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Everything posted by matrix3

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Lord of the Five Rings.
  2. Re: What is Your Favorite Item? Dust of Dragon's Teeth This is a dust that acts like the mythological dragon's teeth. Sprinkle a pinch on the ground, and a moment later up pops an armed and armored warrior. I don't know where the GM got this idea, but he was off on his math. After an encounter, the PC's found a pouch with a pound of this stuff. One PC (Tucker, I think) grabbed this up and held on to it for a while. Eventually, the group faced a big bad, a monstrous creature that was nearly immune to their attacks. Tucker made a great roll to throw this pouch into the creatures mouth, then the player brought up Google on his laptop and showed the GM that there are 16 pinches to a teaspoon and 96 teaspoons to a pound. 1,536 warriors suddenly spawned in the creature's gullet.
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares ...could I get this on Pay-Per-View?
  4. Re: league of extraordinary PULP HEROs Great character, though from her picture I imagine she went through a lot of double sided tape keeping the top of her robe positioned just so. Did she get a bonus to PRE vs. humans of the appropriate sexuality?
  5. Re: dark champions with pulp hero ancestors I heard of a guy who told his players he wanted to run an experiment and handed each player a 150 pt. pulp character, and a 250 pt. dynastic vigilante character that was a (grand)child or niece/nephew of the first. He ran three sessions with the pulp characters in 1936, then ran three sessions with the vigilantes in 1976. He then had the players make up dynastic 350 pt. supers in 2016. It seems like a lot of time and work to me, but it provided a lot of history and background for the characters and lots of hooks for the GM.
  6. Re: Gunpowder, Reason and Plot. Thanks for the great campaign notes! I hope to soon see notes from a new campaign (should you have the time...)
  7. Re: Evil Schemes for the Average Megalomaniac I wouldn't make it every bottle of this energy drink, rather more like 1:100 or 1:1000. This way, the manufacturer can claim someone is tampering with their product, while still reaping the benefits of everyone trying to get one of the superpower inducing bottles. Then, the heroes can investigate whether it really is the company, or if someone really is tampering. And, either way, why give random people superpowers? Is it just to drive up demand and make the company money that hasn't been seen since Viagra, or is there something more sinister? Maybe the powers aren't so temporary. Or so benign. Maybe, after three or five or ten doses, the consumer...changes.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... or
  9. Re: Evil Schemes for the Average Megalomaniac Does the Atomic Khan work alone? Or, like Dr. Destroyer, does he have a private army? If so, and if you don't mind a bit of a bait and switch, I'd try something like this: There is a crime wave in the city, with nightly thefts of large amounts of mundane items. Three tons of rhinestones from a costume jewelry factory, 1000 cubic yards of synthetic batting from a mattress manufacturer, 2000 gallons of dish soap, etc. The heroes are brought in when a witness at the latest theft reports that the thieves were soldiers of the Atomic Khan! Further investigation at other thefts will turn up corroborating evidence. You can throw in twists and turns, confounding your players with the random nature of the thefts, maybe throwing out hints of dire concoctions that can be made by combining rhinestones and dish soap, with a final confrontation with the Atomic Khan himself! After a hard fight, they take the Khan down -- only to find out he's a robot! A robot put in place who knows how long ago, but long enough for his programming to degrade. Ok, maybe not the best idea, but at least you wouldn't have to worry about not portraying the Atomic Khan as a genius...
  10. Re: [Campaign] DEFENDERS CONGREGATE!! *bump*
  11. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero "Uh...you mean this isn't Comic-Con?"
  12. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero I thought that defense was being saved for when you finally track down Quesada...
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures Good one. And I remember (and miss) You Can't Do that on Star Trek.
  14. Re: Call for Replacements The link there is messed up(the hyperlink includes the ellipses). You probably meant http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1261617&postcount=1 right?
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... You used your car as a weapon? Pretty common weapon in the super genre, I guess. Wait...your character drives a Taurus?
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures I edited the original post, if that helps...
  17. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I had a dream the other night that my 2 year old daughter and I were on the second or third level of a large mall, and somehow she kept slipping out of my grasp and _almost_ falling off the balcony. She kept climbing over the railing, or slipping between the bars, or almost falling into a random unmarked hole in the floor...
  18. Re: Disadvantages that Kill! I like all of these posts, but this bit really caught my attention. Did the player come up with characters like this often? EDIT: I must spread some rep, blah, blah, blah...
  19. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters Thank you for sharing your adventures!
  20. Re: Weekend Warriors -- Campaign Log At least it's a pleasurable task...
  21. Re: "Neat" Pictures I've seen other stuff this guy's done, and it is amazing what he can do with chalk on a sidewalk...
  22. Re: I've joined the ranks... About how old are your kids? And, have they shown interest before and you held off until now for some reason, or are they just now showing interest?
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