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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ouch' date=' sorry. Well, at least it'll be a good place.[/quote']

Yeah, it's a definite improvement over the current place, and it'll be nice to get away from the rampant sprawl and stoplights sprouting like daisies over in South Asheville. Having enough room for our stuff will also be nice and refreshing, as will not bonking my head on furniture because the bedroom is too small.


Good luck Alice-SS.

Thanks. Josh looked at our finances last night and had the encouraging news that we don't have to scramble to find some miracle worker who'll give us money to make the pet deposit. The real challenge will be affording Dragon*Con this summer, but we'll see what happens between now and then.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm am the...most crass person in the office today.


Our favourite office butt-kisser is out because of surgery (she had a hysterectomy Tuesday). No on in the office can stand her...and we all make crass jokes about her being the office slut and...well...doing things to the boss to get ahead (things that we joke require knee pads).


Anywho. One of the managers asked us if the company had sent her a get well card. We told him no. He acted...disgusted (even though he is like everyone else and can hardly stand her) and said he'd go get one later.


So, that begs the question, what do you sign on a card for someone you don't really care for? I mean...something like "Don't worry. You'll be back on the knee-pads soon. Get well soon." doesn't seem very...PC (not to mention appropriate, even though that's what we're all thinking). :P


Oh well. Such is drama in my office. :D


My general way of dealing with it is to not sign the card at all.


In general I get along with most people. The ones that I don't get along with generally have no illusions about my feelings towards them. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


My general way of dealing with it is to not sign the card at all.


That's one way. On the other hand, there are few people who piss me off enough that I'd wish them ill after major surgery, especially something as potentially emotionally traumatic as a hysterectomy. Unless I actually had reason to hate the woman in question, I'd sign the card and shrug.


Who knows, if the person actually is disruptive in the office then maybe a show of support when she needs it will convince her that her co-workers deserve more consideration.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That's one way. On the other hand, there are few people who piss me off enough that I'd wish them ill after major surgery, especially something as potentially emotionally traumatic as a hysterectomy. Unless I actually had reason to hate the woman in question, I'd sign the card and shrug.


Who knows, if the person actually is disruptive in the office then maybe a show of support when she needs it will convince her that her co-workers deserve more consideration.


Well, there is a difference between not wishing someone well and wishing them ill. :)


And you may be right. But I probably still wouldn't sign the card. But then again, I've never claimed that I'm a nice person. :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ah, Stephen Sondheim had something to say about that:


Or is that what you were quoting?


This is what the OED has to say (in part) about nice:


A. adj. I. General uses.


1. a. Of a person: foolish, silly, simple; ignorant. Obs.

b. Of an action, utterance, etc.: displaying foolishness or silliness; absurd, senseless. Obs.


2. a. Of conduct, behaviour, etc.: characterized by or encouraging wantonness or lasciviousness. Obs.

b. Of a person: wanton, dissolute, lascivious. Obs.

c. Of dress: extravagant, showy, ostentatious. Also in extended use. Obs.

d. Of a person: finely dressed, elegant. Cf. sense 17a. Obs.


3. a. Precise or particular in matters of reputation or conduct; scrupulous, punctilious. Now rare.

b. Fastidious, fussy, difficult to please, esp. with regard to food or cleanliness; of refined or dainty tastes.

c. Particular, strict, or careful with regard to a specific point or thing. Obs.

d. Refined, cultured; associated with polite society.

e. Fastidious in matters of literary taste or style. Obs.

f. Respectable, virtuous, decent.

Now sometimes hard to distinguish from sense 14c (of a person).

g. Of a topic of conversation, mode of conduct, etc.: in good taste, appropriate, proper. Usu. in negative contexts.


4. a. In early use: faint-hearted, timorous, cowardly, unmanly. Later also: effeminate. Obs.

b. Slothful, lazy, sluggish. Obs.

c. Not able to endure much; tender, delicate, fragile. Obs.

d. Pampered, luxurious. Obs. rare.


5. Strange, rare, extraordinary. Obs.


6. a. Shy, coy, (affectedly) modest; reserved. Obs.

b. Shy, reluctant, or unwilling in regard of or to. Also with in or infinitive. Obs.


7. That requires or involves great precision or accuracy. Now rare.


8. a. Not obvious or readily understood; difficult to decide or settle; demanding close consideration; intricate (obs.).

b. Minute, subtle; (of differences) slight, small.

c. Precise in correspondence; exact, closely judged.


9. a. Slender, thin, fine; insubstantial. Obs.

b. Unimportant, trivial. Obs.


10. a. That enters minutely into details; meticulous, attentive, sharp. Obs.

b. Of the eye, ear, etc.: able to distinguish or discriminate to a high degree; sensitive, acute.

c. Delicate or skilful in manipulation; dexterous. Also fig.

d. Of judgement, etc.: finely discriminative.


11. a. Critical, doubtful; full of risk or uncertainty. Obs.

b. Requiring tact, care, or discrimination in handling. Obs.


12. a. Minutely or carefully accurate.

b. Of an instrument or apparatus: capable of showing minute differences; finely poised or adjusted. Obs.


13. Of food or drink: dainty, choice; (later in weakened sense) tasty, appetizing; refreshing, restorative.


14. a. That one derives pleasure or satisfaction from; agreeable, pleasant, satisfactory; attractive.

b. Used as an intensifier with a predicative adjective or adverb in nice and , sometimes ironically.

c. Of a person: pleasant in manner, agreeable, good-natured; attractive.

d. Used ironically.

e. Kind or considerate in behaviour; friendly (towards others). Freq. in to be nice (to).

f. Of a (finished) action, task, etc.: well-executed; commendably performed or accomplished. Now freq. in interjections, as nice going!, nice try!, nice work!. Also used ironically.

g. colloq. nice one: expressing approval or congratulations for something done well. In later use also ironically.

Popularized by the song Nice One Cyril, used in a television commercial for bread in the early 1970s, and recorded in 1973 by the Tottenham Hotspur football team (associated with the former Tottenham player Cyril Knowles).


B. adv.


1. Foolishly. Obs.


2. Satisfactorily, thoroughly; prettily, pleasingly. Now non-standard.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well, there is a difference between not wishing someone well and wishing them ill. :)


And you may be right. But I probably still wouldn't sign the card. But then again, I've never claimed that I'm a nice person. :D


I totally hear ya.


I do wish her well, though my ever hopeful side wishes her well enough to see that people here don't like the way she acts and that she changes herself in that way. *shrugs* There's just something about people with that "I'm better than you" attitude that rub me the wrong way, and she's one of them.


When it comes down to it, if a card is passed around, I'll probably only sign my initials or not sign at all and pass it along.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Wife bought a new stove the other day. She'd been lusting after one for a while, this one was on sale (30% markdown; it's new, it had been dropped so had cosmetic damage to one side). It worked fine last night.


So ... anyone in the Seattle area want an old electric stove? It's ugly, it's dirty (it was badly in need of cleaning before the new one was spotted), and it needs a power cable (we took the old one off and put it on the new stove). Otherwise, it works OK. We'll probably haul it to the dump. I've got a pickup, so within modest limits, I can even offer to transport it.


Check out Freecycle




Find your local group, join, and put the word out about what you're giving away. You may even find someone else giving away something that you need!


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary House

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I posted an ad for my old stove, fridge, and dishwasher on Craig's List. It didn't cost me a dime, and I sold them all within a week. The people who bought them were happy -- they got an entire kitchen full of appliances for the cost of one, I was happy -- I got spending cash for the week and cleaned out my storage shed, and the whole world was happy -- teh_bunneh didn't go on a killin' spree. :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


So, that begs the question, what do you sign on a card for someone you don't really care for? I mean...something like "Don't worry. You'll be back on the knee-pads soon. Get well soon." doesn't seem very...PC (not to mention appropriate, even though that's what we're all thinking). :P


Oh well. Such is drama in my office. :D

"Get Well Soon" - initials just to do it


though I suppose

"Next time, use protection" - sign bosses name...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Back in the 80s there was a battle over the lounge-room over rival formats VHS or Betamax.


Now the battle is repeating itself (or the media is hypeing it) with Blu-ray versus HD-DVD.


You know who will decide this? The same ones who tipped the scales in the VHS vs Beta wars: the porn industry. Whichever media *they* like best will become the new standard.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I want so badly to let this Thing inside... out. I know it's there and it might just change my life if I let it. For whatever reason though, I'd rather play online poker, paintball, or whatever.


Life is passing by at a horrific rate. I don't know what I should do.


I'm talking about FWS, btw (Frustrated Writer Syndrome).


Then, there's that overwhelming urge to keep playing paintball whatever the costs (money, spousal relationship, and my child's welfare). How can one person be torn so many different directions that he fails to deal with anyone as well as he should?


Sorry to hear this - and not to be dramatic or anything, but this could be a sign of depression. Take care of yourself. I know when I was unhappy with my job, which had grown stale, I was avoiding a lot via gaming and so on. Now I'm too busy as I've changed roles, but I like the work and I have no urge to unduly disrupt my work by avoidance.

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