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Everything posted by Legatus

  1. Re: Native American Supers: Post Your's Here In my campaign Native Americans have produced quite a few supers. To name a few: Red Crow: mutant/martial artist; now member of a gang of inter-stellar buccaneers Stampede: tough brick, reluctant hero Black Bear: hero, transformed into a huge bear-man by a demon-lord Bear Claw: twin brother of Black Bear, abducted at an early age by a demon-lord, now his loyal servant Many Deaths: mutant hero, who witnessed the brutal murder of his whole village, out for revenge
  2. Re: Elseworlds Another classic would be the "all heroes are now villains and all villains are now heroes" idea!!! There were some Star Trek: DS9 episodes built this way, if I remember it correctly. So you only had to change the positioning of individual characters in a otherwise unchanged setting.
  3. Re: Elseworlds Clichées and stereotypes, is that all you can think of when talking about Germany? Why does it always have to be: What if the Nazis had won World War II? Try to use some other starting points for your alternate universe setting: What if Germany had won World War I? Would the Kaiser still rule? What if Germany had developed into a strong centralistic country (like France) in the 16th century? What if King Gustav Adolph of Sweden had won the Thirty Year's War? Would Sweden still rule Germany? What if napoleon had succeeded in conquering Europe and had created a Union of European Colonies under a French regime? Countless possibilities!
  4. WWYCD: Harem Comedy from Hell I'll give this plot a little twist. Since The First Ladies are also a three, wait for things to happen. Primadonna: is flattered by the attention of the cult leader, but her high morale and ethical standards, and her snobbish "high society" attitude, exclude him from being a reasonable choice. She would sing him her good-bye song. After that, he'll probably need hearing devices and not be in the mood for a serenade for a long time. Primaballerina: will date the powerful wizard two times, the first and the last time. She will fall for his charm, yes, but realizing what kind of villain he is, she will reject his affection. Diva: the dimensional lord!!! Wow!!! Powerful men are so sexy! But he is so unbearably ugly and he smells of brimstone. She'll dump him after their little affair (only meetings in public, no private sessions) was exploited by the yellow press and she got enough media attention.
  5. Re: [CHAR] Kitsune Again, constructed well. Though I probably wouldn't give her costume 6 points of resistant defense. That means a small revolver won't do any BODY damage. Is she wearing a kevlar vest or something like that? And I'd boost her COM quite a bit, 14 doesn't fit the sexy spy for me.
  6. Re: [CHAR] Brightstar I like her the way she is. Low in points, but well constructed. Seems that you also know how to build "normal" characters, not just galactic level types. (I'll not forget Emperia, nor forgive:eek:)
  7. Re: [CHAR] The Marshall Cool, he is of German heritage! And a western-themed character always does it for me. Actually I also have a western-inspired vigilante called The Marshall, who was actually a being from another dimension and had seen too many movies in our world. And he had deputies...
  8. Re: [Review] The Mystic World I've got a new disadvantage: Easily excited by HERO gaming material (very common, total commitment): 20 points:D
  9. Re: Need to get the Creativity Flowing...
  10. Re: [Character] Yttrank Tonio, you wom the great No-Prize! That's exactly it. Psi with a gun? Cable! I loved this character, but I left comic books bout ten years ago. So I don't know what his story his today. Lemme rep you for that.
  11. Re: [Character] Yttrank Well, glad you did appreciate my comments, that was my intent. I'll give you some more hints on that weapon-using psi: - he's from the future - he's the son of a mutant from this timeline - it's all really complicated - he wants to prevent his future reality :confused: :confused:
  12. Re: [Review] The Mystic World Thanks again! I have already looked into it and I will have to order, 'cause that'll get me back the respect from ghost-angel. Oh man I'm so old-fashioned.
  13. Re: [Review] The Mystic World Thanks for the in-depth comparison, LL. As I said, it's a pity that it is not available here.
  14. Re: [Review] The Mystic World Damn, sounds like I need The Mystic World too. And Mystic Menaces. And Arcane Adversaries. If only they were available over here. Sure, you don't need 4E stuff. Make sure never to take a look at European Enemies. That book was crap. I wanted to sue the company.
  15. Re: [Review] The Mystic World Tyrannon's write-ups are in MM 4E! One of the good supplements of those days. Sorry you don't have one .
  16. Re: [Character] Yttrank Sorry Tonio, I don't like him at all. His powers seem crude to me. Badly constructed? Maybe. I'm not that deep into game mechanics. But a psionic with a gun? Wait, that concept strikes a nerve... if I just could remember. His blaster is too powerful IMO, but it might just be the tech level of your campaign. I'm afraid I couldn't be of much help, but keep them characters comin', so we can all profit.
  17. Re: [Review] The Mystic World I still love my copy of Mystic Masters (4th ed.). Could you compare the two? I absolutely adore Tyrannon. He is a favorite mega-villain of mine, but I think his multiple forms lacked proper visual presentation in MM.
  18. Re: MancerBear's Art Den #1 'cause it features my favourite character of yours: the blue furred tazmanian devil (whattsisnameagain?) #2 it is NINJA COW! We get the idea. But you can definitely do better than that. There is only one way. Back to work: You need a #3. Sorry!
  19. Re: WWYCD: Halloween From Hell 2007 The First Ladies celebrate Halloween (or do they?): Primadonna gives a private concert for her best friend and most generous sponsors. Primaballerina is from Russia and does not take part in the whole craze. She wants this night to be over quickly. It is too loud, it is too much kids, it is too much candy. If she recognizes a real monster, it will be doomed, because she will dance the Dance of Angels. Diva has no time for fighting evil tonight, she is in a club. In as little a costume she could find, dancing till dawn, she would probably even flirt with that good loking vampire-guy. Of course if someone lured her into the Titty Twister, she might find it a bit too halloweenesque and leave early.
  20. Re: In which Chad thanks those who probably will never read this. I want to personally thank all of the gaming pals mentioned above for being so inspirational to Chad that he still shares his ideas, work, and overall creativity with us. Great!
  21. Re: The Inconceivables! The alien Earth-conquering overlord shipwrecked with the flagship of his space armada. After the ceiling hit his head he turned good. Now he wants to fight evil on Earth. But how do you tell your 5000 space soldiers that killing, looting and destroying is not part of the deal anymore? How does the government react, if he sends out his minions to work as police officers in the campaign city? How do you feed all these minions if you don't have a regular income? They need jobs. And they need housing. The space ship needs to be repaired. They need 10 nuclear reactors. But the once-evil now-good overlord says everything must be done legally.
  22. Re: Mysic Villains in Else Earth. Yes, that's what I say. Please gimme more...
  23. Re: Mysic Villains in Else Earth. Great! The Covenant seems to be a scary and almost too powerful group of villains. I love The Riddle, though he might have a weak spot. He has none of it, if I read it thoroughly. I'd love to see Lady Sunmane and The Order of the Black Rose, they seem to be more like conventional supervillains with a mystic background. Just guessing from what you mentioned of course. Nice work! Your players must love you.
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