ability to eat, hit locations/damage, etc.? If an NND hits a solid area and the defense is being desolid (twiddly I know but its for the purposes of the argument), does the NND affect the target?
  11. Re: Ranged HA - What so bad about it So far, if I can summarize at this point. In the two camps: Ranged HA == OK (pro) 1 - It logically fits in with the other mechanics. 2 - It's as game imbalancing as HKA with Ranged. Ranged HA != OK (against) 1 - There are other ways to do it. (The conservative argument - it ain't broke don't fix it) 2 - It opens a can of worms with characteristics affecting powers. 3 - There is an inherent limitation on HA which adding ranged would screw up. Solutions suggested 1 - Get rid of HA and HKA and add an advantage can add a characteristic to power for (+1/2). 2 - Allow ranged on HA and change the mandatory limitation on HA to Damage Only. BTW: under the Ranged HA == OK heading and Solution 1, HA is currently the only power with a mandatory limitation. Doing solution 1 would also get rid of this discrepancy.
  12. Re: Ranged HA - What so bad about it First, I am not selectively singling out Hugh as there were a couple of other people doing the same thing, but I am singling him out in that his was the last post. As I stated in the first post, this isn't a question of whether we can do this in a different way using limitations and advantages already in the game. Its why or why not Range HA is offensive.
  13. Re: Ranged HA - What so bad about it HA did have a doubling rule in Fred, but it also noted that most GMs ignored this rule.
  14. Re: Ranged HA - What so bad about it OK, I wouldn't have a problem if they removed the ability to put ranged on HKA but I doubt that will occur due to all medieval weaponry based on it. As for cost associations, I still don't see a correlation. For 15 active, you get 3 DC in either HA or HKA. It used to be the HKA, active point per point was more effective due to the stun lottery, but thats no longer the case. My personal feeling and I believe to be more robust solution is to remove HA all together and just use Blast with as a person said, +1/2 adv to add strength. In the same vein, RKA and HKA would go away and just become KA which you can add ranged or add strength advantages. Its clean and logical and fits in with some of the changes they did for 6th with things such as Barrier.
  15. OK, here's a question to all those here in the forum? Why do you think ranged HA would be bad or distasteful? Personally I can't see a reason why putting ranged on HtHA is bad and I know several people do feel its bad, but honestly given the changes in 6th Ed I just don't see why. In 5th, it was arguably less abusive than say HKA with Ranged on it, a perfectly legal combination. So people of the forum, give me your reasons, why is putting ranged on HA bad? Note: I will not accept, "because you can do it this other way." as a reason it's bad. Also any reason you give me will have to stand up against why is it bad but Ranged HKA is good.
  16. If you have say 12d6 Blast with Rd End and Variable Limitations, could you negate the Rd. End with say 3x End in the variable limitations, or do they both take effect. I would think that its allowable, but the advantage is basically nullified.
  17. Re: When sfx lie Just my $.02 which has probably already been said. From the original argument, I don't like +5 DCV as "Indestructible" not only from what has been said, but also, from a damage shield perspective. Even though you should take damage from the shield, I am indestructible so you don't take damage from it ?!?! From the block argument, I was in a campaign a while back where blocks decreased the amount of damage by the strength plus damage classes of the martial artist (basically 6th ed negation). It works fairly well for a more gritty feel but some players argued that a "x" block wasn't affected by the strength of the attacker (ex: many aikido blocks). It can be said that really that's a defensive block such that you are much harder to hit. The argument just goes around and around. I think it should be just left to the GM as to how they want to do this, much in the same way as the optional bleeding rules are done.
  18. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Sorry to cut in and out, but WDYWTS threads move fast. IMHO brick martial arts, if it makes it back into the revised book, should have grappling block. I don't remember seeing it but it should be in there. If I am wrong, I apologize for wasting $0.000000000000001 of your bandwidth. Basically, this is where the brick gets swung at with a punch or sword and they grab the swung item (sword or fist) in mid swing and then in the next scene crush it with in their immense grip.
  19. Is there a way to create a strength based blast in a vein similar to HKA with the at range advantage?
  20. Why can't I add ranged to to HA like I can HKA? I want to devise a power not as lethal as a killing attack usable at range with damage increased by strength. There doesn't seem to be a way to do that in the system/hero designer?
  21. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Personally, to defend this position, Thugs tend in comic books and cartoons/anime to rough up normals in no time flat, even if they are professional boxers and the like. Note that I am not talking about a common gang banger here but the mafia thugs you see in comics. Ex: The mafia goes up to a boxer who they want to throw a fight and he doesn't play ball. An extra 1d6 isn't going to cut it on the boxer. Furthermore, these thugs tend to fight so much better that only superheroes can take them down. They tend to be agents with better CVs and damage than police officers. No, a martial throw as current described generally slams the target in your hex. Its really more like a slam which in real life martial arts is what these throws do. But in comics/anime/cartoons/etc., these martial artists tend to throw or redirect the attacker into objects (like walls or boxes of rubbish, causing failed move through damage), out of a combat area (to avoid innocents in fights), or to toss them into inconvenient places (like off a cliff). Just to be clear, I don't allow this, but I do see many people try this.
  22. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? UMA and NinjaHero were always my most favorite of the supplements. Sadly, haven't bought many supplements lately being house poor. Personally, here's my input: 1) Lemon Meringue; much better than Key Lime. 2) Include under fictional martial arts, one for thugs. You always see the common thug doing grabs, gut punches, knee groin shots, chin shots, etc. 3) Under maneuvers, a martial toss. There are many instances where the martial arts or brick grabs a person and spins them around and tosses them a good distance. There seems to be two versions, one where the person is spun around the martial artist and one where the martial artist tosses them over them. 4) Standard generic write ups for the KungFu/Karate student agent, the Ninja agent, evil government spy agent(for all those 007esque fights), and generic warrior with a sword(for the fantasy/swashbuckling fights against guards and soldiers). Include the common thug if you do the thug martial arts. 5) Clarification on levels for martial arts. Every so often I see people in 5th ed using a 3 point martial arts level or a multipower level with the other. Ex: You have 2 multipower levels and a slot in the multipower which is a HTH attack. You use the HTH attack with a martial strike and then use the 3 point levels on DCV from the martial strike. This is the 5th ed analogy. I am not sure about the 6th ed analogy as I am not starting the 6th ed camapign until after Christmas. 6) Some explanation on how tournaments work for martial arts. Example, if I want to make a game based upon a Gym which hosts a Boxing Club, the players would be boxers and enter fights in the ring. While this scenario isn't really enough for a full separate supplement, it would be interesting here for a page or two. For instance, HERO ring fights would be like fighting Mike Tyson in all the situations(the first person to land a good +4d6 hit would most likely take out the other). How do you get around that. Similarly, some players may want to join a dojo to learn martial arts. Some basics over what it would be like and the challenges you see in movies would be cool. 7) An optional rule for doing something similar to find weakness for those who miss find weakness would be cool. 8) Did I mention Lemon Meringue?
  23. Re: new to hero system Minimally, what you need is what Steve has stated. Etherio also makes a good point. My two cents would be: When getting 6 sided dice, get two which are total different in color to themselves and the other dice. This helps in roll stun for killing attacks and for 1/2 d6s. If you can't afford Hero Designer, get a cheap $10 calculator. It helps with the math.
  24. This came up in a game and I's just like to know the official answers. (I'll not note which side I took on the subject to get an impartial answer. If the answer is "It's the GMs call." thats fine but I'd like to know how you'd do this in your game.) You have player A and Player B both with force fields. Player A has force field based on a continuing charge. Player B has a force field based on a Costs End only to activate. Neither force field has any other advantages bought on it. They are currently fighting Foxybat (Foxbat's little sister) and needs to take a recovery (she's blond and a little slow:eg:). 1) Does Player A's force field drop when taking a recovery (cont. charge)? 2) Does Player B's force field drop when taking a recovery (Cost End 2 act)? 3) Would it help either/both players to buy persistent on the power? Finally, not dealing with force fields: 4) If a person bought their running with usable as a second form of movement (flight), could they just stand on air (not moving nor paying any end for movement) and take a recovery?
  25. Just wondering, can you do a multiple maneuver with a passing strike instead of just a move by maneuver? I think I remember someone or somewhere being said no, but I'd just thought I'd ask.
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