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What's the most useless supplement you'd actually like to see?


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Just for fun, here....


What Hero Games supplement ideas have people come up with that you'd actually buy if it were available, but feel as though you'd be a part of a very small group in that respect?


I'm not looking for truly useless books (like Antarctic Champions or Circus Hero), but something you'd actually find useful and could make a book of at least 100 pages, but isn't likely to have much market outside yourself.


My own personal choice would be The Galactic Martial Artist -- a collection of martial arts styles, weapons, and other data from the various cultures across the galaxy of the Hero Universe.

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My personal favorite needs a few more years of supplaments before it is really going to work, but..


I would love to see "As the Universe Turns", a whole book of alternate timelines for the Champions Universe. It would be kind of like the old Champions in 3-D book, but with much more of an emphasis on alternate histories and less Cthulu and dinosaur men. There would of course be Nazi world, and Soviet world, and Egypt world, and Summerian world, and so on. It would come complete with alternate versions of the Champions for each parallel history. (the People's Defender & team in Soviet world, in Egypt world Ironclad would be out and the Living Mummy would be in but they would all still fight Anubus from CKC, etc)

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:D Finally! A question that I can waste MY time on! ;) Let's see... Well for starters: Jhamin gave me the idea of doing a Champions in 3-D, Revisited. Each of the alternate worlds from the original would be revisited by the heroes, with space allocated for the history of the alt-world since their first visit. Next (out of sheer orneriness); Champions: Retconned. Every character from the current CU (or at least as many as we can fit. Oh, WTH, we'll do it in a mutiple volume collection ;) ) is retconned to pre-5th Ed. standards. All the Champions are re-cast as 250 point characters, and all NPCs values are reduced proportionately. All current players are advised to bring their existing characters in line with the new standard. Fun for all! :D:rolleyes:
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Hmm... :)


1) The History of the Hero System: All the behinds the scenes maneuvering in one complete volume! The sex, drugs, and music that went into making the HERO system! Reserve your copy today! Book unavailable in certain counties, countries, and Utah.


2) Intergalactic Champions: Detailing those heroes who dwell in galaxies far, far, away...


3) Astral Champions: Detailing the denizens of the Astral Plane, none of which possess a physical body or are capable of visiting our dimension.


4) Micro Champions: Rules for dealing with the Microverse, along with the denizens who dwell there. Let Shrinker be your guide...


5) Clown Conquers the Cosmos: The Complete Campaign


And of course, like D&D did, we must have our own string of Novels!


1) Dr. Destoryer's Island: The complete anthology, written by the good Doctor himself. 37 short stories, each detailing a seperate team which attempts to invade Destroyers Island.


2) Eurostar, the Unauthorized Biography: No information available. Written in Esperanto.


3) Foxbats Fables: A retelling of clssic fairy tales, by Foxbat


4) The Ogre Enigma: The greatest story never told


5) Grond vs. God: The battle all of us have been waiting for!

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LOL.. some of those are funny!


One supplement that I would seriously love to see, but would undoubtedly be in the minority is a 4X empire building game in Hero. Rather than playing members of the Terran military, a player could play the head of his/her own interstellar civilization (or fantasy kingdom).



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So many possibilties


Well, I guess they are not useless, if I would use them. . .


These aren't really funny, just obscure topics that no one else would be interested in.


Underwater Hero - Um, pretty much self-explanatory. Y'know for Aquaman-type characters.


The Ultimate Ancient Egypt - An under-utilized but great era for role-playing.


Serial Movie Hero - Y'know, the old Dick Tracy and Rocketeer type serials from the 30's and 40's. A great genre to play in, a bit like pulp but not exactly.


Baseball Hero - Role play baseball games with players generated on Hero-level rules.


Just my little contribution to the list.

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A license, or direct ripoff, of the better of the two old Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon from the early 90's. You know, the one with Sonic, Princess Sally, and the rest of the Freedom Fighters struggling against Robotnik, who wanted nothing more than to turn the world into a polluted metallic hell under his control. (A ripoff would probably be a better idea; Sega has shown time and again that it doesn't really "get" that universe...) -- Pteryx

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Responding to a few of these:


Intergalactic Champions: Since DOJ has started the ball rolling by giving us two Champions characters from Andromeda and hints of several more, I should hope there'd be at least a little more about this.


Empire Builder: I've actually written this already, at least in article format. I believe it's appeared in EZ Hero under the title Fleet of a Thousand Points, and while geared toward a science fiction theme (along the lines of Starfire or Million Credit Squadron) it could easily be adapted to fantasy, and combined with the Mass Combat Rules (or those rules from FH adapted to science fiction) and a campaign built from it.


Serial Movie Hero: This would be pretty much in the Pulp Hero flavor, and probably will actually happen (though not in those specific terms).


Underwater Hero: Switch it to The Ultimate Aquatic and you might just have something there. At any rate an aquatic sourcebook for Champions (with information usable for other genres) would be cool.


Baseball Hero: Expand it to Sports Hero and I think there'd be some real possibilities there. It'd have to be developed a bit (probably to include the actual written rules of most contemporary and some historical sports) and there are many more pressing things to put on the schedule, but I think it'd be a good project.

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Re: So many possibilties


Originally posted by topcapfan

Well, I guess they are not useless, if I would use them. . .




Serial Movie Hero - Y'know, the old Dick Tracy and Rocketeer type serials from the 30's and 40's. A great genre to play in, a bit like pulp but not exactly.



Ya stole my idea there. I love the old movie serials and I have several books and vhs tapes about them. I would love to write one up. Maybe a digtial Hero Issue



I would like to see a return to Mystic Masters, and Dr Strange Dr Fate comic book magic book.


I would also Like to see a DuckTales.Goof Troop/Rescue Rangers style book. I wanna play Goofy....


Maybe some think like were all the Players are over the top bimbo Huge busted women with Huge weapons and....wait thats been done...

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Originally posted by Polaris

Using the Hero system to play Starfire is precisely what I was hoping to do! :) I clicked on the ezHero link, but it was broken. Is there any way I could get the article you wrote?

I think you'd have to get Dave Mattingly's word to get the skinny on that. I don't know what's up with it myself.
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I just checked, and I don't think F1KP ever appeared in EZ Hero. It was in Haymaker #18, but you'd have to check with Dave (at the time, the Haymaker coordinator) for access.


Or, I might just revamp it for 5th ed and universal genre application and send it in as a Digital Hero article. :D


And I still don't know quite what's up with the EZ Hero site.

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Originally posted by BobGreenwade

Baseball Hero: Expand it to Sports Hero and I think there'd be some real possibilities there. It'd have to be developed a bit (probably to include the actual written rules of most contemporary and some historical sports) and there are many more pressing things to put on the schedule, but I think it'd be a good project.


You know, I recently ranted on a different board about this exact same subject. I have NEVER seen a real-life sports supplement for ANY role-playing system (leaving aside for the moment pro wrestling). I can't imagine why no one has ever written a thing.


Think about it. Sports Hero could be a really crunchy big book detailing a few dozen common sports:


* Template characters for each position

* Equipment, built in HERO

* Rules for playing out each sport in HERO terms


I mean, that would be a HUGE seller, wouldn't it? I'd buy a copy in a second. You'd probably sell a good number to non-HERO fans, simply because it's a popular topic never touched on by other systems. Heck, you could even spin off aSports Hero: X-treme Edition, for extreme sports fans!



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Originally posted by Jon Fry

Think about it. Sports Hero could be a really crunchy big book detailing a few dozen common sports:


* Template characters for each position

* Equipment, built in HERO

* Rules for playing out each sport in HERO terms


I mean, that would be a HUGE seller, wouldn't it? I'd buy a copy in a second. You'd probably sell a good number to non-HERO fans, simply because it's a popular topic never touched on by other systems. Heck, you could even spin off aSports Hero: X-treme Edition, for extreme sports fans!



I don't know about a whole Sports HERO book, but I would think this could be viable for a DH run. Do one sport a month (or every other month) and examine the character templates, equipment, and rules for each sport one at a time. Someone needs to volunteer to write this and submit it to Dave. :)

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Re: So many possibilties


Originally posted by topcapfan

The Ultimate Ancient Egypt - An under-utilized but great era for role-playing.


You've heard of hard SF, I'd like to see a "hard history" historical sourcebook. Of course, its only chance of breaking 20 books sold would be if the author had a huge family ....

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Re: Re: So many possibilties


Originally posted by Koshka

You've heard of hard SF, I'd like to see a "hard history" historical sourcebook. Of course, its only chance of breaking 20 books sold would be if the author had a huge family ....

Actually, ancient Egypt as a role-playing setting should be quite viable. (Isn't there a GURPS Ancient Egypt?) I'd be shocked if an Ancient Egypt supplement were to appear on the 2005 schedule, but eventually I think the DOJ guys should consider it. While it would have to cover true historical Egypt, it wouldn't have to be limited to that; ancient Egypt would be a great setting for Fantasy Hero, complete with magic, no less than medieval Europe.
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The Ultimate Dimension. This would not be Champions In 3-D; the latter was a book of alternate worlds. TUD would be a book of how to create other dimensions, how to run games where the whole point is interdimensional adventures (Time Police/Dimensional Police, etc.), how to run genre games interdimensionally (interdimensional fantasy, interdimensional superheroes, etc.) and basically everything C3D wasn't.


Tech-Magic Hero. This could probably use a better name, but it would be a worldbook for games taking place in modern day worlds with publically known magic (a la Poul Anderson's Operation Chaos, Heinlein's Magic, Inc. or Harry Turtledove's Case of the Toxic Spell Dump). It might have a short blurb or two on secret magic worlds, but those are done to death already (Witchcraft and Mage being two).

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Originally posted by archer

The Ultimate Dimension. This would not be Champions In 3-D; the latter was a book of alternate worlds. TUD would be a book of how to create other dimensions, how to run games where the whole point is interdimensional adventures (Time Police/Dimensional Police, etc.), how to run genre games interdimensionally (interdimensional fantasy, interdimensional superheroes, etc.) and basically everything C3D wasn't.

I really like this one... title and all. I could see this having multi-genre applications, with discussions on astral/ethereal planes, the afterworld, alternate histories, alternate realities, fantasy and dream worlds, time travel, and everything related to them, including how to run a campaign with dimensional travel (including time travel) as the theme. Some of this could probably be drawn from the existing genre books (and possibly The Ultimate Supermage), but it could make for a really interesting book, and I'd snap it up in no time.
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Originally posted by BobGreenwade

I really like this one... title and all. I could see this having multi-genre applications, with discussions on astral/ethereal planes, the afterworld, alternate histories, alternate realities, fantasy and dream worlds, time travel, and everything related to them, including how to run a campaign with dimensional travel (including time travel) as the theme. Some of this could probably be drawn from the existing genre books (and possibly The Ultimate Supermage), but it could make for a really interesting book, and I'd snap it up in no time.


I have a large outline written up for it already, and it pretty much covers everything I mentioned above plus everything you mentioned. I once ran it past Bruce Harlick and he was kinda iffy, so I've just been sitting on it ever since.

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