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What Would Your Character Do? #73


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You and your team recieve word that Grond is ripping downtown a new one! You arrive to take him down and beat him alittle too easily. It turns out it wasn't really Grond at all... it was a robotic decoy! The team gadgeteer looks it over then observes that, judging by the energy signature and parts used to build it, this faux Grond could only be the handy work of one individual: the villainous gadgeteer known as Gear Freak. With in second after that you find out, while you've been occupied with the Grond-bot, Gear Freak and a dozen or so of his henchrobots raided a laboratory complex across town. At the lab, the scientists give you a complete list of the equipment and supplies GF and his bots stole, to which the team gadgeteer gasps in growing shock and says, "No, it can't be...surely even Gear Freak isn't that irresponsible..."


When you ask what's wrong he/she says, "There's no time, if he's really going to do what I fear he is, we have to find that fool quickly and shut him down before he puts the entire world in jeopardy."


What do you do?

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


Starguard (as we're flying away) -- "So what's wrong?"


Dr. Pain -- "How the frack am I supposed to stop him if I don't know WTF he's doing?"


Baron von Darien (making massive master-vampire-Presence-attack) -- "Speak. Now."

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


APEX-Pick the Gadgeteer up, fly with him towards where we go, "Now, explain." Be rather firm about it.

Recluse-"Err? Uhm, okay?" Probably go in blind and complain about it under his breath the whole time.

Wild Card- Not sure, he might sit on the ground, and chant "Heck no, I won't go! Heck No, I won't go!" Over and over again until the team mate spills the beans.



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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


Beat the team gadgeterr senseless until they give me a less vauge response than "He can't be THAT irresponsible!" I mean, where's the teamwork here? Throw me a frickin' bone!


Actually, this is less a "What would your character do" because almost universally the answer will be "Go kick some villain butt". I mean, if a GM presented this scenario to anyone in my group we'd all react the same. We'd do a little research on the villain, have the gadgeteer prep his gadget pool, then we'd go take him apart (so to speak).

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


Mask of Justice: "Explain on the way, then."


Rock Bottom: "Hey, I'm a science major, you can tell me."


Calculus: "Prototype, you know I need more data so I can work out where he'd be building this thing."


Kira Midori: Uses a mind probe to get at least a vague idea of what the gadgeteer is on about.


Talion: "Whatever." :rolleyes:

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


Valkeyrie: "We can't really help if we don't know whats going on. Explain on the way."


Shidoku: "Right, right, eyes only, need to know basis...whatever."


Tao: "I will need additional information or my tactical overview will be flawed."


Eve:Pretty much IS her team's gadgeteer :)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


Since Microman II pretty much *is* the team gadgeteer' date=' he'd give a more helpful description of what is going on. :P[/quote']


Ditto for Blues. Though ... since nobody on the team is likely to understand Word One of what he'd say, he'd probably try to sum up with as few words as possible. Alternately, since he's also the defacto leader, he might just go "Trust me, you don't wanna know. Just do what I tell you to."

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


You and your team recieve word that Grond is ripping downtown a new one! You arrive to take him down...


Peacekeeper's Response:Nuh huh. Peacekeeper is not that dumb. He'll let UNTIL or some of his teammates drive Grond off. As soon as Grond shows up, he goes on full alert, and tries to figure out where the real crime is happening. See, Gear Head messed up. He stole the very first page from VIPER's playbook. Any twelve year old who reads comics ("true tales of superheroics!") knows that trick. No way an experienced crimefighter like Peacekeeper is going to fall for that ruse. Admittedly, he would be shocked when the culprits turned out to be someone other than VIPER.


Later, Peacekeeper would not care about the gadgeteer's concerns. A superpowered criminal is on the run, and Peacekeeper's mission is to bring him in. It really doesn't matter what foolish and possibly criminal thing he'll do next, he's broken the law, and he must face justice.


Iron Demon's Response: First Iron Demon would attempt to talk Grond down. The two have something of a friendship, as the Demon feels sorry for the big lovable mook, and treats him like a person. He recognizes that, like himself, Grond is mentally troubled, and that he's simply too dumb to be held accountable for his actions. Over the years they've teamed up to take on some nasty threats. So, Iron Demon is pretty likely to get hurt really, really bad in this fight, since he mastered calming Grond years ago, and this is not actually Grond.


He'd fly up, his body relaxed, his manner calm and friendly, and get right up to Grond and say "Hey buddy, why the frown, life got ya down?" -- and then get Haymakered into the nearest office building. And ID simply can't stand up to a punch from Grond. And it might take him awhile to figure out that this isn't Grond, during which time he could get chewed up pretty bad, though he's fairly nimble in the air when he wants to play defense, and Grond is mostly a ground-pounder. Of course, getting swatted by his buddy might trigger his berserk, and man, the sh*t could really hit the fan then. If you think Grond does property damage, you should see what happens when these two go at it. It's an all out warzone.


So, assuming he somehow survived that, and was still in some sort of condition to go after Gear Head, and missed him but got the list of stuff he stole, got it back to some sort of scientist (no gadgeteer teammates for this solo hero) or recognized the problem himself, he'd go try to find Gear Head and stop him.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


Cobalt: "Action without knowledge is chaos. We must know the reason for this conflict or our efforts will mean nothing." pause "We do have a few seconds before Kora is finished with her teleportation spell."


Vantage: Uses Sleight of Hand to life the gadgetteer's most loved gadget. "Tel us now or I'll start twisting knobs and pushing buttons at random."


Zectron: "By all that's right! Let's go now!"


Kristian Rolyat: "Calm down Nich, if you don't catch your breath you're likely to have another 'episode'. Tell us on the way." (Nich, the only thing the group has close enough to a gadgeteer, is an empath who occasionally "hulks out" when he gets excited.)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


Husky was probably the one who figured out the nature of the device in the first place (while locked in his lab and transformed in Kenneth) so he'll hand out nicely typed dossiers (made by Kenneth before changing back into Husky and coming out of the lab) and tell the rest of Leviathan 5 what they'll be dealing with and offer a detailed tactical plan.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #73


Cannis: For simplicity sake we’ll assume that she and her packmates got involved because Grond’s attack on downtown was threatening one of Adam’s business, since as villains, the team probably wouldn’t have gotten involved otherwise. Cannis snarls softly in irritation but runs for the team vehicle along with the rest of her packmates, assuming she’ll find out what’s going on soon enough.



Sailor Io: She and her boyfriend Bladestar are the team gadgeteers, so she probably figures out what Gear Freak is up to a few seconds after Bladestar does. ~He’s going to make an army of Sailor Valis robots?!?! Oh, he’s just going to destroy the world…that’s a bit better.~ They, along with the rest of their teammates, head off in search of Gear Freak and explain what the problem is on the way.

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