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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Just wanted to give Augusta Nat. Golf Club the middle-finger salute for finally allowing women (two at present) to become members. I'd give them much more credit if it weren't for the fact that it's occurring 40+ years too late.



(Re-reading this, I think it may not have come out the way I intended it to. It's great that (some) ladies are being allowed membership at ANGC. What pisses me off is that it took this flippin' long for it to happen.)

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Re: The cranky thread


We got this gem of a trouble ticket sent in earlier today. I swear to God, this is all that was put into the Problem Description field...


"Our auditors are asking for a large volume of data and we need a DVD to efficiently provide it to them"


So... are you asking for a blank DVD, or for someone else to compile all of this data for you? If the latter, how about telling some useful details, like WHAT information is needed, where it is stored, how much data there is, etc.



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Re: The cranky thread


Yes, I know database servers being down is a Big Deal™. But did you really have to call it in at five-effing-thirty in the morning?! More to the point, you live in Texas, so this means you were up and awake doing work at 4:30AM local time. Seriously. Do you have anything that resembles a life? Yes, some work needs to be done after-hours. But 4:30am isn't after hours.... that is before hours. This means you run the risk of whatever task you were trying to do bleeding over into normal work hours - that doesn't happen so much when you do things after everyone has gone home as opposed to trying to get it done before everyone else gets in. It also means you are far less likely to wake.people.up when you call in your emergency.

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Re: The cranky thread


We got this gem of a trouble ticket sent in earlier today. I swear to God, this is all that was put into the Problem Description field...


"Our auditors are asking for a large volume of data and we need a DVD to efficiently provide it to them"


So... are you asking for a blank DVD, or for someone else to compile all of this data for you? If the latter, how about telling some useful details, like WHAT information is needed, where it is stored, how much data there is, etc.



Send them a blank DVD with the hand-scrawled label stating "Most Efficient DvD EVER!!!™"

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Re: The cranky thread


Egad! I spent less than that for coilovers. Wasn't replacing the tires though. Those can be expensive.


Well, it's a 13 year old car we've owned for 10 years, and this is by far the biggest repair/maintenance bill we've EVER had on it. Really, we were due. When we pick the car up tomorrow, I may post the list of damages just because.

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Re: The cranky thread


This is a bad bout of depression I've been in for about two days. All I can do is hope it is better tomorrow. My Shrink put me on Xanax' date=' which I am kicking. I think it might be the cause. Time for some CBT.[/quote']


I hope you feel better soon. But please talk to your psychologist before you quit your medication. I have first-hand experience on the negative experiences of quitting cold turkey.

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Re: The cranky thread


Just took my medication when OddHat told me he was afraid I was going to eat him. The Cold Turkey attempt has failed. I feel like hell.


I took myself off of Paxil years ago. My therapist and shrink, alike, were amazed by my lack of the typical flu-like-symptoms that usually happens. Thing was, I didn't do it cold turkey, I just took one less pill one week, then two less, etc., until I was off.

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Re: The cranky thread


Memorial service for my friend Rich this morning, and there was a large turnout. He was active in the local medieval re-enactment scene, and was a long-time gamer before that. We spent large amounts of our after-school time playing Champions, Traveller, D&D, and whatever new game we had found. He was a kind and generous soul, and his absence will be felt in the lives of many. He was happily married to his wife Ruth for almost a dozen years, and I am proud to have been his friend for almost three decades.


I thank all of you who have raised a glass to his memory. For absent friends....



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Re: The cranky thread


*sighs* Taxes calculated. Once again I owe the government more money. At least it's under $100 dollars this year, and most of it is the Emergency Flood Levy. The annoying thing is that I asked work to take a little extra tax out of my pay each week, so I wouldn't be hit with a tax burden come mid-year. And it still happens. Guess I'll be volunteering for extra Saturdays again.

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