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Everything posted by matrix3

  1. Re: What is Your Favorite Item? You're Silent Bob with dyed hair?
  2. Re: The Dragon Hunters (Steampunk) Yes! Another campaign log from teh bunneh!
  3. Re: What is Your Favorite Item? Yes! Some really good fantasy overall, too, if people haven't read it ( and his Beserker books are quite good sci-fi, at least the early books I read) Yes..I remember this one. Even to slip it partially out of the sheath would devastate opponents -- and risked the wielder's life. Don't forget its tendency to go wander after a while. However the owner locked it up, eventually it would go find another owner. Usually when the current owner was relying upon the luck... yes, a couple cool stories about this one, as I recall. And, it doesn't matter how far away, or if you are inside or in a cave when you "throw" it. Basically, if you have room to spin around in a hammer-throw style, thinking (chanting?) the targets name, for a few moments, then release, this sword will basically teleport away to slay your target. Just don't get it mixed up with another sword when you go to slay that dragon...
  4. matrix3


    Re: [R]Evolution Thanks for the updates! Hmm...it would be very interesting if Mercury detected the mutations as damage and "fixed" it. It might also indicate a possible origin for Mercury...who might want to "fix" a mutant?
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This made me chuckle...
  6. matrix3


    Re: [R]Evolution I must admit that I have something of a "Reese's mentality" : I can't help but wonder if two great things would taste great together. As such, I've been pondering what would happen if a meta was exposed to Mercury or Karbite. Then I started wondering, what if a Karbite freak was exposed to Mercury? Would there be immediate side effects, would a person's body be able to handle both enhancements? (of course, this is more for my own entertainment...feel free to just say "nope, not gonna happen, they'd just blow up." or something similar )
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Repo Men Tagline: "Who will Repo the Repo Men?" I...I don't know what to say. What would a combination of Watchmen and Repo Man be like?
  8. matrix3


    Re: [R]Evolution Cool! Thanks for the update. A couple questions: -- Does each branch of the U.S. military have its own metahuman force, or is it just Sanction? I ask because there are "elite" units in each branch, Navy SEALS, Army Rangers, Marine Force Recon, so it makes sense to me that each branch has a unit of metahuman soldiers. Perhaps members of these teams are then fed into Sanction? -- You list Mercury under "Villains" but you mention "Strike Force" using it to defend the public interest, so is it more a technology that multiple use? And, how do people get Mercury? Do people stumble upon vials of it, or is it transmitted from one Mercury wearer to a new host? EDIT: Oh, and if it boosts normals into superhuman range, what happens if a metahuman uses Mercury?
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore How about a 6,000 calorie "Gut-Buster" meal?
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures I get the gist of this attitude from a lot of dogs...
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore One of the big questions is how much fuel is burned by the tractors tilling the ground, seeding the ground, pulling the irrigation pipe around, and finally harvesting the plants. Then, there are the questions of how much water, fertilizer, and pesticide is sprayed around, and whether the energy, water, fertilizer, and pesticide would be better spent growing plants we could eat. This is why corn isn't really a good choice as a source of ethanol, and why marginal crops like jatropha are being investigated, along with using the waste products of processing plants for human or animal consumption.
  12. Re: [Mythos Supers] Cool idea, and some very cool applications. I might have to steal some of the ideas in that thread and adapt them to my game...
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore "This just in, another fringe cult committed mass suicide today, when all members perished of simultaneous heart attacks following their communion ceremony. Details at 11."
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  15. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Although, it'd be a mighty good conversation starter. "What be that light, my good man?" "Ah, fine lady, I have been blessed by the powers that be. Wouldst thou care to partake of mine blessing?"
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures "Regrow that, bub."
  17. Re: As Thick as a Brick (brick fan thread) Impressive. Did you have HeroDesigner to help you, or were you making all these changes by hand/in your head?
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Hehe...I think I've seen pics of these advertised on the marquee of adult cinemas, along with Flesh Gordon and Shaving Ryan's Privates.
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore How about those "eat it in an hour and the meal's free" deals? I think the original was the 72 oz. steak at the Big Texan Steak Ranch: Here's some background. and
  20. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Looks tasty, although it seems to be lacking something...maybe a little dish of Mayo to dip it in? Seriously, though, I think one of those concoctions would be plenty.
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Howling's Moving Castle
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