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Dr. MID-Nite

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Posts posted by Dr. MID-Nite

  1. This was my FB review.....
    Movie Review: Wonder Woman 1984 (2020). This sequel to the deservedly praised 2017 film updates the era to the 80's. In general, I liked this effort for its entertainment value, but it suffers from a number of issues that keep it from being as good as its predecessor.
    The Good:
    -Gal is excellent as the character and that feel is still there in this one.
    -Steve's return provides the film with both the best dramatic and comedic moments (as a stranger in a strange land) and one moment legit gave me the feels.
    -Kristen Wiig is surprisingly good given the fact that she's more commonly known for her comedic roles. She pretty much plays it straight here (and to good effect), but....see below.
    The Bad:
    -The plot is fairly thin and is executed rather clumsily in some parts.
    -The movie is WAAAAY too long for the story it tells. It's at least a half hour too long.
    -While I get that Pedro Pascal's character was in some ways there to symbolize the excess of the time period, he's so over the top and thinly defined that his overall goals and endgame don't make a ton of sense(which again...may have been intentional but it just doesn't really come off very well in execution).
    The Ugly:
    -Wiig's transformation into Cheetah feels like a "tacked on at the last minute" job. It's a shame as Wiig gives us a decent performance, but it basically comes out of nowhere and feels heavily railroaded on the audience. By the time we got to that point in the movie...I was enjoying her character without the obvious comic tie in...and really...it wasn't necessary for the movie.
    -The "plane napping" scene. That is not how any of that would work. Ludicrous in the extreme.
    -Diana doesn't for a moment think about the ethical and moral issues involved in one character literally losing their life (against their will) so that another one can live.
    -Nothing in the movie explains why she hasn't been seen as Wonder Woman since The Great War(as BvsS and Justice League tell us). If anything, this movie is suggesting the opposite.
    This is a hard one to grade. I guess if the first one is an A, this one is probably a B. It definitely has style and some good elements, but they just don't come together as well as the first film. I didn't hate it, but it was definitely disappointing in an Age of Ultron kind of way.
  2. 8 hours ago, death tribble said:

    Some say it is better to give than to receive but the judge told me that I cannot give people a kicking. Oh well.

    So what did you get ?


    I received the three David Weber and Eric Flint books which tie into the Honor Harrington series,

    a Slipknot CD,

    Lucifer series 1-3,

    Preacher season 1,

    the Story of the Tour de France 1903-64,

    Jam, two bottles of Cornish beer,




    Flamme Rouge (a cycling board game)

    Mountains of Madness board game

    King of Tokyo board game Dark Edition


    What is added in the "Dark edition" of the KoT board game?

  3. 4 hours ago, death tribble said:

    The big news from last night's TLC PPV is that Charlotte Flair is back. She teamed with Asuka to defeat Bazler and Jax to become new tag team champions.

    The Hurt Business beat The New Day to become the new tag team champions.

    Oh and Randy Orton set The Fiend on fire.

    The Hurt Business?


  4. All players can have them for free in my campaign, but like all free items...they are at the whim of the GM to make the game more interesting and fun. If they're a problem, it is GM's fiat on how to deal with it. I haven't had much of an issue to be honest. Yes, they can look up information, but it's not like they're going to get game breaking information. Reading on the internet that Photon is a woman with light powers isn't going to help you find her or capture her in and of itself.

  5. I'm trying to think up some non lethal defensive weapons for a superhero base. I'll be honest though...I don't have much experience building bases. Does anyone have any builds (with appropriate base limitations) that they've used and recommend?

  6. 29 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:


    Let's assume the only change is that the minimum wage rises so we pay more per hour for the same number of hours at the bottom of the pay scale.  What happens?


    The more skilled, experienced, higher-paid employees see those at the bottom getting more.  They are, or so they feel, more valuable than those at the bottom.  They want higher compensation.  Will we have the line staff, the shift manager and the store manager all earn the same, or will wages rise across the scale to compensate, and maintain an incentive to advance to more senior, more responsible, higher-work, higher-stress positions?


    The business owners can either accept lower profits, or they can raise prices.  Now, let's remember that many small business owners are also not making billions annually - they are just squeaking by too.    Many are earning less than minimum wage for their own labour.  Unless the goal is to concentrate all business ownership in mega-corporations, they have to be able to survive too.They raise prices so they can make ends meet.  Not just to cover increased wages - all of their suppliers are raising prices, because they have to pay higher wages too, and those higher costs also have to be covered.


    So, with higher prices, those higher wages aren't translating to a higher standard of living, just higher inflation.  An arbitrary change to wage levels, with no changes in actual resources or productivity, just means the price of those resources goes up.  There is still only so much to go around.


    So what you're saying is the American capitalist system is inherently flawed. Not exactly news. That said...again....minimum wage is much higher in other First World countries and they're not falling apart. It's the vast income disparity and corporate greed that keeps our unfair system going. We have plenty of resources.


  7. 2 hours ago, Greywind said:


    Minimum wage goes up, less people and more kiosks up front.


    Nonsense. The minimum wage is higher in nearly every other First World country and their economies aren't collapsing. Some jobs get replaced...others are created. It's not rocket science. This is fear mongering by a Capitalist America that doesn't want to give up one penny of profit or invest in the American people. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

    On YouTube, David Pakman presented an interesting analysis of Trump voters' motivation: They think they're in a war. A war against abortion, against the fake news media; a war to protect Christian values, and to end the tyranny of "the left." In a war mindset, some casualties are to be expected. Some freedoms have to be curtailed. Moral qualms have to be set aside to achieve victory. And no amount of logic or facts is going to get through that attitude.


    And Americans would rather fight to the death over idiotic nonissues and not focus at all on issues that might actually...you know...help people...like universal health care and education...or better job opportunities. I'm really fed up. The culture of anti intellectualism has made progress almost impossible.

  9. 52 minutes ago, Greywind said:


    So the urban parts of the country are the only parts that matter?


    With all due respect, I came nowhere near to saying that. I was stating that that rural and suburban communities(of which I happen to be part) tend to see the problems and issues in America as something that happens to other people...often with the caveats such as "well they shouldn't live in such a slum" or "well if they only worked harder..they'd be fine" and other such general statements that ignore American realities. Issues are something that happen to other people and everything would be fine if they "just stopped causing trouble". They don't see it...so it doesn't exist. At the same time....because they're isolated both in reality and thought from America's urban areas...they also believe in issues they're told exist because they have no context to believe otherwise. Again....out of touch. And you might try asking for clarification before quoting me out of context next time. Thanks.

    22 minutes ago, Greywind said:


    There's more rural areas than there are urban areas. So maybe it is the urban areas that are out of touch with the realities of the rest of the country.


    And more people live in urban areas than live in rural areas. If you're going to use that logic, I'll simply say people matter more than land. Again, I live in a semi rural area....and I've lived in urban and suburban areas in the past. I have firsthand experience.

  10. 4 minutes ago, BoloOfEarth said:


    I live in Michigan, and was rather upset when I woke up at 3 am and checked to see our state was (at that time) leaning toward Trump.  My daughter was the same way.  Happier now to see it leaning toward Biden, though I'll be even happier when it's finally called for Biden.


    Was upset that Florida went to Trump, but then again if Florida Man had gotten sensible, that might be a sign of the end times.


    Also in MI.. not surprised at the divide. The suburban/rural areas are out of touch with the realities of the rest of the country.

  11. 13 minutes ago, BoloOfEarth said:


    There were 12 postal districts affected, but some postal districts covered more than one state (or parts of more than one state).  The states affected are:

    • Pennsylvania
    • Michigan
    • Colorado
    • Wyoming
    • Georgia
    • Texas
    • Alabama
    • Vermont
    • New Hampshire
    • Maine
    • South Carolina
    • Florida
    • Wisconsin
    • Arizona
    • New Mexico


    So at least two states that are still heavily contested...

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