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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Lightweight Phys Lim would probably be best, though I suppose you could theoretically make it a vulnerability that multiplies the BODY of the attack by 1.5 or 2 before subtracting the 2d6-modified-for-circumstances.
  2. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Hey, Kid, wanna play rock-paper-scissors?" "No ... I always lose. I can't figure out why ..."
  3. Re: Who you include in your Magical Harem of Fictional Characters?
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Ben 10th Doctor. The TARDIS and the Omnitrix, two of the most unreliable pieces of technology in the universe ...
  5. Re: Who you include in your Magical Harem of Fictional Characters? If you're looking for combat-capable, why not grab someone like Nova (Herald of Galactus) or invoke Rule 63 on the Silver Surfer or Vegeta, or maybe get Maxima?
  6. Re: Who you include in your Magical Harem of Fictional Characters? For me, personally, the guy behind the keyboard? Assuming my wife didn't kill me for it ... Furries. Furries everywhere. Colleen (Road Rovers) and Renamon (Digimon) would be the first two.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Two days in a row, my access has hurt during treatment. I'm starting to worry.
  8. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNO ... Toad ... kitten.
  9. Re: For whom the (dinner) bell tolls... Vixen probably eats mostly 'upscale' kinds of stuff. She's pretty wealthy (amazing what having access to Time powers can do for your bank account), and as her primary motivation for superheroing is fame, she'd try to live a famous lifestyle.
  10. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Stick with me, kid. I'll teach you how to pee on everything."
  11. Re: Mindcontrol: the dumber, the easier It's changing the basic way the power works. Mind Control works against Ego; I'm not even aware of any rules that let you change the stat it works against in official materials (insert 'I stopped at 5e disclaimer). I also don't see that as being accurate, since the power is still 'my will over your will', which is Ego targeting ego. I don't see extra dice of Mind Control with a limitation to be any more convoluted than extra dice of Energy Blast with a limitation, and that's been around forever.
  12. Re: Why is radio earpiece flashed as sight? Probably just a typo; they likely meant 'Affected as radio and hearing groups'.
  13. Re: Mindcontrol: the dumber, the easier I find that more convoluted than limited extra dice.
  14. Re: Mindcontrol: the dumber, the easier This is roughly how I'd do it as well.
  15. Re: I'm still not sure how to make a Gestalt character - 4th edition. Obviously, you'll need some 'ceases to exist while duplicated' modifier. I forgot to mention that.
  16. Re: I'm still not sure how to make a Gestalt character - 4th edition. Build the super-form with Duplication, and the duplicates are the normals.
  17. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? I'm sure it does, but it's not a flavor I like.
  18. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? As far as the expectations go, I guess that's on me. If someone were to say 'I'm running an all-X game', I'd be hesitant to play and probably find it not-horribly-interesting; if the GM relented at let in other species, I'd breathe a sigh of relief.
  19. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Sure you can. 'Play a cleric, druid or wizard', congratulations, you're overpowered in 3e.
  20. Re: Draining creativity and emotional vitality? I'm not certain I could or would. The idea of draining abstract qualities like that with a mechanical, numerical construct rubs up against something in my brain that tells me it's not really possible. The best I can come up with would be a Transform adding the Psych Lim 'Uncreative and Emotionless' to the character, and giving them Life Support: No Need To Sleep, Only to Prevent Dreaming (-2). Use that Partial Transform modifier so it's not a completely abrupt thing.
  21. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Some people prefer the taste of diet soda.
  22. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread So, my wife is spending a few days with her family (due to my dialysis needs, I can't go with her). We met up with her folks halfway, and took them out for Chinese. My fortune cookie: "Now is the time for peace in your life." I nearly hurt myself laughing.
  23. Re: DC/Marvel Characters in Your Campaign Like Enforcer84, I generally do homages, pastiches, or ripoffs ... I have used 'real' Marvel/DC superheroes before, but as either robots or as the manifestation of a 'Summon Image' power, where the guy with the power could bring any still image to life and it functioned like whatever was depicted.
  24. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... You're nobunny 'til somekitty loves you ...
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