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What's my name?

Optimal D

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So, if you were...

A shapeshifting insectoid alien trained as a spy...

Who also has considerable talent with advanced technology...

Who has come to Earth to escape the wrath of people sufficiently tired of being spied upon by shapeshifting alien bugs to blow up your homeworld...

And you've ended up working for the Warlord as the newest member of the War Machine...

What would your code name be?


Any ideas? I've got this villain written up but I can't just call him 'Warsomethingorother'.....

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Re: What's my name?


Its rare to see anyone pick up a basic name anymore. Just try a simple name. superman. 2 words in one. Not all super people have odd names. lex luther was a powerful human and didnt have a name like "uncle moneybags".


best advice. keep it simple.

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Re: What's my name?


Personally, I like Storn's idea of "Bug" - very suitable. If that's a little too bland for you, though, you might consider "Chrysalis," which covers the insect and shape-shifting elements, and perhaps the hatching of plots. ;)


Looking through a list of war-compound words in my dictionary, I came across "Warcraft." "Craft" can refer to both manual skill and skill at deception, which does for his technical and espionage expertise.

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Re: What's my name?


Doesn't everyone in War Machine has a Warsomethingorother type name?


Perhaps Warbug.


Well, yes, if thay ARE members of the War Machine. But, of course, you could be working for The Warlord without being a member of the War Machine (yes, it IS posable).


As for war names...

I like Warcraft...

Warcrime (I realy don't want to sergest it, but to be complete...)



Warnight (I'm streching things here...)


Might as well quit before I get to Warsteriaca.

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Re: What's my name?


What color is the alien? It is important since Warlord call his technology Blue Boy technology.



So, if you were...

A shapeshifting insectoid alien trained as a spy...

Who also has considerable talent with advanced technology...

Who has come to Earth to escape the wrath of people sufficiently tired of being spied upon by shapeshifting alien bugs to blow up your homeworld...

And you've ended up working for the Warlord as the newest member of the War Machine...

What would your code name be?


Any ideas? I've got this villain written up but I can't just call him 'Warsomethingorother'.....

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Re: What's my name?


I am playing The Bug in a current campaign. very different than yours, though.


Some good ideas here...

I like 'Warcraft' the best so far, though I might go with 'The Bug'. (I suspect the other members of the War Machine will end up using the latter regardless of his actual code name....)



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