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Everything posted by Tamashii2000

  1. Re: Old Villians Made New The geodesics (Did I even spell thier name right, its been a long time sense I had the book they were in) 4 very low powered supervillians that perfectly filled the role of the supervillian group that ANYONE could beat up with ease.
  2. Re: New Avengers? Noticed something in the Amazing spiderman book.. there's a moment where webhead gets dizzy..then he starts acting immature (even more then normal) Maybe Wolvie acting like a idiot towards cap and spiderman aren't just bad writing but a plot line....
  3. Re: New Avengers? I think he wants too. I know in at least one comic he stated he didn't like living at the Avengers tower, in a human torch/spiderman cross over he refers to the avenger as people he works with and the Fantastic four as his friends.
  4. Re: TV Teen Titans a bit off topic: I hate hate hate hate that they keep dragging Static Shock into the JLU shows.....
  5. Re: New Avengers? Wolvie is in.. 3 different xmen teams.. and the new avengers all at the same time. I think its just 'wovie is hot we want him on our team to sell comics.....' I like wolvie don't get me wrong..but I realy DON'T like the personality they are giving him in New Avengers... He's.. well ... a prick.. bigger one then normal. One comic he blasts Cap America for being 'full of it' and suggests he uses his outfit to free load, next he's telling spiderman he doesn't like him?? Love to see Spiderwoman and Luke Cage back in action - its about time someone decided to pick up Spiderman as a team member he's only been swinging around that city for how long? Hmm.. guess I should own up to being a bit of a spiderman mark... Heh:celebrate
  6. Re: MAKE ME A GOD!... Please I might be incorrect, someone please correct me if I am, but I believe the original Dark Horse comics of The Mask did connect him/it (The mask) with Loki.
  7. Re: Eurostar : where will I find more details ? Heh, Thier current version is pretty scary too.
  8. Re: Super City Why do I get the mental image that this is a subway Tram?
  9. Re: Does Seeker still suck? They do! Just kidding! come on.. someone had to post it!
  10. Re: Does Seeker still suck? NightHawk can't use his club with his martial arts? I never noticed that.. Gee do I feel dense now.
  11. Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!
  12. Re: Alternative Religions in Champions Campaigns
  13. Re: Batman Begins Actualy as far as I have ever been able to tell, that pretty much sums up Scarecrow perfectly. Every time Batman has faced him in the comics it works pretty much like it did in the film. Batman gets hit with the fear, gets over it,then beats Scarecrow into the ground. They need to rework his character a bit in the comic.. like they did with the Riddler.
  14. Re: Danger Rooms Program?? you said Program?? I waaaaaaaaant it! (Just saw the part where you said what it was written on and the hero games thing.... darn darn darn... ahhh well)
  15. Danger Rooms: All the rage in the late to early 90's, and a staple of any good Xpeople comic. They were so popular that (way back) in champions 3 there was a 'random' system for running them 'solo'. Now.. what place if any do you use them for? Do your heroes even have one in the base or are they 'a relic of time gone past' If so how did they 'buy it' if at all and what use does it actualy get in your game?
  16. Re: Do you give out Bases, Group Vehicles, Group Equip etc I tend to use the backgrounds of the characters to determine if they get a 'free' base or not. If one or more of the characters has Wealth (especialy at 10 or 15 points) then I will give them a free 'basic' base. The more points spent on wealth the better that basic base. Mainly because I always figured that if the guy is rich...he/she should be able to use his 'money' to buy things like that.
  17. Re: Eurostar is friggin' fast! You think Pantara was left out of the current version of Eurostar to keep PC's alive?
  18. Re: Superpowers that haven't been thought out... Here's a favorite of mine: Spiderman's wallcrawling He has.. what little hairs/hooks that allow him to hold onto walls. These hooks/suction cups work through his cloths but apparently not affecting the cloth itself after all he never has trouble taking them off. Also if they are capable of goign through the cloth...aren't they long enough to be visible.
  19. Re: Superpowers that haven't been thought out... Originaly it was a city on Krypton that was 'stolen' by brainiac some time before the planet went boom (at that time Brainiac was collecting samples from doomed worlds, had been for quiet some time) and later on was rescued by superman..but he never figured out who to 'regrow' it to regular size. Now.. post crisis I have no idea.. I am figuring something simular through.
  20. Re: Is VIPER a Terrorist Group? (& Groups like them?) Except Pulsar.... He just wants Morgan Fairchild.....
  21. Re: Villain creation question You can also give her damage reduction with the special effects "Just barely nudged me!"
  22. Re: Fake TV-Shows Not from any tv series but from 'another superhero game' Nova Powers (A documentory on the Ntv network (aberrant)) The New Gods:Humanity's next step (Talk show (aberrant)) Week in Perspective with Walter Donovan (Political talk show aimed at superheros (ditto))
  23. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! heh.. Ok.. who's starblaze? You got me interested.
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