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Wanna really scare your players?


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Kim Jong-Il


Originally posted by Outsider

Or give Kim Jong-Il some superpowers?


What a Clown! Yeah, he'd be great as a supervillian. He could go around in drag, commanding legions of agents. He's got an ego bigger than Galactus. He'd probably be best as comedy relief, but the scary thing is that you would just be playing him true to life!

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I almost never get to cons anymore but I'd love to get that. My intro to Champions was in the form of an article/review Aaron Allston wrote for the Space Gamer. In it he described how in his campaign world Galactus was turned by a mobilization of Earth's entire super community, apparently depopulating most of it.


That has always stuck in my mind as something I'd like to try. I guess I do have something in common with Kim Jong-Il.

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Originally posted by Tasha

Don't you know that Invisible woman figure will bring major cash on E-bay. I just can't wait to see how much people will pay for just a plain Clix base with stats. :rolleyes:


Tasha :rolleyes:


They did the same thing with the Atom, Yellowjacket and Antman, and thier highest they were pulling in 50 - 75 bucks a pop.

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Originally posted by Tasha

Don't you know that Invisible woman figure will bring major cash on E-bay. I just can't wait to see how much people will pay for just a plain Clix base with stats. :rolleyes:


Tasha :rolleyes:

Well, there is that. Ever since Magic, I've been avoiding any of the buy & trade things.


If I want a figure to scare my players, I either get one of the large Mechs in my back room or get some cheesy figures from Goodwill.


Though I do have some rather large leads for scaring the Fantasy players if I ever get that campaign going.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doombringer is a powerarmored assassin, sort of a Mech-assassin on steroids, but I was using him long before Mech-Assassin was introduced.


His armor is virtualy indestructable and gives him enhaced characteristics and movement. He primary offensive powers come from his Variable- Special effect weapon system that allows him to pull virtualy any type of attack to bear on his opponents.


I do not make a habit of killing the heroes of my campaign, but Doombringer has in fact killed at least 1 character of each of my players at one time or another.


Credit for inspriation for Doombringer goes to Marvel comics who used a one-time villain named Doombringer in a PowerMan and Iron Fist comic. I liked the name, and designed my own version for my campaign.

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