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Everything posted by NestorDRod

  1. Re: Escapist reviews CO. I don't know. Looking at what they made Menton look like, one could argue the point... Anyone with actual game experience want to chime in?
  2. Re: Campaign Idea . . . almost. Insurance adjustors. They investigate claims, to determine cause and liability. As a job, it sounds as boring as watching paint dry. In practice, it involves investigative work with who knows what on the other end ("Okay, so how did the client's car end up on top of his house?").
  3. Re: Escapist reviews CO. Heh. Well, I'm sure a lot of people were happy to get another character picture generator to use for illustrating their PnP characters. As someone who has not played the game, I ask: are the reviewer's descriptions of the zones and missions accurate? Because if so, I have to admit they don't sound that, shall we say, superheroic. I mean, tracking down a deadbeat robot cowboy for alimony payments? There were certainly a few missions in CoX that were presented with tongue firmly in cheek, but there were also ones that really gave you that "dammit, I'm a hero" feel. Did Cryptic perhaps lean too much on the nyuk-nyuk dispenser for CO?
  4. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition *sniffs the air* I think someone just did.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... *gasp* OMG... I think I hurt myself... "You must spread yadda yadda" Somebody, please, hit him with the rep stick before he strikes again.
  6. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Always on the leading edge of technology, eh? No matter how you slice it, Kazei 5 will mow down the competition!
  7. Re: Barrier Issue Ugh. Sorry, that sounded to me like the sort of thing a GM would use to just to p!$$ off the PCs. And I have a low tolerance for that sort of game.
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Another one who picked up Monsters Vs. Aliens and watched it this weekend. What really appealed to me was how they skillfully weaved all sorts of 50's movie and modern references through the movie without making you feel like they were thrown in your face. Plus, there's a great gamer reference in one of the deleted scenes that had me on the floor in stitches. Oh, and the CGI was top-notch, IMO.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Overheard at work: "Some people believed that a black man would be President when pigs fly. Now we have Obama and, what do you know, swine flu."
  10. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition A cut above the rest!
  11. Re: Barrier Issue Here you go... http://www.pvponline.com/2009/09/25/cs%cf%80/
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Gesundheit! What?
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... He does it for the halibut.
  14. Re: Do you play CO as an MMO? Yup. This is how the threads over in the CoH forums usually ended up, too.
  15. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Nestor's head proceeds to roll around the floor singing: "Oooooh, I ain't got no... body!"
  16. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. You confused me for a second there, sir. I thought you were talking about this movie, which came out back in '72. (I remember watching it when I was a kid, way back then). Instead, you're talking about this one. As for kids and language, I can now tell this story... Way back when my oldest daughter, Caitlin, was a pre-schooler, Susano and I were driving back from a FLGS with her in the child-seat in back when another car cut in front of me close enough to almost trade paint. "A**hole!" I called out in anger. My darling child repeated the word with glee. I panicked, dreading explaining this one to my wife when Susano, bless his devious heart, turned around and said, "Katie? When I say 'Say it," you say 'Moron.' Can you do that?" "Okay!" she replied happily. "Okay. Say it, Katie," Susano tested. "Moh-ron!" Caitlin called out in that classic so-cute-you-go-into-insulin-shock voice little girls have. After that, it became a stand-by at our games. Caitlin would usually be playing on the floor nearby as we gamed and, when one of the players did something stupid, someone would invariably call out, "Say it, Katie!" "Moh-ron!" the cheerful reply would come back. I think it stopped working around the time she hit eight.
  17. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition I was wondering who the model was for that shot of Jagger you showed me.
  18. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) Why not? We're dealing with a hypothetical situation anyway. It's not that far-fetched that in a game where you want your characters to ignore machine guns large attacks would not be uncommon, so limiting the extra PD to be Stun only would actually be limiting. Well, there's the rub. For me, the mechanic itself is inappropriate, so I don't see the reason for the power to exist. YMMV. Doesn't look at all appealing to me.
  19. Re: Harbinger of Justice I suddenly had this weird mental image of Foxbat instigating a fight between the two by sending Dr. D flame-mail pretending to be Takky. Be the kind of thing he'd do, too.
  20. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) Well, it's not really fair to use 5th Edition rules to compare against a 6E power, don't you think? Against a 3d6 killing attack, then, you'd need 18 rPD/rED to cover the Body and 36 PD/ED, Stun only to cover the Stun. Bringing up Hit Locations is, IMO, outside of scope of the discussion. That's... 51 points, if my math is correct. Point. Of course, I was looking at it from the POV or defending against a Killing Attack, but you're right. After some thought, I've come to realize why this power concept rubs me wrong. I actually like the idea that you generally can't ignore attacks in Hero. For me, it's a feature, not a bug. For example, my ideal view of Superman is the one from the Animated Series. He doesn't get hurt, but he does get knocked down, stunned, and even knocked out if hit hard enough.
  21. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) And, from what I've read about it so far, more complicated to implement. The last thing Hero combat needs is to make it more time-consuming to resolve. Whatever alleged benefit using DN provides, it doesn't seem worth the cost to me. But that, like so many other things, comes down to personal preference. I don't see what's wrong with using regular Defenses, but you obviously do. Life goes on...
  22. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) Sorry. We're obviously not getting across to each other. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
  23. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Bite your tongue, sir! What? Miss the chance of seeing yet another rendition of the Ice Princess in her full esper glory? Perish the thought!
  24. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition I can see the ad campaign now... "I lost my head over Kazei 5!"
  25. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) 90 Defense? OK, guys, I realize I'm not a rules-lawyer, but that doesn't sound right to me. Are you saying you want your defense to completely and totally negate a specific attack? Buy rPD up to the max BODY of the attack and PD to cover the Stun. Heck, if you feel particularly munchkin-y, you can buy the extra PD as "Stun only". So, if you want your character to block a 2d6 RKA, that would be... let's see... 12 rPD (or rED, whichever) and 24 PD/ED, Stun Only. That would be, off the top of my head, 42 points. Expensive, yes, but, hey, you're making yourself invulnerable to anything up to a machine gun. That shouldn't come cheap.
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