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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, I was tall but rail thin until late high school when the testosterone and had work turned me into a wiry powerhouse seemingly overnight.

I'm pretty sure my mom initially introduced me to martial arts to help channel my aggression. it works quite well, but they seldom tell the parents that the discipline you learn also lets you very effectively weaponize your aggression should you deem it the appropriate action.

Of course, working as a stagehand from Jr. High on meant learning how to advantageously use the leverage my long limbs gave me.

When I suddenly sprouted muscles I suddenly stopped getting harassed. Pitching a bully into a wall headfirst in gym class had a bit to do with it as well...

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, I was tall but rail thin until late high school when the testosterone and had work turned me into a wiry powerhouse seemingly overnight.

I'm pretty sure my mom initially introduced me to martial arts to help channel my aggression. it works quite well, but they seldom tell the parents that the discipline you learn also lets you very effectively weaponize your aggression should you deem it the appropriate action.

Of course, working as a stagehand from Jr. High on meant learning how to advantageously use the leverage my long limbs gave me.

When I suddenly sprouted muscles I suddenly stopped getting harassed. Pitching a bully into a wall headfirst in gym class had a bit to do with it as well...



Leverage is a wonderful thing. I am not very strong, but at about 255 lbs, I can use my weight...

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, I was tall but rail thin until late high school when the testosterone and had work turned me into a wiry powerhouse seemingly overnight.

I'm pretty sure my mom initially introduced me to martial arts to help channel my aggression. it works quite well, but they seldom tell the parents that the discipline you learn also lets you very effectively weaponize your aggression should you deem it the appropriate action.

Of course, working as a stagehand from Jr. High on meant learning how to advantageously use the leverage my long limbs gave me.

When I suddenly sprouted muscles I suddenly stopped getting harassed. Pitching a bully into a wall headfirst in gym class had a bit to do with it as well...


Two main reasons why I continue training:

1. To keep my skills sharp enough in case I need them. I have on occasion.

2. I get punchy when I don't work out in a while.

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Re: The cranky thread


I love Alexandre Dumas. He's one of my favorite writers. But do we really need another movie version of The Three Musketeers? This one with anime style action sequences no less. Ugh.


That was my original reaction, but it's not purporting to tell a historical story, but a fantastic one, so I'm okay with it.

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Re: The cranky thread


Damn near did just that yesterday. Some would-be gangbanger kept trying to give me attitude. Then he'd cower when I'd so much as look at him. I didn't even need to raise my hands. I realized he was just full of it. Idiot. He shouldn't start something if he can't finish it.


I saw a shirt in a BDSM shop you would have loved...


"Provoking me implies consent."

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Re: The cranky thread


Rudely awakened at 1:11am by an emergency phone call from work that was largely needless... You did not need to wake.me.up. to send out a message that is down... everybody who needs to know is getting the same alerts you are... and you could have sent out the general broadcast text message just as easily as I did... ya flaming douchebag.

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Re: The cranky thread


Great. It is looking very much like I will be moving yet again either at the end of this month, or by the end of next month. I hate moving. I hate apartment hunting. I hate paying out another $300 (on average) in extortion every time I move for a "pet fee" because I have a cat. But I've also come to hate were I live now, and their deplorable maintenance.


Maybe it is time I looked at trying to buy something small, like a condo. I don't think I can swing house payments, at least not for a nice house, even if small.


I fear that anything that I find acceptable (i.e., nice, not opulent or even ritzy -- just nice) will either be out of my price range, or out on the edge of town. And I hate driving long (to me) distances to work.


I have video of the *latest* water leak and pictures of the damages it caused, that I am considering posting online as a warning to others.


The maintenance did (eventually) stop the leak, because of my past experiences with them going back 5 months now I have to wonder what the next problem is going to be.


I am fluctuating between :mad:, :angst:, :bmk:, and :fear:. Not the start to my first 3-day weekend in a good while that I wanted.

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Re: The cranky thread


Had an interesting afternoon today.


BunnySue and I were out to do our grocery shopping. We parked the car and started to get out. When BunnySue opened her door it bumped up against the car next to us. That's when it became interesting.


The guy in the car jumped out and ran up to me. "Hey, what are you doing? You slammed my car! Be careful, asshole! This is a brand-new car! What do you think you're doing?"


I stare at the guy for a second, in a "Are you serious?" sort of way, and then I shrugged and said, "I'm sorry."*


Finding little sympathy with me, he goes over to BunnySue, who's standing there looking a little bit embarrassed. He repeats his accusation, louder this time, while gesticulating wildly at his supposedly damaged car.


BunnySue apologizes again, and says, "I'm sorry, it was an accident. The wind caught the door and pulled it out of my hand."


The guy starts yelling at how it's a brand-new $50,000 car! And how our car is a piece of s***, and what are we going to do about this?


OK, that was it. You can say what you want to me. I'm a tough guy, I can take it. But you want to start something with my wife? My nine-months-pregnant wife? Now we have a problem.


In 1/1000th of a second flat, I was 2 inches from his face. "What the f***, man?" I demanded.


"I was just saying..." the guy starts to say.


"Shut up!" I yell in his face.


"It's a brand-new..." he tries to say.


"Shut the f*** up!" I say again. "She f***ing apologized. She f***ing said it was an accident. What the f*** more do you want?"


The guy was scared. I was all up in his grill, jabbing my finger into his chest to punctuate every word, and he sure wasn't expecting that. He's terrified; I can see it in his eyes. He's back-peddling, trying to get away from me, but his back is up against his car so he can't.


"She apologized already," I said, leaning up into his face.


"I... I accept the apology," he meekly whispered.


"Good," I snarled. "Then we're done here, right?"


He nodded, so I turned my back on him dismissively, took BunnySue's hand, and walked away.


So, I don't think of myself as a scary guy. I mean, yeah, "teh ebil bunneh" and all that, but in Real Life I'm not really a mean person. But FYI? If you try to get all up in my wife's business, you best back the f*** off or I will f***ing end you. No joke.





*I will grant you that my tone of voice was sort of "I can't really be bothered to give a rat's adze about your poor choice in vehicles, but you seem upset so here's your apology."

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Re: The cranky thread


a few things have pissed me off this week.


Radio news story about an Edmonton youth court judge who sentenced a 16 year old to 6 months home detention and supervision. For attacking a young woman, stomping on her head, crushing her eye socket, breaking her jaw, causing nerve damage in the face... Judge ruled that although Homophobia had a role in the attack, it was not a "Hate Crime". The young woman's mother broke down crying trying to describe her feelings, hoping her daughter could one day learn to forgive the puke... What is an appropriate sentence? as he apparently has shown no remorse, no respect for the court, the law, his parents, or anyone? I don't know. I have a suspicion, but my idea of Justice is not that of the Canadian Legal System.

Thank GOD ABOVE that such has never happened to one of my family members. I like to think I would be reasonable, but i FEAR I would not.



I broke the timing belt on my old Subaru this week. Fortunately it is not a NEW subaru, so it did not destroy the valvI es. Paid for the car, had a cup of coffee, had $5 in checking. Thankfully I had a little in savings still.



something that bugs me, though I guess I am not quite pissed off about it: A vendor that I was planning eventually to buy something from turns out to have spent over 4 years in Federal prison for a tax and financial scam that was espoused by some of the Anti-government types, Montana Freemen, etc. reading further, he sounds like he has gone conspiracy theory whacko. His products are possibly the best on the market, but... I just don't know.

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Re: The cranky thread


Had an interesting afternoon today.


BunnySue and I were out to do our grocery shopping. We parked the car and started to get out. When BunnySue opened her door it bumped up against the car next to us. That's when it became interesting.


The guy in the car jumped out and ran up to me. "Hey, what are you doing? You slammed my car! Be careful, asshole! This is a brand-new car! What do you think you're doing?"


I stare at the guy for a second, in a "Are you serious?" sort of way, and then I shrugged and said, "I'm sorry."*


Finding little sympathy with me, he goes over to BunnySue, who's standing there looking a little bit embarrassed. He repeats his accusation, louder this time, while gesticulating wildly at his supposedly damaged car.


BunnySue apologizes again, and says, "I'm sorry, it was an accident. The wind caught the door and pulled it out of my hand."


The guy starts yelling at how it's a brand-new $50,000 car! And how our car is a piece of s***, and what are we going to do about this?


OK, that was it. You can say what you want to me. I'm a tough guy, I can take it. But you want to start something with my wife? My nine-months-pregnant wife? Now we have a problem.


In 1/1000th of a second flat, I was 2 inches from his face. "What the f***, man?" I demanded.


"I was just saying..." the guy starts to say.


"Shut up!" I yell in his face.


"It's a brand-new..." he tries to say.


"Shut the f*** up!" I say again. "She f***ing apologized. She f***ing said it was an accident. What the f*** more do you want?"


The guy was scared. I was all up in his grill, jabbing my finger into his chest to punctuate every word, and he sure wasn't expecting that. He's terrified; I can see it in his eyes. He's back-peddling, trying to get away from me, but his back is up against his car so he can't.


"She apologized already," I said, leaning up into his face.


"I... I accept the apology," he meekly whispered.


"Good," I snarled. "Then we're done here, right?"


He nodded, so I turned my back on him dismissively, took BunnySue's hand, and walked away.


So, I don't think of myself as a scary guy. I mean, yeah, "teh ebil bunneh" and all that, but in Real Life I'm not really a mean person. But FYI? If you try to get all up in my wife's business, you best back the f*** off or I will f***ing end you. No joke.





*I will grant you that my tone of voice was sort of "I can't really be bothered to give a rat's adze about your poor choice in vehicles, but you seem upset so here's your apology."


That's how you do it. "Scary" is an attitude; the ability to turn it on and off at will is what matters.


Must spread rep, etc.

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