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Team Archetpes

Guest Worldmaker

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Guest Worldmaker

We all know about the character archetypes (Brick, Speedster, etc.), but what about Team Archetypes?


What archetypes apply to hero teams?



What archetypes apply to villain teams?



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Re: Team Archetpes


I would say you have archtypes according to subgenre really. Some of mine would be.


Justice League - 4 color team

The Avengers - A little more bronze age.

X-Men - Outlaw heroes


Villains would be similar

Legion Of Doom - 4 color villian group. Big elaborate traps & like

Masters Of Evil - more bronze age like

Brotherhood of Evil Mutants - Misguided rescuers


That's off the top of my head for now.


Bob Adams

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Re: Team Archetypes


World's Greatest Heroes - JLA, Avengers

Weird outsiders - X-Men, Doom Patrol, Metal Men

Teenagers - Legion of Super-Heroes, Silver Age X-Men, Teen Titans, New Mutants

International - X-Men since 1975, Justice League International, Global Guardians, StormWatch


Some possibilities I'm not sure count as archetypes:

Supervillains - Suicide Squad, Thunderbolts

West Coast - I can only think of the Champions and West Coast Avengers

Explorers - Not really an archetype cause the Fantastic Four are the only exemplars. (Challengers of the Unknown are not really superheroes IMO)

Non-team - Surely only the Defenders count?

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Team Archetpes


I would say you have archtypes according to subgenre really. Some of mine would be.


Justice League - 4 color team

The Avengers - A little more bronze age.

X-Men - Outlaw heroes


I think you're combing thoughts here.


The "outlaw hero" team is what I mean when I say archetype. As for the JLA and Avengers, they'd be "gathering of Champions" teams.

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Guest Dragon

Re: Team Archetpes


Hmm....I might be way off on what I'm interpreting you to be saying, but when I build NPC teams, I usually put them in what I call the 'anime/G-force/voltron/powerrangers frame'


In other words....I build 5 man teams with 5 very stereotyped roles. It tends to work well on the usually disorginized (at first anyway) PC teams.


You have the leader (red) who is the all-american boy next door (or girl). Nice, polite, a good leader, and usually very cute.


Next comes the rebel (blue) the number 2 guy. Who is a hot head and impulsive, rude and sometimes crass....bascially everything the Leader is not. And because of this they clash over many things, even though underneath they are dear friends. Most of the time their arguements are how to approach a fight, or how do do a mission, and many time they fight over the next person....


The beautiful chick. Aka the princess. She usually wears pink and is a delicate yet efficient fighter. She is usually very feminine and its painfully apparent that she loves the Leader, and cares deeply for the Rebel. and basks in the attention they both give her.


THe fourth person is usually the largest person. The Brute. Usually has a name like Tiny, or Lunk and is hands down the physically strongest of the group, but this gentle giant is tender and would die before he let the Princess be hurt. Its usually assumed that he's the strongest even though the Rebel is probably the best fighter. He or she tends to wear yellow, or black.


Lastly we have the Brain. Many times this is a young child-like entity of extraordinary intellect. They are small wirey and can hot wire the space shuttle in 2.04 seconds flat. They usually wear green and are surrounded by gadgets of all kinds.


I usually try to keep with this template when creating a team. Personally I feel its very well balanced and realistic as each of their faults is overlapped by another. They tend to fit into just about any genre of gaming style whether its dark champions or silver-age heroes.


....just my 2 cents.

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Re: Team Archetpes


Villain Teams:


Evil Mastermind with a bunch of superpowered goons: Frightful Four, Masters of Evil


Common Cause/Origin: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, U-Foes


A Grouping of Arch-Enemies: Almost every DC villain team, exemplars: Injustice Gang, Secret Society of Supervillains, and my fave The Legion of Doom.


Themes: Serpent Society, Royal Flush Gang, Death Throws

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Re: Team Archetpes


I usually try to keep with this template when creating a team. Personally I feel its very well balanced and realistic as each of their faults is overlapped by another. They tend to fit into just about any genre of gaming style whether its dark champions or silver-age heroes.


....just my 2 cents.


Isn't that traditional layout of the "Sentai" shows like Power Rangers and Gatchaman (AKA:Battle of the Planets)? Are you a fan?

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Re: Team Archetpes


Both Hero and Villain teams:

The Bunch of Losers: Often resembles other sorts of teams in a satirical sense.



The star and his/her supporting cast: Many characters have other supers showing up fairly regularly in their "solo" titles. It's also common in partnerships... which come to think of it...


Partnerships: (Both Heroes and Villain.) Two characters work together regularly, either as equals, or as sidekick and mentor. This is the smallest form of "team", obviously, but third or even fourth members can often guest star. Examples: Batman and Robin (and Batgirl...). Green Lantern and Green Arrow (and Black Canary, Speedy, and the Little Blue Guy, etc...). Superman and Batman (and Robin, and anyone else who cares to tag along). Power Man and Iron Fist (and sundry members of their supporting cast). Daredevil and Black Widow/Elektra/whatever/whoever....


Actually, these two categories (Partnership and Supporting Cast) are probably the most common "teams". Of course, mostly they are fairly informal, aside from some of the Partnerships.


Another variant on the "Supporting Cast" is the Crossover. Ad Hoc teams may also form in specific cases. One example that comes to mind from the 80s is when Superman had a crossover with Mr Miracle and Big Barda (a Partnership). The result was a three member "team" that lasted for a couple of issues.

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Re: Team Archetpes


I think you're combing thoughts here.


The "outlaw hero" team is what I mean when I say archetype. As for the JLA and Avengers, they'd be "gathering of Champions" teams.



Wish I could find an old thread on this, some folks have good suggestions.


Let's see, my list (And I'm probably missing something):


"The Gathering of Champions"- The Best of the Best, they are the living icons of the super heroic universe gathered together under one team. The roster changes every now and then (enough to keep such a team current and relevant to our times) but some members seem eternal.Examples would include the Justice League, the Avengers, and (CU 5th) the Sentinels.


"Outlaw Heroes" - Where as the gathering of Champions are adored, the Outlaw heroes are just that- outside the law and often wanted by the authorities, and distrusted by the public. This doesn't mean they don't have high ideals and ethics, indeed their ideals may be a reason they can not fully trust society/authority. Because they are on the fringe, Outlaw hero teams often seem less particular on who they allow in. They are united in part by the fact regular society can't/won't accept them. X-Men are probably the best role model for this type.


"Family"- Actually friends and/or family, this team "started together, and it stays together" because of the strongest ties. With or without powers, they'd be facing life's challenges together and while fighting crime is important to them, it's still second to the unity they feel. There are splits and disputes occaisionally (Like in any family) but the loyality of these members to each other is the stuff of legend and it never lasts for long. The Fantastic Four are the longest running and best known archetype of this team.


"Heros in Training" the archetype of young super heroes (usually teenagers) who are still seeking their team's niche in a world that seems full of more experienced heroes. They maybe gathered under a patron seeking to teach them, or found each other, but among their chief goals is learning about their powers, and themselves. For the youngbloods, the greatest adventure is exploring your potiential, not just as a super hero, but as a person. My favorite examples for this are the New Mutants.


"The New Wave" Much like Life's Students, but more aware of who they are, what they can do. They often have clashes with the 'old school' heroes in one area or another, because they refuse to surrender completely to traditions established by their predecesors. This doesn't mean they disrespect the gathering of champions types actively, but they are determined to prove they are no less heroes. They often have a vision or agenda that seems revolutionary (at least to them and maybe the press) and fresh. They often feel older teams are out of touch with the real world. The irony is, naturally, that if they last-they become one of those 'old teams'.

Favorite examples: New Warriors fit this, as did the Teen Titans at times.


"The Un-Team" , I'll start with the example first. The Defenders of Marvel fame. If the Avengers are the best, and the FF are family, the Defenders were whoever happened to be visiting at the time. The Un-team often seems disorganized, with a shifting roster that varies from adventure to adventure, but even when they have regulars, there's a feeling that these folks are held together barely, if at all. It could be the members don't feel like they fit anywhere else, or even fear the commitment a more traditional team requires. The members of this sort of team often join more traditional teams only to find out it's not for them, then return to the Un Team again.


"Reluctant Association" Usually short lived, at least in this form, the Reluctant Association team lacks the one thing other teams do-a choice. Be it unity forced on them by black mail, rawpower, or what have you, they are gathered against their will and used for another's purpose. They often don't like each other, resent being told what to do, and the frustration level is high.

They have more order than the Un-Team, but that's imposed from above, as are often ethics which other hero groups assume are brought with you. Examples: DC's Suicide Squad comes to mind, but various government 'arranged' teams in other comic books also have a heavy handed approach.


Naturally, all the above can and do overlap. A team may start out in one incarnation and quickly go through changes that shift it's core archetype.

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Re: Team Archetpes


"Family"- The Fantastic Four are the longest running and best known archetype of this team.
At first I thought the FF were the only exemplars of this type, hence it wouldn't be an archetype, but actually there are a couple from the Golden/Silver Ages - the Marvel and Superman families. I think Mary Marvel was Billy Batson's half sister or cousin or something and a bunch of the other Marvels were also relatives. There was even an 'Uncle Marvel'. Supergirl was, of course, Kal-El's cousin.


A more obscure family team is (was) Clan Destine but hardly anyone has heard of them.

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Re: Team Archetpes


At first I thought the FF were the only exemplars of this type, hence it wouldn't be an archetype, but actually there are a couple from the Golden/Silver Ages - the Marvel and Superman families. I think Mary Marvel was Billy Batson's half sister or cousin or something and a bunch of the other Marvels were also relatives. There was even an 'Uncle Marvel'. Supergirl was, of course, Kal-El's cousin.


A more obscure family team is (was) Clan Destine but hardly anyone has heard of them.


Yeah, go big red cheese 'n Co. :) but by Longest Running, I was thinking least interupted into account. I though the Marvel Family were shoved into Limbo for a while? And then, of course, Super Girl gets killed off in Crisis, etc. I could be wrong on that, and lord knows the FF had it's moments with replacements.

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Re: Team Archetpes


At first I thought the FF were the only exemplars of this type, hence it wouldn't be an archetype, but actually there are a couple from the Golden/Silver Ages - the Marvel and Superman families. I think Mary Marvel was Billy Batson's half sister or cousin or something and a bunch of the other Marvels were also relatives. There was even an 'Uncle Marvel'. Supergirl was, of course, Kal-El's cousin.


A more obscure family team is (was) Clan Destine but hardly anyone has heard of them.


There was also the very short lived cartoon Bionic-Six.

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Re: Team Archetpes


A variation of the teams already mentioned is the "Rogues Gallery", similar to the heroic "Gathering of Champions" only villainous, and usually matched off with members of the hero team. Some versions of the Injustice League are a good example.


Not really seen in the CU, though.

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Re: Team Archetpes


The Elementals - Usually a four team (hermetic), sometimes a five team (eastern), the characters analog with the traditional elements of either system. Consider the Fantastic Four - The Human Torch and the Thing fit the fire and earth archetypes like nobody's business. Mr. Fantastic can absorb and flow, stretch around obstacles, and create - he's water. Sue turns invisible and creates invisible force fields - the air element. The five teams replace earth with metal, and add wood.

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Re: Team Archetpes


For the family teams, there are also Busiek's "First Family", Marvel's The Inhumans and Eternals (Though both of the latter also flit with other archetypes like "Gathering of Champions" as they also tend to be the best of the best in addition to being related.) What about the Appointed protectors? The Green Lantern Corps, The Darkstars (I think that's who replaced the GLC after Hal went crazy) and from CU, the Starguard (4th Ed.)

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Team Archetpes


I would add a couple. I saw something close to this but don't think I saw it exactly, the Teen Team.


Also, I'd add the Patriotic Team, more often seen as villains in the Silver and latter eras, these heroes all revolve around serving their nation or ideology.


Hermit's list was great, would be cool to see it worked into Digital HERO or some-such.

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