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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. Depending on which continuity you're in, that's Thor (Jane Foster), Red She-Hulk, and Rescue. Not my first choice for a team, but anyone expecting a few helpless ladies would be quite surprised.
  2. There is precedent for languages that cannot express complex concepts costing less. Do squirrels in the Marvel Universe write epic poetry, or is it limited to, "metal bad guy over there by Monkey Joe's acorn stash"?
  3. I don't like the Shape Shift build because it's convoluted. If the character wanted to become transparent so he could move through the crowd without being noticed we'd all say it was Invisibility. Why do things get more complicated when the player wants the same thing with a different special effect?
  4. Given that the primary purpose of the power is to not be seen, I favor the Invisibility approach. Normal sight (perhaps with the fringe effect) and requiring a crowd (or breaking line-of-sight) should be enough.
  5. It depends on the game you're running. Powers might not be available (or reliable). If characters in the game never need to use a skill, does it matter if they pay points for it or have it at all?
  6. One idea that I've noodled around with is to have the base skill take a penalty if the character doesn't have an appropriate KS at Familiarity level or better. For example, a character might have: Survival 14- KS: Subtropical Climates 11- KS: Tropical Climates 8- The character might get a bonus to Survival skill rolls in subtropical climates (complementary skill), no modifier in tropical climates, and a penalty in other situations.
  7. Q: What do you call a cow with no legs? A:
  8. For fans of vintage racing, I present the 2017 Settrington Cup race at the Goodwood Revival.
  9. I've thought about this, but I don't think that engagement/disengagement is the way to go about it. I'd allow a character (PC or NPC) to make a Tactics or Perception roll to realize that they aren't being targeted, and can adjust their tactics accordingly.
  10. "I guess if I had stopped to do the math, I would've realized I had ordered 42 pounds of Skittles. But there was no stopping and there was no math. There was only lime."
  11. Back in the day, when I had a group to play Champions with... We usually played at the Standard Superheroic level, which meant 12 DC attacks. We did have at least one game with higher (16 DC) and lower (8 DC), but that didn't move the average.
  12. I've used organizational contacts for this sort of thing.
  13. Lady Godiva and Jesse James Go To Neptune
  14. Maybe Suppress Healing, AoE: Surface on the victim?
  15. Yes, you can just cross out, "cybernetic" and write in, "magical" and everything will work the same. Just keep in mind that you will now be visible to, "Detect magic" (which might be more common than, "sense electrical").
  16. I disagree. There is no apparent connection between the use of the power and the results of the power. Therefore, it is not Obvious. This is a similar situation to an Obvious Focus used to provide Invisibility. In that case, the Focus remains visible. (6e1 241)
  17. I agree, it fails the test for Obviousness. "If a Focus is Obvious, it’s clear to anyone looking at the character that the power comes from the Focus — no PER Roll is necessary." (6e1 376)
  18. Have you overestimated the height that a 10 STR can lift 100kg?. "It represents the maximum amount of weight he can just manage to lift off the ground, stagger with for a step or two, then drop." (6e1 42) That sounds closer to 10cm than 100.
  19. Some days you play with the yarn, some days the yarn plays with you.
  20. IIRC, that's the same cost it would be to reduce the return rate to 5/month. Normal healing of BODY is REC/month, which is pretty close.
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