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Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


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Hello HEROphiles, the QM has yet another question.


1. Does any one have a good HERO System write up for Norse Rune magic?


2. What is the best resource for Norse Historical/Fantasy game setting?


3. Where can I find lots of good resources for Online Norse Historical/Fantasy?


4. What recogmendations can you make for films/books/art(very important yah know)?


5. Whencan I get it?





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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


1. Wait about a month for The Fantasy Hero Grimoire II and you'll find a whole arcana of Norse-style rune magic -- dozens of spells and such. They even have Norse-style names, many of them derived directly from Old Norse words (there are one or two good online Old Norse dictionaries out there, if you poke around long enough).


4. Watch The Thirteenth Warrior. Then watch it again. Then watch it like 57 more times. :)


You might also consider reading the book it's based on, Michael Crighton's Eaters Of The Dead, but very unusually for me, I liked the movie much better.


For straight-from-the-source sources, I recommend Lee Hollander's translation of The Poetic Edda and Padraic Colum's magnificent The Children Of Odin (which is also sold under another title, IIRC).

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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


Hello HEROphiles, the QM has yet another question.


2. What is the best resource for Norse Historical/Fantasy game setting?







Easy one. :D


And it's one of their better historical books too. Written in plain english with gaming sidenotes, as most of the better GURPS worldbooks are.



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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


4. What recogmendations can you make for films/books/art(very important yah know)?


The Icelandic Sagas, various translators. (Nice descriptions of magic: So and so was under attack in his house and, "enchanted his cats to guard the door.")


Women in the Viking Age, Judith Jesch. Great treatment of half of Viking society and the society as a whole.


5. Whencan I get it?


Amazon.com can ship them today.




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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


Hello HEROphiles, the QM has yet another question.



4. What recogmendations can you make for films/books/art(very important yah know)?


5. Whencan I get it?






Well as mentioned the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda are really usefull.


I can suggest books on Runic Magic by: Edred Thorsson. Though I have not read them, they appear popular.


Also one: Freya Aswynn. Is very popular.


Amazon carries several different books by each author.



I hope this helps.




* art *

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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


1. Wait about a month for The Fantasy Hero Grimoire II

For straight-from-the-source sources, I recommend Lee Hollander's translation of The Poetic Edda and Padraic Colum's magnificent The Children Of Odin (which is also sold under another title, IIRC).


As for Padriac Colum's book The Children of Odin it is still available.




* art *

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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


I picked up Padraic Colum reprinted as Nordic Gods and Heroes (maybe that's the link above - haven't looked). Another good one is "Myths of the Norsemen - from the Eddas and Sagas" by H.A. Guerber - it gives some of the variations from teutonic to icelandic versions (such as the fact that in Teutonic myth, Freyja and Frigga were the same, but they were separate goddesses elsewhere).


Another link is the Internet Sacred Text Archive, which has a lot of older material, and has the myths of many cultures (as well as other things). I recommend getting the cd - both to support the site and to have the information at home. There's a lot there that can be used for gaming resources.




Another outside source are the Jomsvikings - reenactors that put on an impressive display when they fight - I know they are controlled, but when you see a solid wood shield get hacked apart in front of your eyes, it's something else): http://www.jomsvikings.com/home.php


The TV show on the History Channel "Conquest" had many good shows on weaponry, and that channel recently did several hours on Viking programming (I found the Viking Guard to the Byzantine Emperor fascinating). http://www.historychannel.com/


Also found :The World of the Vikings: http://www.worldofthevikings.com/ - I'm not sure of the cd (haven't decided if I want to try it), but there are a lot of links.


The BBC Vikings page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/vikings/ - has some interesting stuff here too.


Finally, the link to Rune Net - the international network for the study of runes, to get some of that as well. http://www.mackaos.com.au/Rune-Net/


edited to add the last link, d'oh!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?



The Futhark

A germanic alphabet used since about 3CE. It is referred to as FUTHARK, after the first 6 letters. Each rune was a letter in the alphabet and also stood for a word (its name). The earliest use of runes was for magical purposes (this is debatable -- see R.I. Page's book listed in the sources below). There were many different Futharks. The one used here is the elder Germanic Futhark.




Fehu, F

The rune of Freya and her brother Frey. It stands for fee and gold.



Uruz, U

This rune stands for strength and health. It is associated with a horned animal called the auroch.



Thurisaz, TH

The third rune is associated with giants (thurs).



Ansuz, A

Ansuz is associated with the Aesir, Odin, and the wind.



Raido, R

This is the rune of jouneying, or rides.



Kenaz, K

Kenaz represents the torch.



Gebo, G

Gebo stands for gift.



Wunjo, W

Wunjo is the rune of joy and peace.



Hagalaz, H

This rune stands for hail.



Nauthiz, N

Nauthiz stands for the strength of need.



Isa, I

Isa is the rune associated with ice.



Jera, Y

The rune jera stands for year.



Eihwaz, EI

This rune is associated with the yew.



Perth, P

Perth means fruit to some, but scholars feel its meaning is unclear.



Algiz, Z

Algiz is a rune of protection or defence.



Sowilo, S

Sowilo is the rune associated with the sun.



Tiwaz, T

Tiwaz stands for the war god Tyr. This rune was carved on weapons to bring victory.



Berkano, B

Berkano stands for the birch goddess and is used for fertility and birthing.



Ehwaz, E

This rune means horse.



Mannaz, M

Mannaz stands for man.



Laguz, L

Laguz is the rune associated with water.



Ingwaz, NG

Ingwaz is the rune of the god Ing.



Dagaz, D

Dagaz means day.



Othila, O

Othila is the rune associated with inheritance.




A couple of very good reference books about runes are Runes, an Introduction, by R.W.V.Elliot, and Reading the Past: Runes by R.I. Page, University of California Press, 1987.


For online reading, Jennifer Smith's Runic Journey has general information on runes along with their use in divination. She also has a large collection of links to sites dealing with runes. You can also search through a database of runic inscriptions.

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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


Regarding the Loki page there is a quote there: quote: Of course, I always did wonder whether Mjollnir's short handle didn't have some sort of a metaphorical context, end quote.


The reason the handle is short is a joke.. You see it is made by dwarves! It is the best hammer in the world and it is made by dwarwes, see? That's funny! :)

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  • 2 years later...

Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


Also, I would suggest disregarding any source that mentions the "blank rune" or such nonsense.


There is no blank rune. The stones were a medium, not the message.




That site has several variations of the runic alphabets used throughout time and regions.

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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


Also, I would suggest disregarding any source that mentions the "blank rune" or such nonsense.


There is no blank rune. The stones were a medium, not the message.




That site has several variations of the runic alphabets used throughout time and regions.


This message brought to you by the Society for the Elimination of the Blank Rune



and the letter T

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Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


Also, I would suggest disregarding any source that mentions the "blank rune" or such nonsense.


There is no blank rune. The stones were a medium, not the message.




That site has several variations of the runic alphabets used throughout time and regions.


Very cool site. Not just runes, but details on the scripts of numerous other languages. Sanskrit, anyone?

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