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Everything posted by Fireg0lem

  1. Re: Growth SFX question I don't think I've ever used shapeshift for anyone without the "any form" advantage. And yeah, IMO, "looks like a bear" is fine for being covered with SFX. A good guideline: will it ever be really useful to him that he looks like a bear while Growth is one? Can you ever see him getting the 10 points or so in CP in value as usefulness out of looking like a bear? I can't so I would say it's free.
  2. Re: Enatangles with mass I think this is best done with 9d6 Suppress Strength that has the limitations Standard Effect (-0), All Or Nothing (-1/2), and Only One Use Per Target (-1/2), and then extra dice with Only Adds 5 Points Of Effect Per Doubling of Slimes On Target.
  3. Re: Need helping making a power, and a small question Can you hit more than one person with it easily if they're in a straight line? Running and a Line HA linked to the movement. Hits only one person? Extra running, defenses that only apply to damage done by your own movethroughs, and CSLs with movethrough. Or a v/6 and Fullmove martial art with some extra movement, but this forces you to buy a whole martial art which you might or might not want.
  4. Re: Killing Damage in 6e Hit locations are good, and my group uses them in all genres. I haven't messed around with the d3 stun multiplier, but it almost certainly means that KA's are for destroying objects/Takes No Stun targets and nothing else. Which does mimic the way they work in some genres, I suppose, and it's better than the brokenness of the stun lottery. Our solution for damage doubling is simple. Any character that under normal circumstances would more than double the damage of one of their attacks is a "Stop Sign," and by default not OK'd by the GM. But the game world allows more than doubling. So you can't play a 60 STR brick with a 1d6 HKA, but if your 60 STR brick grabs a 1d6 HKA that a henchman dropped and hits a robot with it, he'll do 5d6 damage. Or (the major thing IMO that this rule fixes) if you are a 30 STR character with a 2d6 HKA, and you haymaker, you can add the 4 DCs instead of getting no benefit like in 5er.
  5. Re: Mental Parasite Here's my shot at doing it, if you don't want to use Possession. Always on Desolidification. Take Over Host: Suppress Body, 0 Endurance Cost, Delayed Effect, Affects Real World (however long it takes to possess someone), Invisible Power Effects (not visible until it activates) linked to Drain Body, 0 Endurance Cost, Delayed Effect (possession time + however long it takes for the body to burn out and the parasite to be irremovable), Affects Real World, Invisible Power Effects (not visible until it activates). Multiform with an arbitrarily high number of alternate forms, and "Only the Last Person He "Killed" with Take Over Host, plus a "Controlled" Template, Nonpersistent Until Host is Dead, Must Follow Activation of Suppress, Can Only Use Each Form Once, Leaving a Form Ends Suppress, Maximum Duration (however long until he has to change bodies) So the way he works is he uses Take Over Host to kill someone with the Suppress Body, then multiforms into them plus the template that represents the extra abilities of the body while he has it, and retains his own mental stats and such. If he is Stunned or KO'd before the Drain Body activates, he drops the Multiform and Suppress so the person comes back to life (ie, is un-possessed) and afterwards this isn't a problem because they are dead.
  6. Re: Entangle That Get's Tougher Over Time Yeah, I was curious about why HD doesn't let you add DoT to an entangle - I can't find any rule for that.
  7. Re: How to build: melting a bank vault I think this is DOT, Target's Defenses Only Apply Once, and with some sort of limitation like "Must Maintain Contact with Target or DOT Ends."
  8. Re: VPP for Skills and Martial Arts Maneuvers Yeah, it's not so much "can't do it" as it is "kind of a pain." The issue with Fmove martial art simulation via powers is a few things. One is not being able to add velocity damage without hurting yourself - you could simulate this with extra damage with "Only Adds Up to v/6." Two is that you actually have to buy "combat running" on all your movement powers, which is kinda expensive/annoying (depending on how many you have). "Target Falls" without martial arts is probably a change environment damage shield. Block+Grab is, I think, a clinging damage shield. I'm pretty sure you can simulate martial arts effects without the actual martial arts in HERO, it's just tricky/often expensive.
  9. Re: Ultra sonic interference device I think this is Mind Control with Only To Compete With Other Mental Powers. See "Competing Mental Powers."
  10. Re: Is DOT overpriced Well, it is definitely possible to build DoT attacks that suck, yes, and DocSamson has a number of such effects above. DoT effects are generally not a good "primary" attack but it's a good investment as an MP slot or the like. Here's some useful DOT effects; I'm assuming 10 minimum purchase. Tranquilize: Blast 2d6, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Life Support: Need Not Sleep; All Or Nothing; +1), Damage Over Time (8 damage increments, damage occurs every Segment, +4 1/4) (62 Active Points) <- This one is a viable primary attack, provided you have some sort of backup to use against people who don't sleep. Light On Fire: Blast 3d6, Damage Over Time, Target's defenses only apply once, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (6 damage increments, damage occurs every Segment, +3) (60 Active Points) <-Not a good idea as your only attack. Use it once early on; it will take 6 segments to do its full damage, but it will do almost twice as much more damage than a 12d6 Blast (assuming DEF 20, 22 vs. 43) Acid: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Penetrating (+1/2), Damage Over Time, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (12 damage increments, damage occurs every Segment, +2 1/2) (60 Active Points) <-Useful when fighting automatons with good defenses. Also handy for throwing in the face of district attorneys.
  11. Re: Weapons/equipment out of nowhere I think this is built as a Multipower with no limitations on the MP itself, and then all the slots are OAF. So when a slot is actually "in use," it's a OAF and can be broken, grabbed, etc. But when a slot is not "in use," the weapon isn't there so it can't be affected.
  12. Re: VPP for Skills and Martial Arts Maneuvers I should say a bit more - the main advantage to my suggested way of doing it is that there are some unique things martial arts give you. For example, Universal Counter doesn't really work without martial arts and is a real pain to simulate with powers, and you can't normally Fmove and attack. Same with grabbing more limbs than with a non-martial Grab.
  13. Re: VPP for Skills and Martial Arts Maneuvers Just to provide an alternate way of making this character: 1) Buy him the skills that he uses on a regular basis these days. 2) Buy Cramming. Most GMs will let you pay more for Cramming to get a larger roll, like 15-point Cramming will let you get the desired skill at a CHAR roll. I would be way more likely to approve this as a GM than a skill VPP. The idea is "oh yeah, I knew something about that a few hundred years ago, give me some time to remember the details..." 3) For the martial arts, buy "Generic Manuevers." The idea is to get all the bases you need, and then have a bunch of CSLs that you can use to adjust damage, OCV, and DCV. Remember that you don't have to use every basis a maneuver has unless there's a common-sense reason for it, so for example you can choose not to end "Universal Counter" with your opponent grabbed. Here's a quick writeup, formatted OCV/DCV/Effect 4 Universal Counter: +0/+0/Block, Grab 2 Limbs, Target Falls 4 Universal Attack: +0/+0/Strike, Target Falls, +v/6 damage 5 Universal Moving Attack: +0/-1/Strike, Target Falls, +v/6 damage, FMove, Half-Move Required 3 Universal Dodge: -/+3/Fmove, Dodge, Abort 3 Universal Disarm: +0/+0/Grab Weapon 5 Universal Grab: +0/-1/Grab 5 Limbs 4 Universal Crush: +0/+0/Crush +4d6, Must Be Grappling 5 Universal Killing Attack: +0/-2/+1 DC Killing, Target Falls, v/6 d6 5 Universal Moving Killing Attack: -2/-2/+1 DC Killing, Target Falls, +v/6 damage, FMove, Half-Move Required This covers everything you'd want to do with 3 exceptions. I didn't include a Disable manuever because I'm assuming you are playing in a no-hit-locations game; if not you should probably get one. Flash and Exert are easier to model outside of the martial arts. Since he could (presumably) do any martial arts NND, that's also best done outside the martial arts. Flash is Flash, Exert is STR with a limitation that it can't do damage directly. NND is a Hand Attack with a variable advantage that can only get NNDs that mimic martial arts manuever NNDs. Throw it in a multipower; I would actually suggest this: MP 1) Flash, Sight and Hearing, No Range, Not vs. Desolidified Characters 2) Strength 3) Hand Attack, Variable Advantage (any Martial Arts NND) Note that slot 2 is just Strength. You can use it for Exerts, but you might as well be getting something out of the MP when you don't want to flash, exert, or NND, so it can also just add damage to your other manuevers/work with grabs/etc. Do note that you should buy CSLs with all melee (or all combat), not with your martial art only, so that your flash, hand attack, and stuff like Escape will benefit.
  14. Re: Extra SPD only to Dodge Secondary Speed (APG) is the canonical way to do this.
  15. Re: Full Sensory Mind Link? I also like the Transmit idea. Maybe have the Mind Link, then buy the Transmit adders with the limitation "Only To People In the Same Mind Link?" I think this gives a fair price for this ability; while "cool," I don't think it's all that much more useful than just being mind linked, and I don't think it should be overly expensive.
  16. Re: Is DOT overpriced DOT is very powerful, and quite worth the advantage cost.
  17. Re: Impact of Multiple Attacks The major uses of it are mainly when someone's DCV is dropped, such as if someone starts a Haymaker, gets into a takes-no-damage entangle or a grapple, or is stunned or prone. Secondarily: Against people with really low natural DCV With AE attacks Rapid Attack Aids (don't allow this one)
  18. Re: Questioning the Multi-power Framework I think you're approaching it backwards. Lockout is for "I would normally use a multipower, but I can't for some mechanical reason." For example, if you want your Detect Zorblaxians power to not work while you're flying, then you use Lockout, because Enhanced Senses can't go in a multipower. It's a smaller discount for this reason. Also, Lockout lets you build asymmetric effects. For example, if using Power X prevents you from using (list of things), but (list of things) can otherwise all be done simultaneously, that is generally best done by putting Lockout on Power X, rather than by having a humongous multipower with (list of things) in one slot and Power X in another slot.
  19. Re: FANTASY HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See? I like FH5e for the most part, but I was really disappointed in the large-scale combat system. It would be great if large-scale combat that works as well as small-scale combat was something that FH6E could do. Anything you could do to improve the balance and overall quality of large-scale combat would be much appreciated - it's one of the few things core HERO not only doesn't do, but that is hard for a GM to put together and balance easily.
  20. Re: Hit Locations in Super-Hero Game? My group always plays with hit locations in Superheroic games, and we all generally like it. However, I'm not a big fan of the NStun multiplication before defenses, that makes normal damage attacks way too good. This does change some of the dynamics of the game - it makes low DCV much more dangerous (but we allow lower DCV characters to have more defenses to compensate). It makes combat generally more tactical, in that being at 1/2 DCV or having put all one's levels on OCV is much more of a liability. It definitely does make the game more dangerous and make large groups of weak enemies more of a threat; the GM just has to account for that. On the whole, I like it (and so does the rest of the group) since it adds more depth to combat, and makes tactics like "you grab him and I'll make a called shot" or "I'll taunt him into going Enraged, and then you headshot him while his levels are in OCV" more useful. With regard to the skill levels/PSLs versus DCs, we do play with a bunch of cap rules. If we didn't have them, I think we would indeed see a problem with everyone having +8 PSLs to offset hit locations.
  21. Re: Lock-On System I also agree with the Cover suggestion, this should be built as +2 OCV with Cover.
  22. Re: Rule of X? I really, really suggest against using AP in attacks/defenses, rather than DCs and total defenses as a guideline. Otherwise, nobody will ever use 0 Endurance attacks or other attacks with advantages that don't increase DCs (or rather, doing so will cripple them). Our group uses what I termed the rule of F(X), the complication of which is largely due to me. The tradeoff between static CVs and CSLs might need some work still, we're testing it a bit more. This is probably more work than most groups really want to do for something like this, but feel free to crib an idea or two. The Rule of F(X): Before anything, the caps are: 12 DC 25 Defense 4 SPD 21 CV value, CV value = OCV or OMCV (whichever you use) +DCV/2 +DMCV/2 + CSL Factor (see below) CSL factor is determined as follows. Overall Level = 1.5 All Combat Level = 1.5 All Mental Combat Level = 1.5 3-point through 8-point Levels Applicable to OCV, DCV, and Damage = 1.25 2 or 3-point levels that apply only to OCV = 1 (but see below) +X DMCV, Only Applies to Match DCV Increase Given by Physical CSLs and Overall Levels (-1.5) = 0 +X DCV, Only Applies to Match DMCV Increase Given by Mental CSLs and Overall Levels (-1.5) = 0 You get 2 "picks" for free. A pick is one of: +1 DC +3.5 Defense +1 CV value For 2 picks, +1 SPD. Picks do not round with the sole exception of the final Defense value a character may have rounding normally. Allowed defense is ®PD/®ED up to the Defense maximum, and Power Defense and Mental Defense up to half the defense maximum. Damage Negation counts for 3 defense, Damage Reduction counts as 6/12/24 (for 25/50/75%) off of Physical or Energy defense, or 3/6/12 for Mental defense. You can also take negative picks to get more picks. A negative pick is one of: -1 DC -3.5 Defense -1 CV value For 2 picks, -1 SPD. In theory you can take all the negative picks you want, but it will get your character scrutinized more (think of negative picks as a "yield sign.”) Martial Arts follow a special rule. Martial artists only need to meet the caps for each manuever taken seperately. Manuevers that cannot be used while attacking (ie, Block, Dodge, and Disarm bases) may ignore the caps entirely. In effect, a martial artist who is at the caps without martial arts needs to have, for each manuever that can be used while attacking, OCV+DCV+DC to add up to 0 or less. A martial artist who is at -1 pick before martial arts would need to have OCV+DCV+DC to add up to 1 or less on each manuever. -2 picks would allow 2 or less, etc. If a character can break a cap under select circumstances, count the picks it costs as follows: figure out the characters picks without the cap-breaking, then take the difference, figure out the cost in picks, and then apply limitations to the cost. EX: a character in a 12 DC game who can use a 16d6 EB with 1 charge per day but otherwise has no better than a 10d6 EB counts as having no picks in damage – they are at -2 picks without the 16 DC blast, and then the difference is 6 Dcs = 6 picks, with a -2 limitation = 2 pick. If a character uses both mental and physical attacks, check their pick total with OMCV and the DC's of their mental attacks, and then seperately with their OCV and the DC's of their physical attacks. If a character has varying CV value with different attacks (such as by using 2 point CSLs), they need only meet the cap for each attack taken individually.
  23. Re: Get away from me. 6e has an "at the GM's option" stack x2 KB effects multiplicatively, so x8 Knockback is +1.5. It seems like a 1-2d6 EB (depending on the minimum purchase for the campaign) with x8 or x16 KB would do this for an appropriate cost. (Yes, this is super-abusable by buying a 2d6 EB with x1028 knockback, I know, but so long as the end result is a reasonable amount of KB, I think most GMs would allow it).
  24. Re: 6E Telekinetic Strength Yeah, our group's solution was to houserule TK to be 1 DC per 7.5 base AP rather than 5, and we use DC rather than AP in our caps.
  25. Re: (6e) Classified: Characters Wanted! Here's a character I made, I wanted to test out HD and the concept had been bouncing around. I tried to keep the character fairly simple so as to make him easy to pick up and play.
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