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Help me build the Civic Guard


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Some of you may remember this thread:




Basically it was about Super heroes who were tied to their city in mood or feel. It transformed into some speculation about a league of heroes, each one from a different city uniting together in times of crisis.


It inspired me to go ahead and try to flesh out a team along that vein, one I am dubbing "The Civic Guard" . I'm looking more for concepts and background for possible NPC members than actual character sheets, though I picture the points being anywhere from 450 to 600.


I also am trying to keep the concepts cheifly serious, some humor, but no joke characters.


I'll put what I have on the team in general in the next thread... it's hardly complete though.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


The Civic Guard


Membership: That’s what this thread is here to determine.

So far...

Skyscraper (Chicago)

FX (L.A.)

Johnny Nevada (Las Vegas)

Tradition (St. Paul ) and Progress (Minneapolis)

The Many (New York City)

The Fremont Troll and Salmon King (Alternate for the Seattle position)

Raven (Baltimore)

Winter's Hear (Minot)

R/D (Raliegh)

E.S.C.O.T. (Orlando)

Rebel Yell (Atlanta)

Gatekeeper (San Francisco)


Background/History: The Civic Guard began initially as nothing more than a showy charity event over which U.S. city had the “best†super heroes. In 1983, by hook or crook, individual super heroes were appealed to by their hometowns to represent each city in question. Some declined, and runners up, or even total newcomers were thrust into the limelight instead. At least one hero went to represent his city when he found out they had decided not to send one!

The event in question seemed part Olympics grandeur, part World Series showdown, and more than a little Wrestle Mania Madness. Originally scheduled to be a 5 day event, it was cut short when (as often seems the norm) a super villain sought to wipe all the heroes out at once. Despite differences, lack of previous coordination, and even some heated rivalries, the representative heroes united long enough and well enough to thwart the attack, and even capture the would be mastermind.

Despite the fact that ratings were through the roof and much money was raised for charity, most of the super heroes decided the show wasn’t worth endangering the populace. Besides, a few were the only heroes of their town, and worried trouble would strike their city while they were gone. Future attempts by the entertainment industry to recreate this thing would be but shadows of the real event.

However, contacts had been made among some of the heroes. One hero might call his new friend “on the other coast†to help him out when things got too overwhelming, and the favor was returned eventually. It was, appropriately enough perhaps, the former rep of D.C. who hit upon the idea of taking the idea to its logical course and making an official super team out of it in 1988. The heroes of the extravaganza were called, and asked to represent their cities one more time. Strings were pulled in city councils to gain their blessing whenever possible. Land was purchased to build a future base on.

It almost fell apart in the first month. Some thought the initial proposal too formal, some thought so loose as to be useless. Some city councils wanted to push different heroes this time, and some wanted the group sanctioned by all 50 states governors! The various heroes were little better, some wanting the base in their city instead, others complaining about smaller towns being snubbed while still others wanted the more important urban centers to have more authority in the team.

It was a mess. The idea was scrapped. It was a good idea in many ways, but no one thought it was worth the hassle. Besides, when would any one city need a rapid response team of THAT many heroes anyways?

The answer, it turned out, was 1992. It took the death of Detroit to make heroes all over the country realize their mistake in shelving the dream. Had it been in operation, who knows how history might have turned out instead? When the dust settled, egos were put aside, compromises reached…

And the Civic Guard was finally formed.


Group Relations: While the lessons of Detroit’s destruction have taught the Civic Guard the need to work together, it is still a group of powerful and stubborn heroes each very much devoted to their own cities. About 90% of each member think in his heart of heart’s that his city is the best place in the world. Rivalries between cities, be they based on disagreeing politics, sports teams, or whatever; are often reflected in the Civic Guard’s members. There have been times where it seemed things were getting “too political†and politics is still a problem. Some cities attempt to put a lot of leverage on some of the Guard, and this can lead to some members wondering which other members might be pushing an agenda when they should be fighting crime.


Tactics: There are few if any rookies on the team, indeed, most of the Civic Guard are “old hands†at superheroing and have individual tactics reflecting this. Teamwork is another matter, some excel, and others merely get by, because the team so rarely unites in full. Quite a few have friends on the team who they buddy up with to great effect.

Because each member understands how much any city can suffer during super battles, the CG is more attentive to the prevention of property damage than many other teams.


Campaign Use: If you’re using the CG as a team your PCs can join, the use should be pretty obvious. However, even as NPCs they have value, they’re especially good for explaining just WHY the toughest NPC super hero in town isn’t in town! It’s possible he was with the guard protecting another city from an even bigger (or at least more obvious) menace.



Team Resources: Considerable... they have technological, mystical, and financial resources to draw from thanks to the rich variety and skill of their members. Many members have keys to their respective cities, and favors owed them by city councilmen, mayors, reporters etc.

The team base is airborne, really more of a super vehicle than a standard base. Because it is mobile, it can hover any city (barring laws on airspace use etc) and often moves around to accomidate the next meeting location or prepare for the next crisis. High Tech defense systems sit side by side with large mystic runes causing it to be described by one member as "a huge aircraft carrier with Tesla and Lovecraft consulted in design..."

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One concept of my own...


Skyscraper- Skyscraper will proudly tell you that the buildings he draws his namesake from were not first made in New York City, but rather HIS Town... Chicago. That's right, tall steel means Shy Town!


As might be guessed, Skyscraper has a bit of a chip on his shoulder, nothing major, but it irks him that there is so much focus on NYC and LA respectively when frankly, neither town in his own not so humble opinion holds a candle to his own turf. He knows Chicago inside and out, and is immensely proud of it.


He scorns the gentle giant concept prefering to roll up his sleeves and work hard and fight hard if need be, but despite the cliche', there really is a heart of gold in there. If there weren't, he wouldn't be a hero would he? Most Chicagoans love him, and he's even made an appearance at a half time show for "da Bears" more than once.


In his secret identity, Skyscraper is a florist. Not that anyone who finds out dares give him too much grief about it. "Yeah I'm a florist...You gotta problem with that?!".


Skyscraper's powers are growth, with but a thought the man transforms into a giant few other beings on the planet can match for height or might.


(My reccomendation is to add a few points to Gargantua in CKC, especially perks like rep etc.)

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


FX - Flashy but mysterious, FX guards the City of Angels, Los Angeles and its environs. His opponents are always off balance, dealing with his many illusions and very real technology, never knowing if the next monster will pass right through them or give them a solid whallop. There have even been reports of him stopping several crimes at once in different parts of town, though this has not been confirmed. (Think good guy Mysterio)


His often over-elaborate plans to defeat criminals are sometimes a point of contention for his sometimes-partner, Blockbuster , whose mutant powers over the earth and tremors/vibration make him a powerful, if not always welcome, hero.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


Johnny Nevada - Las Vegas. Phil Wilson loved hearing his grandfather's ridiculous stories of the wild west. He grew up hearing about lost mines, Indian werwolves, and hard eyed card sharps with lightning in their fists. When Gramps was in a darker mood he'd talk about fighting the Germans in WWI, and about dead men rising out of the mud to fight again. Phil never believed his granpa's stories, until the old man showed him the sacred medecine pouch and taught him how to use it.


All the stories were true.


Phil first became Johnny Nevada in 1988. Brash and young, armored with his Ghost Shirt and acompanied by his spirit dogs Lightning and Thunder, sacred pouch in his belt and grampa's Sacred Six Guns in his hands, Johnny thought he'd fight the good fight forever. He liked the bottle a bit too much, he smoked a bit too much of the special pipe blend that Granpa had used to speak with the spirits, but he was a hero through and through.


Then came the day that Detroit died, and Phil Wilson thought he'd never draw his guns again. He'd been so minor, so unimportant, that no one had even bothered to ask for his help on that terrible day. He wept, he raged ... he fell. The next year was a half-remembered nightmare of drink and drugs. Then one day, unshaven and unbathed, he witnessed an attack on a young child by a demon.


Drawing on the power of his medecine pouch, Johnny Nevada was reborn. He saved that child, and over the next few weeks tracked down the cultists who had called forth the demon. It was a long road back, but Johnny had taken his first steps.


Las Vegas welcomed him, and in time he took it into his heart. It was a city built on dreams, a city where no city had any right to be. Its life blood vas vice, and yet its people dreamed of raising families and building better lives. The city had its famous strip, its wealthy suburbs, and its sad shadows. A wild mix of hope and despair, of dreams and nightmares, of people strugling, sometimes foolishly, to become something more. Johnny saw himself in this impossible city, and made it his home.


Now in his thirties, "Johnny Nevada" is at the height of his powers, calling forth magics his grandfather never dreamed of, and without the hours of ritual and powders that had granted the old man his powers. The Spirit Dogs still answer his call, and a Spirit Horse ("Rain") as well. He still holds the death of the un-righteous in his hands, and he is dedicated to making sure that the horrors of 1992 shall never occur again. He was surprised to be invited to join the Civic Guard, and was proud to answer the call.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


Tradition and Progress


Twin brothers, who protect/represent the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul.


Ole and Lars Nordstrom actually grew up in rural Minnesota, and constantly quarreled. Ole tended towards the conservative view, and Lars towards liberalism. Ole worshipped the grandeur of history, and became an archivist. Lars saw the future as the place of hope, and became an inventor.


Then Ole found an interesting passage in an old book about Saint Paul's...unique street layout. Anyone who followed the streets in a certain pattern at a certain time would gain great power. And the once-every-twenty-years occasion was coming up. He told Lars about this, only to be scoffed at. Lars believed that the map had been mirror-flipped, and the reverse pattern was the correct one.


Each determined to prove the other wrong, they marched their chosen routes at the appointed hour. As they passed each other midway, a voice asked whether Tradition or Progress was more important. You can guess how each answered.


Now Tradition and Progress work together to protect their twin charges. When they aren't arguing, of course.


Tradition can tap into the skills and powers of any Minnesotan of history; he usually picks Paul Bunyan for strength and size, or Hiawatha for stealth and tracking skills.


Progress is a gadgeteer, always one step ahead of conventional technology.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


This is an AWESOME idea. Once you get it together, you should make a website.


I have two for Seattle. Both are a bit toungue in cheek, but this is a very odd town and it should have appropriately odd heroes.


The first is the Fremont Troll, a obscure local landmark brought mysteriously to life. Fremont is one of the artier districts in Seattle, and is know as something of a hippie haven. Also home to the largest Lenin statue in the US.


The Fremont Troll


Val Char Cost
60 STR 50
17 DEX 21
30 CON 40
30 BODY 40
8 INT -2
10 EGO 0
10 PRE 0
4 COM -3
20 PD 8
10 ED 4
5 SPD 23
20 REC 4
60 END 0
75 STUN 0
16" RUN03" SWIM112" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 186


Cost Power END
10 Troll: Elemental Control, 20-point powers [Notes: GM Stamp of Approval]
10 1) Armsweep: Naked Modifier on STR, Area Of Effect Nonselective (up to One Hex; +1/4); Can Be Blocked (-1/4) plus Naked Modifier on STR Advantage, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)
10 2) Nothing That Big Should Move That Fast: Running +10" (16" total) 2
7 3) Big, Scary, And He Knows it: +20 PRE; Only To Make/Resist Fear/Intimidation Presence Attacks (-1/2)
7 4) Long Arms: Stretching 2", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Limited Body Parts (Arms; -1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4)
11 5) Regeneration: Healing - Regeneration 2 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)
10 6) Rubbery Skin: Physical Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points)
10 7) Tough Skin: Damage Resistance (20 PD/10 ED) (15 Active Points)
-15 Like Hitting The Broadside of a Barn: Negative Combat Levels (-3 DCV)
-6 Weak Eyes: Negative Skill Levels (-4 PER with Sight Group) ; Conditional Power Power Only Works In Daylight (-1/4)
5 Cave Attuned Senses: Nightvision
5 Big Nose: Tracking with Normal Smell
5 Big Nose: Discriminatory with Normal Smell
Powers Cost: 69


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
3 Smush: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 12d6 Strike; Target Falls
5 Hammering Blow: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -2 DCV, 16d6 Strike
3 Trollish Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 70 STR for holding on
5 Legbreaker: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable
3 Steamroller: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, 12d6 +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove
5 Chuck Stuff: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +4, Strike
4 ..and SQUEEZE 'em!: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 16d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab
Martial Arts Cost: 28


Cost Skill
30 +6 with HTH Combat
3 Climbing 12-
3 Stealth 12-
5 Rapid Attack (HTH)
Skills Cost: 41


Cost Perk
2 Base
2 Reputation: Famous Landmark (Seattle Residents) 11-, +2/+2d6
Perks Cost: 4


Cost Talent
20 Animal Friendship
2 Trackless Stride
Talents Cost: 22


Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages
15 DNPC: Pet Cats 8- (Incompetent)
15 Distinctive Features: Big and Ugly (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15 Enraged: When Friends Are Seriously Harmed (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14-
20 Enraged: When someone harms any cute, fluffy animal - Will attack that person (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 11-
10 Money: Destitute
10 Physical Limitation: Large, Heavy, and Clumsy (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Friends (Very Common, Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed with Cute, Furry Creatures (Common, Moderate)
15 Psychological Limitation: Overly Sensitive - Takes Criticism To Heart (Common, Strong)
10 Social Limitation: Shy (Frequently, Minor)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Mental Illusions (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


Next is King Salmon, a local crimefighter who fighst alongside the waterfont. In addition to having the proportional strength, speed, swimming ability and leap of a salmon (shut up, salmon are cool!), he can turn into a large specimen of the fish and even a GIANT 24 METER LONG SALMON!!!! In his GIANT SALMON form, he can leap from Seattle's waterfront, across the city, and land on the far side in human form.


King Salmon


Player: NPC


Val Char Cost
30/60 STR 20
18 DEX 24
15 CON 10
13/19 BODY 6
11 INT 1
14 EGO 8
18 PRE 8
14 COM 2
7/25 PD 1
4/10 ED 1
4 SPD 12
9 REC 0
60 END 15
40/46 STUN 4
6" RUN010"/20" SWIM-210"/26" LEAP-6Characteristics Cost: 104


Cost Power END
21 Salmon Toughness: Armor (8 PD/6 ED)
8 Salmon Stanima: Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Expanded Breathing; Safe in High Pressure; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week)
5 Salmon Powers: Elemental Control, 10-point powers
5 1) Swimming +10" (10"/20" total) (10 Active Points) 1
5 2) Leaping +10" (16"/32" forward, 8"/16" upward) (10 Active Points) 1
24 Salmon Form: Shape Shift (Sight , Hearing , Smell/Taste and Touch Groups), Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (24 Active Points) 2
Salmon Form, all slots Only in Salmon Form (-1/2)
17 1) Salmon Form: Swimming +10" (10"/20" total) (x16 Noncombat) (25 Active Points) 2
17 2) Salmon Form: Leaping +10" (16"/32" forward, 8"/16" upward) (x16 Noncombat) (25 Active Points) 2
30 3) Salmon Form - SNAP!: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3d6 (5d6 / 6d6 w/STR) (45 Active Points) 4
20 Giant Salmon Form: Growth (+30 STR, +6 BODY, +6 STUN, -6" KB, 6,387 kg, -4 DCV, +4 PER Rolls to perceive character, 8 m tall, 4 m wide) (30 Active Points); Only in Salmon Form (-1/2) 3
Giant Salmon Form, all slots Only In Giant Salmon Form (-1/2)
10 1) Impenetrable Scales: Armor (10 PD/0 ED) (15 Active Points)
6 2) Megascale Leaping, MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (9 Active Points); Only From Out Of Water (-1/2)
3 3) Accurate Leaps: Leaping 0" (16"/32" forward, 8"/16" upward) (Accurate) (5 Active Points); Only From Out Of Water (-1/2) 1
6 4) Megascale Swimming, MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (9 Active Points)
15 5) SNAP!: HTH Killing Attack, Area Of Effect (up to One Hex; +1/2) (22 Active Points)
Powers Cost: 192


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4 Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
3 Martial Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR / 80 STR for holding on
4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 10d6 / 16d6 Strike
3 Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 / 14d6 +v/5, Target Falls
8 +2 HTH Damage Class(es)
Martial Arts Cost: 26


Cost Skill
1 Criminology 8-
1 Interrogation 8-
3 Inventor 11-
1 Lipreading 8-
1 Lockpicking 8-
3 Mechanics 11-
3 Shadowing 11-
1 Streetwise 8-
2 Language: Native Language (fluent conversation)
2 CuK: Northwest Native Societies 11-
2 KS: Nooksack Indians 11-
2 SS: Ichthyology (Salmons) 11-
1 TF: Large Motorized Boats
2 PS: Salmon Researcher 11-
Skills Cost: 25



Cost Talent
3 Bump Of Direction
Talents Cost: 3



Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages
10 Accidental Change: When Entering Water 8- (Common)
20 Atavism: Assuming Giant Salmon Form (Common), go 11-, recover 11-
20 Dependent NPC: Barbara, wife 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)
10 Distinctive Features: Smells Fishy (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15 Hunted: Chiawapa the Hunter 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
20 Physical Limitation: Fish Form Has No Limbs (Frequently, Fully Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Code of the Hero (Common, Total)
10 Psychological Limitation: Talks About Fish. A Lot. (Common, Moderate)
15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Electrical (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


As a life-long Chicagoan, I think you really hit the nail on the head with Skyscraper (A name I have used for a Chicago based hero before). The only gripe I have is that every Chicago guy is proud of his profession, no matter what it is. I see him more as "Yeah I'm a florist...You gotta problem with that?! Besides, we have had a really tough-ass florist. Dion O'Bannion, Al Capone's chief rival, was a florist...who carried 3 guns at all times. :bmk:

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


Just have some name/location ideas. Anyone want to take a swing at them?


The Gatekeeper (San Francisco)


Network (San Jose/Silicon Valley)


The Raven (Baltimore - hey, Poe is buried there! or maybe something to do with the USS Constellation. Crabs = too obvious)


Monument (Washington DC)


Crime Wrangler (Dallas) (too goofy?)

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Guest Veavitdpoh

Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


Hah! I actually have a concept very much aligned with this for Manhattan... the story of my safecracker Mitch. Four arms, ridiculously nearsighted, multiple personalities - sadly, I had to part ways with the gaming group that created him, on less than positive terms. So I have to remove them from the story that follows this prologue.




But he was always a part of the city, and the city was always a part of him - I would've actually led up to his being the avatar of NYC, given enough time. C'est la vie.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


As a life-long Chicagoan' date=' I think you really hit the nail on the head with Skyscraper (A name I have used for a Chicago based hero before). The only gripe I have is that every Chicago guy is proud of his profession, no matter what it is. I see him more as "Yeah I'm a florist...[i']You gotta problem with that?![/i] Besides, we have had a really tough-ass florist. Dion O'Bannion, Al Capone's chief rival, was a florist...who carried 3 guns at all times. :bmk:


:D Okay, I'll go back and change it. Thanks for a Chicagoan's view point on it.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


The Raven


"Like a phoenix from the ashes..." the words drifted across the rooftops of downtown Baltimore as a set of dark eyes pierced the veil of night. A slight rustle followed the words and then...only silence.


Charles Gable looked out at the Inner harbor from the windows along his cubicle. It still amazed him that he could see the changes literally happening overnight in the city. "Believe" Mayor O'Malley had said when he took office. Well, Charlie sure did. In fact, Charlie believed in a lot more then he used to these days.


In 1972 two things had occured that pretty much defined Charlie. The first was his birth. The second was the revitilazation of Baltimore as an urban center. Growing up in a city on the rebound was fascinating. So many times Baltimore had been considered "A doomed city", from the words of the English Admiral that failed to destroy her in 1814, to the 1950's when Urban decay had almost gutted the entire city. Things had slowed again in the lte 1980's and 90's, but wth the new Millenium had come a new rebirth, a new idea, and the thought that all you needed to do was believe.


Growing up in a city that was struggling to rise from the ashes was an interesting experience. Charlie hadn't really begun to appreciate it till long after his college years, but then all he saw was a vibrant city filled with hope and good will. This lasted until his teen years when the recession hit Baltimore hard. His family began to have problems making the ends meet...sometimes they couldn't even find the ends...and Chalie had sad goodbye to Baltimore as his family moved in with his grandparents in near-by Howard county. This was the first time that Charlie began to really learn about his own heritage.


In the late 1800's, Hector Gable, a newly freed man, set his sights on the Maryland environs. He brought with him a work ethic that knew no bounds, a keen and quick mind, and tales handed down from his family. Tales that venerated the East African birthplace of his father's line, and the Maryland roots of his Mother's people, the Susquehannock. These stories were passed down cleanly in the family until Charlie. His father had decided that no son of his would have to hold with such superstitious claptrap! But now, in the proximity of his grandparents he heard the stories. He heard about the mighty warriors of both tribes, of the mighty magiks they commanded as well. The stories filled a void in Charlie, but they were always just that...stories.


But there was something more, something indefinable that kept him linked to this city, this homeland. Passing into his college years, Charlie managed to get all of the right recommendations and was accepted into Annapolis. His physicality and quick intellect marked him as a potential star. Shortly after graduation, Charlie set his sights on a new goal. The next few years passed in a blur of training, testing and surpassing limits he didn't even know he had, but in the end, Charlie passed BUD/S and joined the elite family of special forces as a Navy SEAL. he served for 5 more years with honor and distinction, but in the end, when his hitch was up, he wanted to go home. He thought he had chosen his life, but something else pulled him back to Baltimore.


It was now the late 90's and Baltimore was again in what many critics were calling it's "Death throes". Urban decay had set in and reduced the grand dreams of the 70's into the harsh reality of the worst crime statistics in the country. In fact, shortly after getting back to the city of his birth, Charlie became a statistic.


It was almost ridiculous. A highly trained combat veteran gets mugged. The punchline should have been equally predictable, but Charlie had felt a wave of calm and reduced awareness wash over him as soon as he was "home" again. He almost couldn't take the threat seriously, even with the two armed thugs in his face. He just gave up the wallet and figured it would be over soon enough. No need to get anyone else in trouble. The thugs had other ideas though and as they ran off, they emptied their guns at Charlie. Slack jawed, he lay in a spreading pool of his own blood, scarcely believeing that this had really happened. That was when the visions started. He saw the history of his people, both African and Native American, ending in pain and suffering. He saw his adopted people, the Americans, suffering in the early birth of their country.


But he also saw the hope that existed. He saw those willing to stand up and champion the cause of the common people. He saw options...


Charlie recovered from the mugging with scarcely a mark to indicate anything had happened and a speed that was described as "unseemly". The doctors were dumbfounded. His family was amazed. Only his grandfather seemed to cast a knowing wink in his direction on the day Charlie finally came home. It was the same wink he got a year later when the family was discussing the exploits of Baltimore's new Superhero, The Raven.


Powers: The Raven is a highly trained Ex-SEAL with the additional training of a Susquehannock shaman. While his magic is still weak, he is able to fly with the aid of his feathered cloak, see in total darkness, communicate wth his Raven cohort over vast distances and other such minor magics. He is also a scary and creepy guy in general, well versed in the arts of stealth and misdirection.


Appearance: The Raven wears all black. From a tight fitting cowl that dips sllightly into a "beak" at the end of his nose, it blends into a full form suit of light bodyarmor, also in black. A belt with servicible and sturdy military style pouches holds most of the equipment he needs, be it magical or mundane in nature. Draping from his shoulders is the "Cloak of ten thousand wings" It is a feathered cloak of darkest ebony that seems to move of it's own volition. Usually on his shoulder or nearby is his spirit guide, a Black Raven he calls Poe in honor of one of his city's most famous sons.


Relations: Raven is creepy, he's scary and he makes Batman look congenial at times...but he also speaks passionately and often about the rebirth of Baltimore and his hopes for the future of the city. And in typical Baltimorean fashion the citizens adore him. It doesnt matter if he scares the heck out of everyone, he's their champion and that's all there is to it.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


Hah! I actually have a concept very much aligned with this for Manhattan... the story of my safecracker Mitch. Four arms, ridiculously nearsighted, multiple personalities - sadly, I had to part ways with the gaming group that created him, on less than positive terms. So I have to remove them from the story that follows this prologue.




But he was always a part of the city, and the city was always a part of him - I would've actually led up to his being the avatar of NYC, given enough time. C'est la vie.


But what super hero name would he go by if he were part of the Civic Guard?

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


Just have some name/location ideas. Anyone want to take a swing at them?


The Gatekeeper (San Francisco)


Network (San Jose/Silicon Valley)


The Raven (Baltimore - hey, Poe is buried there! or maybe something to do with the USS Constellation. Crabs = too obvious)


Monument (Washington DC)


Crime Wrangler (Dallas) (too goofy?)



I'm tempted to tackle the D.C. one as well, if no one else is going to try it. Monument might be a good name. Proditor did a great job on Raven.


Crime Wrangler? Ouch.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


I’m definitely going to need to do some fleshing out, but for Orlando, FL, I’m thinking a large independent animitronic super hero built by Disney as part of its security/as an attraction/for a movie. It gained more independent will than was expected, but it turned out OK. It now serves as a protector and a guardian for the entire Orlando metropolitan area. I’m picturing some thing on the order of a “large brick†with some additional high tech toys, preferably all non-lethal. I just can’t think up a good name right now. I keep getting side tracked into things like Knight Mickey, and that imagery is just waaaayyy too wrong.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


I’m definitely going to need to do some fleshing out' date=' but for Orlando, FL, I’m thinking a large independent animitronic super hero built by Disney as part of its security/as an attraction/for a movie. It gained more independent will than was expected, but it turned out OK. It now serves as a protector and a guardian for the entire Orlando metropolitan area. I’m picturing some thing on the order of a “large brick†with some additional high tech toys, preferably all non-lethal. I just can’t think up a good name right now. I keep getting side tracked into things like Knight Mickey, and that imagery is just waaaayyy too wrong.[/quote']


Uncle Walt did not die. Instead, the corporation he founded held him in cryo-stasis until Animatronic technology was ready for him. Now revived at last, he stands for Truth, Justice, and the American Dollar. He is: Anima-Cop.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


I had an idea like this awhile back- Granville, the protector of Vancouver. Basically he was a nrmal person empowered by the spirit of the city with its powers- he knew every nook and cranny, could move anywhere within the city limits instantly, was as strong as the very bedrock the city was lain upon, could move as fast along the city streets as any car, etc. His chief weakness was that he had a phyisal link to these powers- the black gloves he wore while protecting the city. H could lose his powers, though only someone that knew both his weakness and the right magical ceremony could steal his powers.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


Raliegh's patron superhero:



While many locals assume that RD is somewhat like RDU (a radio station) and is referring to the Raliegh-Durham area, in fact R/D stands for Research and Development. While it's known for it's tarheel motto and for the death of Blackbeard, North Carolina's capitol city is also one of the corporate research centers of the world. The Research Triangle Park houses dozens of major pharmeucital companies and much innovative drug and agricultural research (including hybrid crop research with help of scientists from India). These scientific breakthroughs and corporate assets are of course prime-targets for supercriminals.


R/D is a corporate employee who improved on designs for a military powersuit going to Fort Bragg. He developed his armor and persona and has been contracting to the corporations and protecting the city pro bono ever since.

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Guest Veavitdpoh

Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


But what super hero name would he go by if he were part of the Civic Guard?


I've actually been thinking of him as the Many. The personalities aren't really present for the backstory, but you can see them more clearly in this cutscene that occurred about eight months in, all of whom have M names...




...Mitch was not sane at the end. Serious mental instability, not Malkavian-style madness or "this is my excuse for killing" madness. I'm so cruel to my characters.


Anyway, I reviewed Hero as a mental exercise, and most of it would be covered by Multiform (eight personalities, maxed out at 300 points, instant change) (80 active points), probably tweaked to reflect certain things - like it being invisible and the fact that none of the personalities will let Mikey in if they have any other option. Bear in mind that these are just voices, not total personality constructs; Max, for instance, is aware he's not actually a policeman. He's just the best voice for the job.


Mitch (primary: manipulator, humanist)

-Morgan (safecracker, mechanic)

-Max (policeman)

-Manuel (streetwise, Latino)

-Morpheus (doctor, philosopher)

-Martin (streetwise, Caucasian)

-Mark (writer, optimist)

-Mikey (psychotic - "Mikey likes it", handles what the others won't)

-Manhattan (Angel of NYC - the only truly superpowered form)


More detail if anyone wants it.

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Re: Help me build the Civic Guard


Duelling Heroes


Captain Confederacy / Hope (Montgomery, AL)


While both these individuals are heroes, they constantly duel over who properly represents the city.


Captain Confederacy represents the history of the city, the birthplace of the Condederate States of America. He is not a small-minded bigot, like so many stereotypes depict. Instead, he fights for the individual, and views this as a symbol of the Confederacy's refusal to give up their individual power to a central government.


Hope represents the future of the city. Born shortly before the Montgomery Bus Boycott, this young African-American girl grew up during the civil rights movement in the United States. She stands for the hope of the future. She believes in the words of Dr. King, and strives for a world where all people are treated equally.

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