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The cranky thread


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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Maybe you need to call your girlfriend.


She's asleep, and at this rate, I'll never see her again.


Cheer up' date=' Please.[/quote']


I was happy with the Python I made. But joy is elusive. And why bother?


TOo many people die too young' date=' and too many of the wrong people live too long.[/quote']


Then I am doomed to life eternal, by that reasoning.

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Re: The cranky thread


Depression does not equal monstrosity.


You MIGHT be rather Kinky, not my business, but also, not Monstrosity


I think I understand you well enough to know your biggest "SIN" is not being perfect and thereby letting others down. The fact that this bothers you is a strength. All you can do is try to better yourself.


I am REALLY bad at trying to change bad habits. :(


And on that note, I need to get back to typing so I can get home to my wife... SHe was rather adamant that I hurry tonight. :)



She's asleep, and at this rate, I'll never see her again.




I was happy with the Python I made. But joy is elusive. And why bother?




Then I am doomed to life eternal, by that reasoning.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Cases for Monstrosity:


1 - I write and used to draw snuff porn stories and comics.


2 - I voted for George W. Bush in 2000. (Death sentence right there).


3 - I dumped a homeless girlfriend on her birthday when she asked if we were ever going to get married.


4 - I wasted Veteran's Administration Time and Computer Resources while accessing Herogames' message board from work.


5 - I wished a hurricane would kill the wife and child of someone who got on my nerves.


6 - In the "Killing People And Public Relations Thread" I advocated giving the names and wherabouts of the murdering soldier's children to Hamas. Children are sacred, and should never be used to punish adults.


7 - I have not harmed anyone with my violent temper, but I have destroyed much public and private property, including tearing a handicapped support rail out of a wall in a Veteran's Administration bathroom, in a fit of anger.


8 - I am far too conversant with how to hurt people, and too angry to ever be trusted with such knowledge.


9 - When a friend of mine didn't accept an apology from me, I called him a f**king n-word in a private e-mail. (Death penalty right there.)


10 - I have avoided looking for a job because I am afraid I will be myself again.


11 - I have developed an intense hatred for small, Filipino women, their accents and mannerisms bordering on full-fledged racism.


12 - I want to go to hell and help torture the damned until the second coming.


13 - I'm losing my struggle to hold back my resentment of two wonderful people because they are friends of someone who offends me.


14 - I wasn't supposed to be born. I am certain my birth destroyed a Naval aviation officer's career and broke up an Admiral's relationship with his daughter.


15 - I took gleeful enjoyment, while lurking, in someone's car accident with his child, and nurtured resentment of his well-wishers.


16 - In the Killing People and Public Relations thread, after recanting about exposing the perpetrator's children to terrorist reprisals, I was willing to inform them that their parent was a murdering bastard who deserved to be raped and murdered in prison.


17 - I enjoyed Batman and Robin and Batman Forever more than I enjoyed Tim Burton's movies.


18 - I wished the Palestinians would have rocked Israel with a thousand car bombs for Sharon's denial of burying Arafat in Jerusalem.


19 - I wished sections of Iraq where foreign nationals were executed would have been turned to glass with a nuclear explosion.


20 - I'm too cowardly to leave this jobless, empty life and move to Utah with my current girlfriend, and I secretly wish my parents would hurry up and die so that we could live together in peace.


That enough?

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, lets see.


Cases for Monstrosity:


1 - I write and used to draw snuff porn stories and comics.

--That might need some counseling. NOt sure I believe you though.


2 - I voted for George W. Bush in 2000. (Death sentence right there).


-I voted for him twice. I'm not any more upset about it than I would have been if I had voted for either of his opponents.


3 - I dumped a homeless girlfriend on her birthday when she asked if we were ever going to get married.

- That sounds bad, but I'll bet there was a lot more to it than the simple statements.


4 - I wasted Veteran's Administration Time and Computer Resources while accessing Herogames' message board from work.


-- No comment.


5 - I wished a hurricane would kill the wife and child of someone who got on my nerves.

- You verbally lash out. Maybe therapy needed, NOT termination. Now if you had shot at them...


6 - In the "Killing People And Public Relations Thread" I advocated giving the names and wherabouts of the murdering soldier's children to Hamas. Children are sacred, and should never be used to punish adults.

-See above. YOu did admit you were wrong. That is a good start.


7 - I have not harmed anyone with my violent temper, but I have destroyed much public and private property, including tearing a handicapped support rail out of a wall in a Veteran's Administration bathroom, in a fit of anger.

_ I could have been thrown out of the Army Reserves when I was 18 for something like that... Acoustic tile on the rifle range picked up a fist sized hole... Anger management counseling, not death sentence.



8 - I am far too conversant with how to hurt people, and too angry to ever be trusted with such knowledge.

--You already said you have never harmed anyone physically due to temper. That implies to me you have more self control than a hell of a lot of bastards out there.


9 - When a friend of mine didn't accept an apology from me, I called him a fucking nigger in a private e-mail. (Death penalty right there.)

-again, not a death penalty. Yeah, it was assinine, but did you apologize? Anger management counseling.


10 - I have avoided looking for a job because I am afraid I will be myself again.

- Depression sucks. I went 7 months unemployed, and wasn't doing anything constructive like writing during it.


11 - I have developed an intense hatred for small, Filipino women, their accents and mannerisms bordering on full-fledged racism.

--- Are you tranferring anger at ONE person? Again, Counseling issues.


12 - I want to go to hell and help torture the damned until the second coming.

-- Well, that is a little weird, I guess. YOu want to punish the guilty. And who is MORE guilty than the Damned?


13 - I'm losing my struggle to hold back my resentment of two wonderful people because they are friends of someone who offends me.

-- You're struggling against it. That is a start.



14 - I wasn't supposed to be born. I am certain my birth destroyed a Naval aviation officer's career and broke up an Admiral's relationship with his daughter.

-- SO THE FU*K WHAT??? It was not YOUR choice to be born. If THEY made bad choices, any guilt is on THEIR SHOULDERS. IF they have Transferred any of it to you, that is A MAJOR SIN on their part.



15 - I took gleeful enjoyment, while lurking, in someone's car accident with his child, and nurtured resentment of his well-wishers.

-- Again, anger management counseling. You admit you were wrong to do so, and it OBVIOUSLY tears you up. good signs, imo.



16 - In the Killing People and Public Relations thread, after recanting about exposing the perpetrator's children to terrorist reprisals, I was willing to inform them that their parent was a murdering bastard who deserved to be raped and murdered in prison.

-- Anger management. Again, you admitted and admit you were wrong to do so.




17 - I enjoyed Batman and Robin and Batman Forever more than I enjoyed Tim Burton's movies.

- SO the F(&^ what? Burton is a weird assed guy. movies are movies. Hell, I liked Le Grande Bleu a lot. sue me!



18 - I wished the Palestinians would have rocked Israel with a thousand car bombs for Sharon's denial of burying Arafat in Jerusalem.

- anger issues, and concern for an "underdog" Bad and good.



19 - I wished sections of Iraq where foreign nationals were executed would have been turned to glass with a nuclear explosion.

a lot of people wanted Afghanistan vitrified after 9-11. They don't deserve to die either.



20 - I'm too cowardly to leave this jobless, empty life and move to Utah with my current girlfriend, and I secretly wish my parents would hurry up and die so that we could live together in peace.


DO you really wish that, or are you just frustrated? Having thought of something doesn't mean wanting it to really happen. SOmetimes breaking ties is a good thing to do, but I think you might need some counseling and or anti-depressants first.



That enough?


SO basically you have a couple of sins of action, some property damage, and need some counseling/treatment.


THis is not justification for death for ANYONE.

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Re: The cranky thread


Your behavior hasn't been Saintly, but your mostly lashing out at yourself, not anyone else.


You haven't exploded and attacked anyone the way you sometimes have.


this is an improvement.


Oh yeah.


21 - I promised Ben I would behave only a few days ago. I failed that.

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Re: The cranky thread


Some good news. We got a call from my mother in law. She has a place to move into now. A trailer right next to the railroad tracks, but at least it's a roof over her head. Now we just have to hope that she can get all her valuables moved in before her stuff gets piled on the curb and her neighbors steal it all.


Irony: by moving into a trailer park by the tracks, she's moving into a better neighborhood.



Yay. Glad she has a place over her head, and she isn't moving in with you (as you wanted).
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Re: The cranky thread


Skaramine has proven he's the worst there is - one of us. A human.


Seriously, be as down on you as you want but don't feel you're beneath the race, everyone has their dark side and problems. I don't mean to befuddle that some people aren't better, some aren't worse, but saying that you're not so outside the pale as far as I can see.

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Re: The cranky thread


I agree completely. I could start listing my sins, but my job might suffer...


and I might fill up the bandwidth of the whole board. :(



Skaramine has proven he's the worst there is - one of us. A human.


Seriously, be as down on you as you want but don't feel you're beneath the race, everyone has their dark side and problems. I don't mean to befuddle that some people aren't better, some aren't worse, but saying that you're not so outside the pale as far as I can see.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


One of my favorite anonymous quotes...


"Who the hell wants to be perfect? After that, there's nowhere to go but down."


Keep your chin up, Skar.



Thank you, milady.


And you too, Michelle. ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


If you enjoyed Batman and Robin Forever doesn't that mean you are ogling Alicia Silverstone and Uma Thurman ?

Or Arnold Schwarzenegger ?

There's nothing really wrong with that.

Or even ogling George Clooney.

But if you were ogling O'Connell then you need help.


Christmas is coming and the family battles are set for Mum and Dad vs Uncle if they see him and Mum and Dad vs my brother as they can't see why he can't travel down for Christmas with family. And with the latter neither can I.

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Re: The cranky thread


No, no, no...


Batman Forever was, IMHO, good. And Jim Carrey as the Riddler was inspired casting. (God knows how many times that gets quoted in games of ours... especially the "post homicidal depression" and "show me how to punch a guy" lines)


I am proud to say I have NEVER seen Batman and Robin. No, no, no, absolutely not. Not even if it were free. On the other hand, Batman Beyond totally rocks.







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Re: The cranky thread


What, complaining about B&R doesn't qualify as "cranky"?


Let's see... genuine crankiness... hmm...


Okay, got it... I got a grand total of FOUR HOURS of sleep this ENTIRE weekend because I had guests. FOUR. And not even all at once!


I wouldn't know a coherent thought today if I tripped over it.






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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Got YOU fooled, don't I? :D


You know me, I can't take a compliment without making some smartass remark about it.


But thank you.




Funny and gracious. Too bad you're married and I have a girlfriend. ;)


Well, that never stopped me from flirting with Alice, Owl wife of SS or Mrs. Starlord... :P

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


If you enjoyed Batman and Robin Forever doesn't that mean you are ogling Alicia Silverstone and Uma Thurman ?

Or Arnold Schwarzenegger ?

There's nothing really wrong with that.

Or even ogling George Clooney.

But if you were ogling O'Connell then you need help.


I actually liked the plot and the script.


Can't stand Uma then. Now, after Kill Bill and Gattica... I like her.

Alicia wasn't allowed to be that sexy.

And Chris O'Connell is cool, but the only superhero actors I've had crushes on are Dean Cain and Hugh Jackman.




Actresses is different.

Rebecca Romjin-Stamos (and her husband)

Ana Paquin (even if she was underage when she was Rogue the first time).

Allison Mack (Cloe Sullivan, Smallville)

Dina Meyers (Oracle)

Linda Carter

Debra Winger

Helen Slater

Terri Hatcher

Margot Kidder

Famke Janssen (X-2 only, for some odd reason)

Alicia Silverstone

Joan Severence

The TV version of Black Scorpion - what was her name?

Yvonne Craig

Julie Newmar

Alyson Hannigan

Amy Acker

Courtney Cox (Misfits of Science)



This is getting too cheerful for a cranky thread.

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