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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Prior to starting the home dialysis arrangements, it was not brought to my attention that I would need to get an injection of Epogen (stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood cells) every week. It is intended that I inject myself with this. I cannot do this, I am too scared of needles. Thus, it will fall to my wife ... who has no depth perception. You know those Facebook entries where people say 'boy, I wish the real world was in 3D?' My wife can actually say that.


This is gonna suck.


Addendum: I hate insomnia. I'm yawning and exhausted anywhere in this hotel room EXCEPT in the bed. Then I'm wide awake, and my body itches and aches and my restless legs kick in. Sleeping pills no help ...

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Re: The cranky thread


Hey C.C.:


Too many sleeping pills make Restless Leg worse. This can also happen if you take another med that makes you drowsy on top of the sleeping pills. I take Pramipexole to help with RLS. I also have a pill called Horizant that I am supposed to be taking but always forget. Anyway, you might ask your Doctor about these meds.

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Re: The cranky thread


Hey C.C.:


Too many sleeping pills make Restless Leg worse. This can also happen if you take another med that makes you drowsy on top of the sleeping pills. I take Pramipexole to help with RLS. I also have a pill called Horizant that I am supposed to be taking but always forget. Anyway, you might ask your Doctor about these meds.


My insurance won't cover any RLS meds, apparently, so I'm kinda hosed on that front.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ugh. Bleah. Finished troubleshooting that *&^%$#@! electrical cabinet and...


...there's nothing wrong. It's the *&^%$#@! motor, which tests out 100% OK when it's not running, but goes *&^%$#@! haywire when it tries to start.


Plus, the *&^%$#@! cabinet never had a lightning arrester installed, the inside shows signs of a recent strike, and it looks like someone put the wrong fuses in it, which would explain why the motor crapped out but the fuses didn't get blown. Did I mention this is the most productive well in my entire work area? Someone's losing almost $1000 a day because of this snafu. (Not me!)


We really need some better electricians around here, 'cuz I'm tired of fixing all their screw-ups. It's gonna be a long summer.

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Re: The cranky thread


And ANOTHER weird thing I've never had happen to me before. First time in my career, I caught guys handing papers around during the quiz. So another bunch of academic dishonesty hoops to jump through.

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Re: The cranky thread


I have come up as "second choice with only one position available" for the last three interviews I've had. Cool that I'm doing this well when the competition is so tight... but yeah, I'm a little peeved, lately.

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Re: The cranky thread


Heh. I had ingrown toenail surgery on the toes next to my big toes on both feet. The stairs I must climb up and down in my house are painful. Also I cannot wear socks as


I must keep wetting the bandages and it's still in the 50s here. I don't know how I'll sleep tonight as I don't want to get the bed wet with my feet.

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Re: The cranky thread


Emergency car repairs: The spanner in the works of my economic planning.


You and me both, brother. A few days before I went to the Emergency room for my muscle spasm I had to pay $795 to have a new radiator installed in my car, which is nearly half my monthly income (more than a third, anyway).


My wallet hurts!

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Re: The cranky thread


Whoever said parting is sweet sorrow is full of zwoot dung.

A noise came out of my throat I've seldom heard except from a dying animal, completely out of my control.

My face hurts. And I haven't even gone all Jubei Kigagami and started headbutting 'til things start going squish. 'Cause I promised I wouldn't, after I put my head through the wall last Friday.

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Re: The cranky thread


My stupid cats are fighting again.


And people have been going out of their way to annoy me all week.


My sympathies, buddy. I've been having ongoing dominance issues among my pride as well, so lots of fighting, posturing... and marking. My whole place smells like cat pee. It's driving me slightly nuts, on top of everything else.

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Re: The cranky thread


The Division Manager welcomed me to his group this Tuesday and asked me how I liked my new store. I told him that it was a good store, but I missed the one I used to work at, the one that was 3 minutes walk from my place, as opposed to an hour's commute.


He said, "But you're getting 40 hours a week here. There are tradeoffs."


Well, I guess the tradeoff would have been when I was in danger of getting reduced to part time at my old store, dude. Look, I know that business is business, and that the old store is weathering a tough competitive environment. And union seniority rules are rules. But don't act like I don't have a complaint!

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