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Everything posted by Gnaskar

  1. The last thirty years have not been kind to the world. Water levels have risen over fifteen meters, leading to the evacuation of many costal cities, including New York. Others, like San Francisco, have built massive walls to keep the water out, but this method doesn't always work. The Netherlands was washed away a decade ago, when its walls were breached by the mass of water. Increasingly desperate environmentalist groups (colloquially Enviries) use terrorism to spread their message. Fundamentalists (Fundies) of every religion battle against each other using similar means. Churches and other places of worship around the world have increased security to the point were most resemble bunkers more than holy houses. An increasing number of WMD are available on the Black Markets of the world, and it only a matter of time before another nuke is set off on American soil. In 2021 a one megaton nuke exploded in the middle of New Orleans; the city has never been rebuilt. For terrorist groups with lower budgets, research into robotics has created a generation of mercy-less killing machines, perfect for releasing in malls or crowded downtown areas. The US government grows increasingly totalitarian in its struggle to contain the growing might of foreign dictatorships (North Korea, DR Kongo, Zimbabwe, Cuba after Castro) and the rise of the Mega-Corporations. The United States army, supplemented with twenty-foot mecha, transhuman hybrids, and space based marines, finds it self in near constant war, as the North Korea War drags on and on, and conflicts flare up around the world. The malcontent felt by American citizens is threatening to spill over into full scale civil war, as more and more come to realize that the elected officials voted themselves out of power a long time ago. The real power behind the US is no longer the President, but Herman Crüger, head of CIA. The first known mecha was a construction aid, the idea being that the strength of a tractor and the versatility of a man would make an awesome tool. The military quickly picked up on this and designed a three meter tall walking tank. They tried calling them Walkers at first, but the name was soon changed to Mecha. They were used extensively during the North Korea War. The five first mecha pilots each now have their own comic series published by Kasa Kaisha, a Japanese Mega-Corporation. Military mecha with heights ranging from two to four meters are relatively common in any powerful country, but the five with their own comics pilot huge and unique mecha. the US is rumored to have a prototype of an even bigger mech, but officially denies it. Unknowns to most, the zombie plague is spreading through rural areas and poor countries. Some claim its a USAF research project gone wrong, others claim its been lying dormant in the ice for many years until global warming released, and a few claim its part of an alien assault plan. The unfortunate individuals caught in a zombie uprising have to survive not only zombies but also the USSW (US project Star Wars) troops that soon arrive to "clean up" and make sure that no-one survives knowing what happened. They'll go to any lengths to contain both a zombie rising and the knowledge that zombie risings occur. Some claim the nuke that blew up Jackson Hole, Wyoming was not a Envirie attack, as was claimed, but a cover up, to hide the largest rising in a decade. A new space race is dawning between Mars Society corporation, the communistic New Soviet Union, and the pope led Church of Accession. Adding to the friction between these fractions is the growing threat of space piracy. In an effort to stop piracy, the US project Star Wars has built up a blockage of the Earth-Moon system; simultaneously blocking the other three fractions access to reinforcements without paying mayor taxes. Five years ago, SC resolution 2022 was passed, allowing spacecraft to carry weapons. Now heavily armed convoys patrol the skies, ready to fire at the slightest provocation. Its only a matter of time before the First Space War begins. The Role of the Players Resistance 2040 is a varied setting to role-play in, with options ranging from space pirates and manga style mecha warfare, to zombie survival and desperate resistance against a totalitarian state, to tales of transhuman segregation and FBI investigators racing against time to stop a terrorist plot. If zombies don't fit into your planned campaign, you can just leave them out. The world view is dark and there are seldom any clear moral right or wrong, but there is always room for humor.
  2. Re: You were supposed to turn left! In a Dark Heresy campaign my PCs decided to head shot a high priest, through a key hole, then storm into a room filled with two-hundred cultists. It was supposed to be a flavor scene, to let them witness the birth of a daemon-host, who was supposed to become a mayor villain. Not only did they manage to kill the planned lieutenant in a single shot, they actually managed to kill the boss, too. Earlier in the same mission, while investigating the above cult (one of seven suspicious cults on the planet) they decided to pit one (recently proven loyal) cult against another loyal cult as a distraction. That ended up bringing all seven cults out for a massive brawl, escalating with the arrival of Redemtionists (an ultra-violent fringe cult) and the PDF (local army; with the individual soldiers members of rival cults). I'm planning to have them return to that planet to see the devastation the resulting civil war caused.
  3. Re: Solar HERO: And then we walked away, and we never went back Never say never. Never is only a decade away. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9355479/ http://www.space.com/news/050919_nasa_moon.html Or you can check up on the progress at NASAs home pages: http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/esmd/home/programs.html The one good thing President Bush did while in office was agreeing to restarting the space exploration era. Oh, and Mars is next. EDIT: Project Constellation is the name of the plan.
  4. Digital HERO has a very complete build of a 1MT (mega ton) nuke, but it is very difficult to scale it down to create smaller bombs. I've run the data through every simulation and search program I know of, but it doesn't help as I have no way of comparing damage at ground zero; all I get is the radius. For example (thermal blast): I know that both second-degree burns (2 or 3d6 RKA) and third-degree burns (3 or 4d6 RKA) happen at about 1/8 of the range. But does a 10kT do the same damage (20d6) at GZ? Does it vaporize or just melt metal? How do the temperatures compare? Has anyone tried anything similar? Has anyone managed? Theoretical data from: http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Science/Nuke.html http://www.unitedstatesaction.com/nuclear-low-yield-weapons-impact.htm Digital HERO 10, May 2003
  5. Re: A Series Of Spells Damage resistance with linked armor (limited power, only targets with extensive body fat) both usable by other/simultaneously, as well as the usual magic limitations including continuing charges. perhaps an Aid INT with a transform side effect (target to target with more body fat) to represent the Wisdom of Harlee. And growing tentacles is always fun...
  6. Re: Damn Birds So coming to life just to get revenge on a flock of birds isn't unusual... Mechano would find the scene ironic, but would try to talk the statue into trying non-violent negotiations instead of killing. Poltregist would just laugh and watch, invisibly, unless things escalated.
  7. Re: Norse/Germanic Names It should be noted that Balle was an actual semi-common viking name, though Langballe (lit. Long Balls) was a more common version... if you want the real stuff Icelandic names are probably the best modern equivalent. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_name http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Icelanders
  8. Re: (WWYCD) Superhero Assaination... Mechano (Iron Man Clone with a CvK so bad he refuses to do BODY damage): Would use his extensive finances and media contacts to bring the president down "legally" (ie. creating a scandal so big the POTUS is forced out) before the assassination can take place, informing the would-be assassin of his intent first. This is, of course, presuming he agrees with the assassin. If not, then he'd go after the assassin, and put him in jail. Poltrageist (dead guy brought back to make the world a better place by saving people from themselves): doesn't much care much about the affairs of mortals. He would intervene if the PTB (the powers that be) ordered him to, if someone’s soul (most likely the assassin’s) was in danger. He would otherwise help stopping the assassin, as a favor, if any team member asked him to.
  9. Re: 40K Hero - Astartes Armory Converting directly from table top to HERO is rarely a good idea, IMO. First of all, you're moving from a strategic wargame, where characters have two states: alive and dead; to a role-playing game, with: bleeding, stunned; KO'ed, dead, dieing, flashed, mindcontrolled, entangled, ect. Second of all, the stats in TT have been "balanced", moving them away from their fluff counter-parts. Based on TT, a bolter used by a marine "incapacitates" an unarmed man 2/3 of the time. Presuming "incapacitate" means "reduce to 0 BODY or less", the closest option in HERO is RKA 3d6 (doing ten or more BODY 62.5% of the time); three times your listing. I don't like this bolter any better than your's though. First of all a bolter also has the same chance vs. flak armour, but again I'm thinking TT. I should be thinking fluff, I feel it doesn't cover the bolter fluff well enough. Bolter bolts are self-propeling high caliber ammunition that explodes inside the target. My bolter stats (and I am working on a 40k HERO game) are: Impact: RKA 2d6, +2 STUN mod, AP, +standard gun limitations PLUSS Explosion: RKA 1d6, NND, Does BODY, linked, Impact must do BODY note: this is the type carriable by normal people; the one that only a Marine in full Power Armor can wield does 3d6+1d6 Now, in HERO terms, this is a pretty rough weapon. And a bolter should be. The PCs should dive for cover when they see a bad guy drawing one. There's good reason it's the weapon of the Emperor's Finest. just my 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 $ (in Zimbabwean Dollars).
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In addition we were joined by Naomi, an elven horseback archer, a dwarven Crusader, and a skill monkey. The Beguiler meets one of our new players: Beguiler: Hello. Naomi: you smell bad. Beguiler: I cast color spray. (she resisted all three) Talks of Death: Beguiler: when i die he'll rez me as his servant. Necromancer: he'll be my man servant. Skill Monkey: The term is manhore. Necromancer: he'd be just bones, so there's not much "hore". Naomi: Skeletons are all eunuchs, I'd never thought about that before… We get attacked by some undead creatures (my field of specialty) Beguiler: Kale, do they have vision? Necromancer: DM, do they vision? DM: you don't know, no one has tested whether they react differently to different colors or anything. Necromancer: Test whether they react differently to colors. Beguiler: COLOR SPRAY! Joys of being dead: DM: everyone within ten feet of the undead roll fortitude. Sir Kalmeran (OOC): Na-na-bubu. … DM: everyone whether they pass or fail takes 4 non-lethal damage Sir Kalmeran: Na-na-bubu. A giant worm survives a coup de grace from the cat: Druid: What?! Necromancer: Something survived the cats bite?! Wiz: I think you did something wrong… nothing survives the cat. DM: OK, fine, it dies (kill #23)
  11. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing And then kill the thing, just to be sure.
  12. Re: Norse/Germanic Mythology Admitably I not an expert, though norwegian skoles put you through everything Norse three times (bloody " Repetition"). These are the things I could find that seemed to fit a heroic campaign. Note that I make no guaranty of truth or accuracy. Troll: in the case of Norse myth this is NOT the ugly things with clubs, but a race/group of races (like goblinoid). Most of the troll (the o pronounced as in moth) live underground or deep within forests. Only the big ones turn to stone by sunlight. Stor Troll (literally big troll): The original myth that became (with Disney’s help) what people think of as trolls. Ugly things with clubs. Jotun: a traditional giant/troll; big (8 meters tall or more), scary, mean and selfish. Most live in another world, thankfully, though they sometimes visit. Huldra: Beautiful female trolls that try to lure unsuspecting male with them into the forest/cave, where the male is either enslaved or eaten (stories vary). Check for cow-like tails under women’s dresses to be sure they're not Huldras. Hulder: Male trolls that live with Huldra. Uglier, with potato like noses and sharp teeth. Human sized and decant fighters. Normally only found underground. Tomte or Nisse or Gardvorden (literally farm guard): small garden gnome like spirits that live on farms, and protect it from anything bad. Sometimes they befriend humans, but the normal thing is just to occasionally catch a fleeting glimpse of them. Tusser: a form of Nisse (gnome) that lives in forests in great clans. May grow to a full half foot in height. Generally friendly and completely clueless. Has a habit of asking people why they do things (walk, shout, ignore Tusser, eat, ect.). Comic relief. Draug, Draugr or Dauing (literally deadling or one of the dead): ghost, simply. Mostly used for the ghosts of sailors, though it can refer to all kinds. Nøkken or Nykken (if you can't pronounce Ø): Shape shifting monster that lives in lakes and rivers. Wants to trick you into the water and then drown you. Common forms for trickery: White horse, white polar bear, lady in white. Natural form as seen from the surface: A small green island may have huge glowing eyes. Some have tentacles. Hope this helps.
  13. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing The answer is 42. And no one understands the Question. And if someone did there would be a new and more complex Question. This may already have happened.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The cast: A Necromancer, me, wizardish Theurge thing with the power to put people's souls back in their skulls, planning world domination. Sir Kalmeran, my skeleton minion, a paladin that was my first kill. Has a nasty habit of committing suicide whenever I let him control his body. A Beguiler who is working to become a haste monkey speedster thing. A run of the mill Wizard, who has fun with color sprays. A Druid with a completely normal house cat pet. Normal rules wise, that is. The DM tells us that the land we're in will be ocean in five hundred years Necromancer: Yay, I'll live that long. Beguiler: No, you'll unlive that long. Druid: What exactly are you? Necromancer: dead ... well, planning suicide, anyway. The cat coup de grace a drunk: Druid: my cat likes blood. Necromancer: that's creepier than my skeleton minion. (by the end of the session the cat had killed 17 foes, including the boss) Talks about hate: Beguiler: Everyone hates Necromancers. Druid: Especially druids. Necromancer: Druids hate every one. Druid: Which is why my cat likes blood. Lack of detailed DM planning: DM: The glorious bandit nation of... Necromancer: Kazakstan DM: Ok, Kazakstan. The glorious bandit nation of Kazakstan demands a trivial tax of 50% for all that pass. The Necromancer’s skeleton decapitates a bandit Sir Kalmeran: oh, terribly sorry. Necromancer: Keep the head, I'm waking it. Wizard: You're rez-ing your first kill? Necromancer: No, I already did that. I'm rez-ing my first kill's first kill. To torment him. Sir Kalmeran is used as a butler in a plan to poison a group of wild animals (the plan was a combined brainchild of me and the Druid): Sir Kalmeran: no, don't drink the water! They put something in it... to make you forget ... well, die actually, but still. Head talk (comments made by the twenty odd skulls I'd woken): You’re keeping a-head You’re such a head hunter You give them head Where are we head-ing We’re head-ing into trouble Quit while you're a-head sorry, lost my head for a moment there Ouch, watch the head
  15. Re: Code vs Killing, in your group? I have a battlesuit character, called Pacifier ("oh yeah, then suck on this!") who so against killing all his powers are stun only or NND. His worst attack is his 5d6 punch. But then, he was built to see if it could be done. More commonly I use CvK as a no-no on using KAs against the living, and the Big Powerful Attack (tm) vs. normals.
  16. Re: The Everquest Taunt But would the "mother" and "lineage" bonuses stack?
  17. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero "I had just retired from a job as a scientist, then I got bored." "It was this, or going back to my own dimension." "It was this, or going back to Hell/France/Zimbabwe/Burma/North Korea/Tibet (remove as desired)." "It was this, or joining CIA/FBI/NSA/TLA/BBQ/MI5/MI6/Mossad/UNTIL/UNITY/SWAT (remove as desired)." "I get to meet more sexy robots/undead/guns/males/females/fish/books/gadgets/elemental/aliens/mooks/things (remove as desired) this way." "publicity stunt" "so my twin can be a villain"
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Quotes from a standard dnd campaign I play in. First the characters: Arkai: Technically a rogue; heavy munchkin with 4 classes at level 8 total, a diplomatic face man and moderating factor in the party; human. Sam (me): Elf druid archer who rides to battle on a giant bat (called Batbat); chaotic neutral, and happy to do anything she considers fun; hates dwarves and has slight superiority complex; favorite combat tactic is dropping one enemy on another from 50ft up. Durin: dwarf cleric; famous for not paying attention; Sam’s constant rival. Kip: Ten year old centaur with no class, going barbarian eventually; party tank, and trolley; carried a boat around at some point; currently carrying a dead paladin skeleton we found. Batbat: my pet bat, has cloak and boots of elvenkind, and acts like a stealth bomber. Sneaking out of town: Durin: I'm pretty sneaky, I can make lights and stuff. ... Durin (Lawful Good Cleric): Or I could summon a Monster to kill people, and we could sneak out using it as a distraction. ... Arkai: We could do shuttle traffic with Batbat. Sam: No, he can't carry Kip or Durin Arkai: We could push Durin up into Kip's behind, and dress Kip up as a moose. Sam: I have a feeling we've done that one before... GM: Me too. Arkai: Good old times. ... Durin: I could dig out. Sam: he's a dwarf, he should be able to dig 500m in a night. GM: He probably should be a badger to do that... All players at once: He summons a dire badger. GM: *Looks about in suprise* Arkai: What, You weren't expecting that? GM has us roll spot checks in the dark: Arkai: We have to trust Durin on this one. (He has Darkvision) Durin: I roll a 1. GM: You see a Pink Elefant behind you. Durin (incharacter to Arkai): Can I keep it? Arkai: yeah, sure, what? Durin: I go to pet it. GM: You fall over a root, hit your head and take 1 damage. Durin: I can still keep it, right? We try to summerize what we know: Sam: We always trust things the undead tell us. ... Arkai: maybe we're wrong and the creatures are nice.. Sam: You mean the corpse lied to us?! Combat question: Sam: Can I take a five foot step strait up? Sam calls a Flame Strike: FLOWER POWER (the attack did 6 damage total)
  19. The following are some extracts from a friend of mine's suggestion for a Wizard character in a standard super heroic campaign. They're not completely accurate, as he somehow managed to get them all to exactly 60 active points, and have real costs in the 2u-3u range. Am I just being biased from DMing his DnD horrors for the last three years or is this as bad as I think? Oh, and all his defenses are at the campaign max; exotic, resistant and non-res all. (don't try this at home) OCV with magic missile: 10 (12 with haste); SPD; 5 (7 with haste) Haste: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 4u Real Cost) +2 SPD, 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+0), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) (Real Cost: 20) plus +2 with HTH/Ranged Combat (he's fuzzy on which), 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+0), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2) (15 Active Points); Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus +2 with DCV, 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+0), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2) (15 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) Magic Missile: Energy Blast 1d6, No Range Modifier (+1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Indirect ( Any origin, any direction; +3/4), No Normal Defense (360 degree Energy Force Field; +1), Does BODY (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1), Autofire (5 shots; +1 1/2) (39 Active Points); Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4). Total cost: 3u Targeting Sight: Clairsentience (Sight Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Targeting (40 Active Points); 8 Charges which Recover every 1 Week (-1), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4). Total cost: 2u (in separate multipower)
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Quotes are from an online Dark Heresy campaign. First the cast: Noble born Knight Assassin in full plate: the name says it all. Mind Cleansed Arbitrator: who's swallowed a thesaurus. War world imperial guard psyker: who speaks his mind, no matter what. Gunmetal City Adept: standard adept, except a taste for guns. Glavian Pilot: hot shot and hot head Void born assassin: member of a fringe cult he thinks is the Eccesiachy. The character have a few weeks before their first mission. the Knight Assassin is bored: In many ways the arrival of the courier is salvation less for Sir Valdis from boredom and more for the people of Hive Primus from the creation of a new and terrible urban legend. The Pilot was attacked: The courier had been late.When he finally did arrive there was something about him that had set Mizner's mind ill-at-ease. Perhaps it had been the way he held himself, perhaps it had been the extra bag slung across his back. Maybe it was the fact that the courier had taken the time to seek Mizner out on a public hover-bus, instead of simply meeting him at the predetermined hab block. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the fact that the instant Mizner had been given the message cylinder the courier had pulled a silenced stub gun from beneath the folds of his robes. The acolytes meet for the first time: Aribitrator: "Fellow servants of His most prestigious glory, it is my genuine honour to serve alongside you all in the Emperor's name. May His mercy and grace be accorded us in our imminent duties."The Void assassin's answer:Nihilus' nod is barely met with a glance from Polonius. His pupils are still dilated from the bleach he felt compelled to coat his hab with hours earlier. Somehow leaning crookedly against thin air, his brow knits as he attempts to make sense of what the arbitrator is saying through his chem-stupor. The strained expression goes slack once he decides that 'Hello, I look forward to working with you. I like the Emperor, as I'm sure you also do.' is what was meant. With a phlegmy crackle, Polonius uses his voice for the first time in weeks. "Oh... Hello." The Adept arrives in the middle of the ensuing "debate" "From your appearances, I imagine most of you aren't terrible fond of books and tech lore. But that's quite alright, I'm all the brains you'll need in our work in that regard. Since you all seem quite capable of thrashing someone to death, I will simply state that I am a Metallican, and leave it at that." And is diplomatically answered by the Pilot "Metallican? I'd always heard they were a bunch of pistol monkeys, if you'll pardon the expression." Meanwhile the Knight Assassin remains quiet, er, silent: As challenge and counter-challenge flow back and forth across the room, Valdis remains silent (rather than quiet - the latter would suggest a gentle stillness, whereas there is something harsh, even jarring about properly projected silence) After the conversation has degraded into death threats, the Void assassin diplomatically ends it: "Should those circumstances present themselves, Lawman, I strongly urge that you pray for yourself. That's neither a threat nor a promise. That's me being helpful. Now if we're through puffing our chests out I suggest that we bury our mutual disdain, lest our mutual acquaintance mistakes us for brawling schoolgirls. You may call me Vult, or addled one, I have no strong preference." The inquisitorial contact makes a horrifying discovery about the number 8: "Eight is a number that can be associated with some of His hated foes." He ticks them off on his fingers."Lets see now, some militant cult of the Hated Enemy, most supporters of the Xeno-breed Tau, there's been reports that Abdominal Intelligences use it, it's often seen in the iconography of the Hated Enemy, some mutant groups use it, eldar pirates, and several known witches. oh, and hole host of daemons to." He stares at his eight lifted fingers in fright for a moment, then shakes it off with a laugh. "Xenos, Mutants, Witches, Daemons, Heretics, and Techno-heretics. The usual suspects, then. Doesn't narrow it down much, does it? But, for now at least, I think its safe to exclude the possibility of Orks from your research." The acolytes meet the captain of the ship they'll be using Arbitrator: "I am Nihilus Thrax, and this is my entourage. Rest assured, it is an honour and pleasure to make your acquaintance. Furthermore, I've every confidence in your ability to deliver us to our destination safely and on schedule." Void assassin: "Polonius Vult, apparently I'm his entourage." Knight assassin: "Sir Valdis Kaddesh, of the Order of the Blessed Tear. How might my associates and I - above themselves though some of them are - best remove ourselve from your concerns for the duration of this journey good captain?" Psyker: "Above themselves? Entourage? Of course Masters!" he whines in an obsequious tone "We shall go and prepare the quarters for our Masters without delay!" he grabs the Void Assassin and leaves."....and thereby secure a better billet for ourselves mate. We'll see to it." The two leaving the room meet a special character: A ratling meets you at the door, he's clearly been listening in, as he is struggling to keep his face straight. "I'm to lead you to your rooms, sirs." he gasps between the giggles."The room arrangement has been pre-determined, but I'll fill you in on the best beds, sirs." He leads you through the rusty corridors, up through the ship heading for the top most level. He stops, suddenly and indicates a door. "You, master Xanthis, will sleep here with the shiny-dressed one. The left bunk has two mattresses and it's a bit bigger, sir. Master Polonius, you're across the hall with the black-armored one who talks a lot. I'd take the top bunk, sir, there's a mean sort of smell to the bottom one." He bows, then leaves to fetch the others.
  21. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side Mostly, except we try not to have a quite so black and white world when our characters are villains. Though a villain who shares traits with silver age heroes would probably work well. In our team so far we have a disgruntled scientist, a mage thief, and a guy who got his powers in a radioactive space ship. As for the humor, well, lets just say Foxbat leads a superhero team...
  22. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side we've considered it, but in an effort to reduce backstabbing, we've decided to disallow that idea. And as the players meet in a bank robbery, its hard to explain what the "good guy" is doing robbing a bank.
  23. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side By careful choice of characters, and making sure the players understand their in this together. As well as a starting scenario designed to make them cooperate. And the option of a treaty made in the beginning deciding how they'll divide the world in the end. There'll still be some backstabbing, but not a lot. This is why I've stuck as close to Champions cannon as I can, making it easier to understand for the players. And the best way to find out how the world reacts to a threat, is to threaten the world (Like VIPERs many tests).
  24. You have done the superhero thing, foiled the villains, saved the damsels, and escaped the death traps. You have fought the good fight, stopping VIPER, ARGENT, Dr Destroyer, COIL, Mechanon, Firewing and many others. You have stood beside the Champions, UNTIL, PRIMUS, and the other heroes of our time. Now try playing the other side. See if you can succeed where many others have failed. See if you can put the world at YOUR feet! OF:TWVS is a Champions (Hero System Superhero) campaign with a twist. Instead of playing the heroes, the players are villains with their own schemes and plans. Fate (and the GM) soon forces them together, and a plan for world conquest is born. Online PbP Campaign on http://rpol.net/ run by me and a friend. Join in or ask questions.
  25. I want to make a gadgeteer who always has four robotic drones follow him around. Followers, with +10 points for four of them, easy. The problem is that he has more, and chooses which to bring depending on the mission. The build I'm considering is: Drones: 4x 100 point Followers, Variable Special Effects (Drones only; +1/4). 37 Points Is this a valid build? Is there another way to do it?
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