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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread I'm with you. I'm going to make this pic my desktop wallpaper:
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A review of what may well be the worst movie ever in the history of history. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/ol/olp/36207-the-amazing-bulk
  3. Re: Always knows a name We need more details on how the power works to know precisely how to build it.
  4. Re: The cranky thread I've felt crappy before, but I can't remember the last time I felt THIS crappy. It's like I can barely move.
  5. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "I have evolved thumbs. Your days are numbered, human."
  6. Re: Paralysed poison As Grailknight mentions above, it's too 'all-or-nothing'. Poisons have an onset time, and wear off ... and as he notes, you might break out instantly (Casual CON?), or never be able to break out.
  7. Re: Paralysed poison I'll buy that.
  8. Re: The cranky thread Don't worry, Xavier. We'll fix you up Klingon Medical Officer style. "GET BETTER, DAMMIT!" *smack*
  9. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "When can you have a turn snuggling him? How about never, is never good for you?"
  10. Re: Pre Attacks This is coded into the game, to a degree; every repeated PRE attack against the same target takes a -1d6 penalty; it doesn't take many for them to become completely ineffective, so you should save them for good times. There's also the 'quality of the Presence attack' modifier; you're probably going to need that one, and I'm sure we've all had the issue of not being able to come up with a good line. It also bears noting that not all uses of Presence are Presence Attacks. That 'charmer' is, in game terms, most likely using skills like Persuasion and Seduction rather than making outright PRE Attacks. Your characters in social conflicts, or during interviews, or trying to impress the locals may well be in the same boat (probably Oratory, if they're making a speech).
  11. Re: PRE Drain You're the GM. The room can have anything you want it to. You don't even have to write it up with game mechanics. 'Characters in this room lose 1d6 PRE every (time increment); they are unaware of this loss, aside from becoming more fearful the longer they remain'. BOOM. Done.
  12. Re: Paralysed poison As I stated above, that makes no sense based on special effects. An Entangle is a 'thing'; you can exert your Strength to escape it, or use non-accessible-focused blasts/killing attacks/etc. How can you do that against a paralytic poison?
  13. Re: The cranky thread I really, really wish my wife would stop leaving the headlights on when she drives the car to work. I also wonder why she always calls me when she does it, because we only have the one car, and there is literally nothing I can do about it.
  14. Re: Paralysed poison I, personally, would do a paralytic poison as a DEX Drain, Continuous, Uncontrolled, with a limit that you can make a CON check when it would drain you to prevent that one individual instance of Drain from taking effect. Once the DEX hits zero/negatives, that's paralysis. Entangle doesn't work for this for me, as there's nothing for the character to exert against; it makes no sense to me that one can use his Strength, or innate blast-type powers, to escape from a paralytic poison.
  15. Re: "Can normally reach" Limitation The version I'm familiar with explains that yes, typically things like locked doors would prevent the power from working, but the GM may allow a penalized Lockpicking (or other appropriate skill) check to do it in mid-action (for the 'Vanishing Teleport' power, specifically).
  16. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread He caught a Pokemon that reminds him of his beloved, departed dog.
  17. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Wasn't really sure where to put this one. Not really nice-happy, but ... touching, I think.
  18. Re: Spinning Pulp Racism Into Something Productive I'd just go for the 'don't be racist' angle, myself.
  19. Re: New Kickstarter for Sentinels of the Multiverse expansion SotM is an awesome game, yeah. It's one of the few card games I've seen that is cooperative, rather than competitive (all the players are beating up on the bad guy).
  20. Re: What is Champions Beyond? I just picked it up a week or so ago (despite not playing 6e; it's an easy conversion). I daresay it's pretty cool; 5e had covered the mystical side of the Champions Universe, but the cosmic/extraterrestrial side seemed to be neglected. It's got a fair number of villain writeups, some cosmic entities written up (and some not, because a writeup would just be unnecessary; they can do just about anything, no need for points), information on the official CU alien races (some more detailed than others), and perhaps best of all, write-ups and information on the Star*Guard (the CU's answer to the Green Lantern Corps).
  21. Re: The cranky thread My wife just called me from work, while on her break. She ranted at me for a good 20 minutes (I checked the timer on the phone, I am NOT exaggerating) about how much it sucked. While she was on vacation last week, her department was all but neglected and looks like crap, so she's going to have to bust her ass to try to get it back in shape ... just for it to get trashed during the holidays.
  22. Re: Mystical tests of character? I suppose my issue with these kinds of tests is that they're pretty easy to see coming, both in- and out-of-character, which makes it hard not to give the answer that you suspect the test-giver wants. Heck, the first time I saw Empire Strikes Back, decades ago, I knew the thing with the cave was a set-up and couldn't believe Luke was dumb enough to fall for it.
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