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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Honestly, did you expect anything different from #PutinsBuddy?
  2. Archer -- maybe Dr. Sam Beckett leaped into your life to put something right that once went wrong, and he aced your stats test for you. That would explain the Swiss-cheesed memory. I remember back in junior high, I had to write a research paper (my topic was on the Monitor and the Merrimack). Afterward, I vividly recalled that the only thing the teacher noted as wrong was that I had messed up while citing my sources. However, no matter where I looked I couldn't find the paper. After a few days, I asked the teacher if I had left it in class and he said that he had just finished grading the papers but hadn't passed them back yet. And lo and behold, the only thing he noted wrong in my paper was that I messed up my sources. Yeah, it was probably just my subconscious mind realizing what I had screwed up and revealed it in a dream, but it was so dang real that it freaked me out.
  3. He dissed the Red Wings. This is, after all, Detroit - Where the Weak are Killed and Eaten.
  4. Unfortunately, Bulldozer also got his own series on Disney+
  5. The answer to the OP question is that they got their own show on Disney+
  6. Molten uranium! (Now Pariah needs to come up with something else.)
  7. No, he died in 1885. Something about stealing a locomotive and driving it off a dead-end track into a ravine outside Hill Valley. They even named the ravine after him.
  8. To quote from the article: "In other emails, he told his son he was shocked by many of the scenes in the collection, which he claimed depicted incestuous sexual relationships, sex with minors and animals, sexual assault and slavery, according to The Holland Sentinel in Michigan. "“That you would buy and watch films depicting such violence is beyond the pale,” Werking’s father wrote. “I have no words to express the depth of my shock and disappointment. Believe it or not, one reason for why I destroyed your porn was for your own mental and emotional health. I would have done the same if I had found a kilo of crack cocaine.”" So, how much of that porn did his dad watch? Sounds like, if he found a kilo of crack cocaine, he's have smoked about half of it before deciding to destroy the rest. You know, for his kid's own good.
  9. Is that the one with "FBI Surveillance Van" as the WiFi name?
  10. My Dr. Octopus tentacles! How can I properly watch Spider-Man movies over the Christmas break without them?
  11. That ice cream truck not only looks exactly like the one that comes down our street every summer, but the bits I can see of the houses behind it look the same as those on our street. If it wasn't for the sign pole in the forefront of the picture, I'd have thought that photo was taken across the street from our house. For a minute there, though, I was thinking, "Starlord! Dude! Do you live across the street from me?"
  12. Immediately after he presides over Congress receiving the Electoral College Votes, Pence is scheduled to hop a flight overseas to Bahrain, Israel, and Poland (I think). "Immediately" as in, I think he's leaving that same day. Funny how the timing is on that. So yeah, he's trying to distance himself, both politically and physically, from Trump.
  13. I think Hermit was referring to Tennessee's governor being a twit, not Florida's.
  14. I don't remember Jack Burton having the ability to erase history in Big Trouble in Little China. "As my gift to a naughty world... everything Donald Trump says will now become real."
  15. I will add that, as to Duke's worry about having to research the heck out of a real-world place -- in over two decades of running games in real-world locations that I've either never been to (New York City) or only visited once or twice (Chicago and Boston), I've yet to have a player say "that's completely wrong." That doesn't mean that I haven't gotten things completely wrong - I'm sure I have - it's just that the players realize that this is a pseudo-real-world location. That said, I do tend to research some things (occasionally to an excessive degree), but that usually happens when I come upon a real-world thing that is just too cool *not* to use, and want to make sure I get it right. I'll point out a case where having a real-world location was a bonus. Early in the Boston campaign, I introduced a new supervillain group - the A Team, whose members' villain names all started with "A" (Armadillo, Ankylosaur, Airstrike, Achilles, etc.) They proceeded to commit a series of crimes across Boston, leaving (intentionally vague) clues each time as to their next target. In each case, I printed out the Google Maps overhead view of the area of each crime. It wasn't until the final showdown that the players realized that in each case, some of the streets came together in an "A" shape. While not a major thing, it was a rather fun reveal.
  16. By the way, Duke, everything you said above... you're completely wrong. (I kid you because I like you.)
  17. My preference to run Champions campaigns is real-world locations (with the exception of once running a campaign set in CU's Millennium City). I have used fictional countries (the Malachite Islands and the small country of Montenbourg), but for the most part the cities, towns, etc. can all be found on Google Maps. And currently, that's one of the reasons I've used real-world locations - I can pull them up on Google Maps and lay out how things look. I like the players to be able to use things in the environment, and it works better when I (and they) can actually see them from the Street View. I don't typically use real-world people, except on isolated occasions. My real-world city has a fictional mayor, chief of police, etc. I do tend to use about a 50/50 mix of real-world and fictional companies. Since I'm not publishing my game adventures, I don't really worry about getting sued if I don't present some person or company in the best light. That said, if putting something together to be made available to others, I'd suggest Duke's "RPG" scenario - a fictional city that's based on a real place. Basically, someplace with all the serial numbers filed off and the names changed to protect the innocent (and guilty). "So, this game is set in NeoChicago, which is in no legal way representative of the actual Chicago, because we don't want some Windy City wahoos to get their panties in a bunch and come kick us in the jimmies..." Then, you can still use things like Google Maps if you want but ignore/change the things you don't want.
  18. I remember a comedian (I forget who) commenting something to the effect of: "You Californians are so lucky, when "The Big One" hits, instead of California falling into the sea, it will be the rest of the country sinking away, and Californians will be like, 'Oh cool, another beach!'"
  19. That must be Florida Man, walking his dog. "Least, I think it's a dog. I'm overdue for an eye exam..."
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