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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Not really. If the first player had played a pushy, bossy orc, and the second player had played a mechanically overpowered orc, you would have had the exact same problems.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Fortunately, I was smart enough to put on a couple layers of heavier clothing first (sweatshirts, etc), and I actually managed to out-wrestle him for the most part, so I didn't get bloodied. He did, however, reach up and slap the glasses off my face.
  3. Re: The cranky thread I just bathed a cat.
  4. Re: OIHID or Why Doesn't Billy Batson not Change Back?
  5. Re: OIHID or Why Doesn't Billy Batson not Change Back?
  6. Re: What Makes An Iconic Superhero Costume? Really, I think any costume is iconic if 1. It's on a popular character, and 2. The character doesn't change costumes frequently (and any changes wind up being temporary).
  7. Re: Public vs. Secret Identity A matter of interpretation, I suppose. I would consider someone with 'Casual Killer' as a Disad would try to haul off and kill someone with the slightest provocation, which can be bad in a number of ways. They won't not use lethal force without an EGO roll (and that's assuming they actually want to restrain themselves). If you're trying to lay low, whacking the fast food clerk because he gave you a regular soda instead of diet isn't going to do you a lick of good. You're also not likely to ever have any real friends or allies (because you might casually kill them). There are reasons that 99% of the villains in the DCU won't have anything to do with the Joker.
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I would, but that's because I prefer the taste of Diet Coke to regular Coke.
  9. Re: OIHID or Why Doesn't Billy Batson not Change Back?
  10. Re: OIHID or Why Doesn't Billy Batson not Change Back?
  11. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? I see those as a player issue (in the case of the Drow) and a balance issue (in the case of the Half-Ogre), neither is a setting issue.
  12. Re: OIHID or Why Doesn't Billy Batson not Change Back? Maybe, maybe not. Not all speedsters suffer from this issue; I've never played one who did.
  13. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Are we certain that's not actually two plushies?
  14. Re: OIHID or Why Doesn't Billy Batson not Change Back? Last I knew, She-Hulk couldn't power down anyway. On the mechanical front, if you can assume your powered-up state indefinitely, you probably don't qualify for OHID in the first place. Where's the limitation?
  15. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. (My wife and I are discussing the furniture in our house. She comments about wanting a wider computer chair.) Me: "Or we could just get narrower butts." Her: "I was trying to be realistic. My butt's not getting any smaller. I might as well tattoo 'Wide Load' across it and be done with it." Me: "Worst. Tramp stamp. EVAR." (Beat.) "I take it back, second worst tramp stamp ever." Her: "What's the worst?" Me: "'How am I doing? Dial 555 ...'"
  16. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I would try them only if I could separate the ingredients. I think one of those would feed me for three or four days.
  17. Re: Public vs. Secret Identity You'd be surprised.
  18. Re: Dnpc Not bulletproof, can't fly, can't lift cars, can't see through walls ... strikes me as 'less powerful'.
  19. Re: Dnpc I wouldn't really consider the points as a hard-and-fast rule for the DNPC power level. Even if you did build Lois Lane on 200 points, she'd still be far less powerful than Superman.
  20. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? That's actually kinda cool.
  21. Re: Help with a power Sounds like Spatial Awareness to me.
  22. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? We are so screwed.
  23. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. It's even the right shape ... more or less.
  24. Re: Public vs. Secret Identity It's just a convention of the genre. It's easy to keep a Secret ID because the rules of the universe require it to be easy to keep a Secret ID. Just like nobody ever attacks the giant combining vehicle-mech thing until it's completely assembled. It's just one of those things required for the genre to function properly.
  25. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Is that a Lucha Poocha?
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