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Name for a water guy...


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Re: Name for a water guy...


This character is basically a cross between a California surfer and Aquaman with some water powers thrown in. He will talk surfer style talk and be a younger guy. More water powers than animal powers. Animal stuff will be minor. Let me know what ideas you have.


The Malibu Kid.


Beach Boy.

Hang Ten.




Like, totally.

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Re: Name for a water guy...


This character is basically a cross between a California surfer and Aquaman with some water powers thrown in. He will talk surfer style talk and be a younger guy. More water powers than animal powers. Animal stuff will be minor. Let me know what ideas you have.

Maybe an elemental control over water with the summon ability built in for water elementals no to mention flight (only along watery surface with OAF: surf board) Indirect hydroblasts in both lethal and non-lethal forms the lethal having the added feature NND: life support water breathing/forcefield and last telekinesis over water. Also add in minor powers like water breathing swimming +12" watery movement, mind link with anyone mind any distance but limited to aquatic creatures. would build water elementals to be strong but subservant to the elementalist otherwise they might turn against him...at least thats my idea of the powers your talking about so, like aqua dude?

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Re: Name for a water guy...


This character is basically a cross between a California surfer and Aquaman with some water powers thrown in. He will talk surfer style talk and be a younger guy. More water powers than animal powers. Animal stuff will be minor. Let me know what ideas you have.


One of the players in my game uses a character with water based powers. His name is Fluido. Secret identity is John Aqua, the playboy millionaire who made his fortune selling bottled water...



The Horror

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Re: Name for a water guy...


Thank you for the responses so far, another quick question. Does a character like this only work on the West Coast or Hawaii or can you do a variation that would work in a place like Millenium City?


Thought I would throw out that question.



My two cents:


While I think a character like that would certainly be more impressive in their own element (yes, pun intended), there's no reason he couldn't work in a location without a large body of water. He wouldn't be less effective, if that's what you're worried about. Water control is water control, and water is readily available to manipulate even in a city. :)

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Re: Name for a water guy...


Well--his real name could be Ludwig (his dad was a drummer in a surf music band, and he named the kid after his drum set--everyone calls him "Lude"). After he acquires his water powers--becomes "fluidic"--he could call himself. . .














(Are You Ready????)



















(Which should prove to one and all that you don't have to be drunk or stoned to come up with stuff like this--it just takes the right kind of humor and a certain level of shamelessness)

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Re: Name for a water guy...



Undertow (or Under Toad if you prefer)


The Blonde Surfer

Seaweed (ok....I think this one is funny.... =] )


Hydrofonics (does he make squealing noises when he talks with flipper)

Flotsam or Jetsam (flotsam is wreckage, Jetsam is cargo thrown overboard)


O.P. (or Opie)

California Knight

California Dreamin'

The Red Lobber

The Pacific Prince


Pisces (Surfers and Zodiac go together pretty well)



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