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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. Hopefully they won't merge with Discovery, would cause them to be cancelled, or worse, rubber suit.
  2. I am glad mentioned it. I suspect they will be also starting something with him and Jay White in future. I wish he would dump Calas, but thats just me. Kenny doesn't need him
  3. So Kenny Omega returned in a trios match with the Bucks the other night and he looked like a guy who has been out almost a year and really wasn't ready to come back, problem is, I think they needed him. You could see him, after he barely got the 1 winged angel on Dragon Lee for the win thanking Lee for helping him and letting him win, which showed a lot of class, though he tried not to make it too obvious. Were El Igalo and Rush known in mexico for taking guys masks? prior to them being in AEW I didnt know anything about them, but now they have gone after Pente's, Phoenix's and Lee's.
  4. Because I am catching up on Titans on TNT as I don't have HBOMax, I was reading an article to see if Doom Patrol might come to TNT also. Sadly apparently not at this point and more to the point, there apparently is a good chance it, Titans and the Harley Quinn animated show may be shelved (amongst others) due to this merger.
  5. Real problem was, when they changed Club President, the Angels basically cut their scouting department (including the man heading it) out to cut costs. It's why we don't draft real that well, I think. Add to that things like Nick Adenhart, potential Ace Pitcher, being killed by a drunk driver after making his MLB debut.
  6. Angels once lost a game in the ninth against the A's when the throw back to the pitcher (Frankie Rodriguez, I believe) went off his glove and the man from third scored before the SS could get to it. They also lost, same season, when Scott Shields standing on the mound and a man on third, dropped the ball and it hit the edge and literally rolled all the way to the dugout. So loss by hit by pitch is mundane in comparison.
  7. Given her inebriation, was she yelling at herself or you?
  8. Don't leave out the original Bad News Bears. Though honestly, I would put The Natural up at the top or near it. Field of Dreams to me isn't really a baseball movie, it is a movie with baseball in it, but it works either way. Also have a soft spot for quoting Major League.
  9. And until we here it was that horrible from someone other then WB, etc. do we take them at their word, or as people have surmised, it was a CYA so they would not spend any more money on the movie. I will not be surprised if sometime in the next year or so we do not see this movie appear on some streaming/other channel in an attempt to recoup at least some of the costs. Sadly, as it apparently was not done, it will never really be good.
  10. I would say "we don't want to spend years building up viewers trust, we want their money now".
  11. I always thought "Only the ones who have met you" as the second half of the second line would be better, but still funny.
  12. Yes, but IIRC, the it was bad thats why it was canned came from WB, but the tax write-off stuff came from people outside.
  13. Just got back from seeing Bullet Train. Is violent, bloody and bazaar. everyone in it is great. I won't say more as it would spoil stuff. Worth seeing if you are a fan of the John Wick etc style of movie.
  14. Is that the game my brother said he was watching where 12 kids were hit by pitches, apparently 9 by one pitcher. He said the first 3 runs Hawaii scored were all by hit by pitch.
  15. I don't think we have seen the ending fallout from the original story yet, much more to come I suspect. I think my biggest problem right now is that I follow AEW and NJPW a lot and am getting a little tired of seeing former WWE guys/gals coming in to huge pushes while people who have been with them from the beginning seem to be getting pushed down the ladder. I get that is the business, but damn.
  16. I believe the hand one has 3 fingers that are semi straight that would not be at that point. I leave it to you to figure out which 3.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBuozDqbur0 Reminded my of this conversation. Most their movies seem to be "It'll be good, God willing".
  18. Slept in my Marillion T-Shirt and woke up Clutching at Straws in a Misplaced Childhood.
  19. Did he have a case of Bud Light? (sorry, commercial reference from one of my favorite commercials - that and the Geico "when your in a horror movie, you do dumb things")
  20. Seems legit to me and has to be better then the Krishnas or any of the other religions that show up at the door.
  21. So now the DCU movies will somehow be reality shows? well, probably same level of realism, honestly.
  22. Hadn't seen anyone comment on this: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/batgirl-hbo-max-movie-dc-canceled-1235191932/
  23. SoCal boy that I was, I grew up on Vin. there is no other broadcaster who was better.
  24. I would say that much like karmic life, it keeps coming around and being reborn in a different body.
  25. regarding number 7 in Bazza's post, added at end should be "for now, but my memory is getting worse"
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