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Alternate Earth #9


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Mayday , the equivalent of high nobility at the time, would be married off in a dynastic marriage if her psionic powers have not yet developed. Considering them a gift from God she becomes an Abbess or a Prophet and uses her powers of telepathy to assist the King Louis VII of France in his endeavours. She accompanies him on Crusade along with his then wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine whom she admires for the Court of Love the Queen creates.


When Eleanor's fidelity becomes in question, Melody bears witness to the truth of it, possibly negating the foundation of the Plantagenet dynasty in England.


Louis, knowing the plans of every crowned head in Europe, expands the coalescing France far beyond its current borders and causes endless strife for England, Spain, Italy and the other surrounding countries.


She takes part in witch trials and the Inquisition and after her death becomes a Saint.

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Sabre , Wraithe and ShadowCross have no way to avoid the women's roles of wife and mother without their technology and chemical injections. They live and die as wives to a merchant or castle servant, with a horde of munchkins underfoot. ShadowCross may become a Lord's mistress, she has the body and looks for it as does Metallion.


Metallion would find her magnetism powers get her burned at the stake. Useful against armored knights, but not so good against bows and arrows or wooden pitchforks. Being from the lower classes she is either married off young, becomes someone's mistress or works in a tavern or brothel.


LineDrive 's powers work as Deflection/Reflection, up to and including energy beams. He joins a performing troupe rather than work hard on a farm all his life and does pretty well against thrown veggies.


Akhen'Isis receives intact the powers of an ancient egyptian sorceress/priestess and returns to 'her' ancestral homelands of the Nile to find them controlled by the Fatamid Caliphate descended from the Prophet Mohammed's daughter Fatima.


Amidst the conflict going on between Turkey, the muslim Caliphate and Byzantine Empire she sets up a small revival of the religion of Isis in Egypt that becomes a Cult after her death a few centuries later.

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Without 20th century biotech, Cheetah never develops superspeed. His competative nature brings him into whatever form of pro athletics exist at the time, be that bare-knuckle brawling or feats of Strenth and Skill with some traveling circus.


Born with severe Myasthenia Gravis, Iron Will probably does not live long enough for his telekenetic and Techno-mage abilities to develop.


Millennium, Dolphin, and Snow Leopard do not depend on technology for their powers. Their understanding of their powers may be less complete than in a technological civilization, so they would possibly be less skilled with their powers, but the base powers would remain unchanged.

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on a personal note:Thanks for the props.


Kenneth would probably be considered a demon by his family and nieghbors after reinventing irrigation and developing the groundwork for animal and plant hybredization. Using his wits to escape the mob chasing him he would seek out some bastion of knowledge like a monastery and study ravenously. If magic or alchemy are available he will develop the Husky persona and travel the world fighting injustice and spreading the tenants or reason. The Renaissance would get a nice jump start.

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Starguard -- gets mistaken for an angel of the Lord(*), very openly pious, might get manipulated by evil churchmen until her "Sense Souls" developed enough to spot their evil or her naivete was finally destroyed.



Dr. Pain -- they didn't have pro wrestlers back then. He might be a "Little John" type who was somehow granted superstrength in a mystic event.



Baron von Darien -- he already was born in the Dark Ages. Only change between him and the canon version is that he still has the original castle, having passed it down from "father" to "son" Count Dracula style about, ummm, fifteen times...

















For the very simple reason that she actually *IS* one. :D

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Omega: well, without Omega radiation reactors around, he wouldn't have powers, so would be a noble's son/knight in Austria, since WWI and the collapse of Austria-Hungary presumably hasn't happened.


Frogman: again, medieval tech would leave him without powers. Likely in someone's navy.


Cat-man: distressed by the damage caused by barbarian invasions, works to strengthen border states/areas to resist futher incursions.


Jack O'Lantern: survivor of band of travelling troubadours killed by bandits, vows revenge. Growing up, learns various additional skills to help him. Taking advantage of the local legends, takes on the persona of Jack O'Lantern and wages one-man war on bandits, corrupt officials and the like. Not much would change (already uses swords, etc) but wouldn't have explosives to toss around.

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Snowbird would probably be a Viking warrior, driven from his home because of his use of evil magic (the amulet was created by Ymir, the Frost Giant lord).


Comet would be a peasant who used his newfound divine gifts for good, coming to the attention of the nobility. After completing some noble quest, he would have been elevated to knighthood.


Shadowhawk would be a sherriff, hunting outlaws without remorse or mercy. He'd probably be like the Sherriff of Nottingham, more of a villain than a hero.


Archangel would live in Rome, defending the Vatican from any threats, or in Spain or Turkey, fighting the Saracens alongside knights.

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Guest WhammeWhamme


Didn't understand the other dimension too well at first, but tayed there, became educated there (didn't grok his powers well enough to return), and is trying to mount a technological revolution. (y'know, he's annoying in Other Dimensional adventures...)



Obviously not from NZ in this world, his basic origin remains the same. He is a scholar, and his powers are age old...

He'd probably try and create a renaissance from inspiration from talking to people from the days of the ancients. He'd look to the future from the past, through the eyes of the dead...

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Hmmmm, let's see....


Adrenaline's powers as a mutant would have come out and he probably would have become a very powerful and well respected general, as long as he had Deathwish to be his tatical advisor.


Realm's powers were the result of a run in with the mutant gang leader Catalyst. If that happened, he probably would have taken Catalyst down and then had to flee to another dimension or be killed as a heretic.


Hecabus already is in a world with limited tech, lots of magic though, so it would change him at all.

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  • 3 years later...

Re: Alternate Earth #9


Human again, poor Vitus. Probably grow up the son of an influential blacksmith, and go on to try and out-do him by designing seige weapons of horrible efficiency, and the occasional glider-riding incendiary pig as an experiment.


Zero would have died young, leeched to anemia in effotrs to stop his constant migraines. Or been hung for murdering his widowed mother and selling her dismembered remains in a pie.

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Re: Alternate Earth #9


Mike the Demoness: Without a renaissance having taken place to undermine the Church and introduce the scientific method, it's doubtful Mike would have been an atheist before meeting the succubus who mind-swapped with him. Upon discovering his/her new demonic state, and truly believing in the divine, she'd have immediately prayed for forgiveness and redemption... and is now 'Mike the Angel', doing whatever good works she can think of.


Rubber Mousie: Her origin includes being abducted by aliens, among other events, so she'd probably still be pretty much herself. Though she'd have a different name for herself; maybe 'Black Water'. "Vile fiend, you think your sword can hurt me, and your armor protects you? Let me show you how useless such solid objects are against flowing water..."

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