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Everything posted by matrix3

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore That's good, too. I've eaten a lot of dishes, but I never did try the black pudding...
  2. Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero Since he dies if the gem is destroyed, just what is the def/body of that gem?
  3. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I would like to try one, too. You know, it is a well rounded meal: a base of bread for the grains, the meat, potatoes take care of the vegetable requirement, and dairy in the cheese. All four foodgroups, neatly taken care of. Just like a meaty pizza (the pizza sauce counts as a vegetable, right?) ETA: It reminds me of one of my favorite breakfasts, a modification of the full english breakfast that contains fries topped with baked beans, sauteed mushrooms, and a couple rashers of bacon. My wife won't let me eat it, though, due to the so-called "health risks".
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I remember seeing this in the fall of 2000. It was the second "web video" I remember seeing (the first being Spirit of Christmas in spring 1997). I didn't know it was supposed to be a commercial, and if it is, I have no idea what they might be advertising.
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I give you, the fifty pound hamburger.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos insanely complex!
  7. Re: PBEM - RDU: The Mavericks - Example & Discussion Some great stories of helping at the WTC collapse! It looks like you skipped to the end of the Metalstone fight. I know it's been a while since the game...do you still have anything from the middle to post?
  8. Re: Fallout 3: Postapocalyptica I often play Monks or other HTH types in games. Do you think that would be possible with Fallout3?
  9. matrix3


    Re: [R]Evolution "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players..." It's all a grand game, the greatest game of all: her versus the universe itself. She is the only "person" the only one who has rights and sentience. She can turn human to metahuman and back again. She is a goddess, and everyone else, human or metahuman, are just pawns. "They" don't hurt, "they" don't have needs or rights, "they" just exist to further her position in the game...
  10. Re: Fallout 3: Postapocalyptica What other Perks do you recommend?
  11. Re: Whoops, folks actually liked this: Nu Warriors! Well, most frats aren't that "geek friendly", so what if a group of gamers/geeks/nerds/etc. wanted to get a cheap house together, and they discover that frats get special deals, are really close to campus, or it's the only way to get the old decrepit house that just happens to have a T3 running through the backyard? They form a frat, pretend to have superpowers, and then it backfires. I don't think it would support a campaign, thus my comment that it would be a fun con-game. I do have to say that I didn't have any run-ins with frats while in college. They were more the goofy, drunken guys on the edge of campus, and my school didn't worship the athletes like some schools, so they didn't get inflated egos and try to push people around or anything.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos It goes down stairs, alone or in pairs...
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Maybe it's just a very realistic bodysuit, and "those" are in actuality part of an ablative armor chestpiece. Perhaps with a potent sight flash embedded in the tips...
  14. matrix3


    Re: [R]Evolution Woo! Thanks for the update!
  15. Re: First role playing memory So...why does a footman's mace do more damage? And why does a lucerne hammer have a pointy end?
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures Some neat pics of unusual hotels.
  17. matrix3


    Re: [R]Evolution Thanks! Keep it coming!
  18. Re: First role playing memory I played a lot of "imagination games" as a child that might qualify as LARP, where I would be a bodyguard and my sister and her friend were princesses, or my friends and I were the different members of Voltron in the park. Does that count? Otherwise, the first was a mutant hedgehog in TMNT in 8th grade.
  19. Re: What books are Characters in? That sounds like Ghost-Angel's Ultimate Index. I can't find the PDF right now, but here's the Wiki from his Sig: http://www.curufea.com/hero/doku.php
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures Oh, that's right. From Wikipedia:
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This is ongoing, not just a video, but check out some cute puppies at the Shiba Inu Puppy Cam.
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