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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The really cute accordionist called! :celebrate


She's coming over tomorrow to work on a dickens faire costume :cool:





and I'm totally freaking out.




Does she know you can use your junk for a trailer hitch? if so, great, and if not, great. Either way you're cool, but don't go changing that status quo just yet, whichever it might be. Take her to the faire. Get the hot cider. It's all cool - your last girl was an astonishing hottie (if you like, I can actually get some salt for the wound...), so you know you can achieve that level of dating hotness. Go with your inbridled bohemian masculine artiness and you'll do fine.


We all know you can do it. You have the might of dozens of strangers in your corner.


This is more of a pep talk than actual advice. Did you want advice? Don't have the Who's "squeezebox" on the radio when she comes over. Too obvious.


EDIT: I clicked the link - damn but she is a hottie.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Lemming' date=' listen! And understand! That black widow is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.[/quote']

Yea, but she's got to walk 200 miles first.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Does she know you can use your junk for a trailer hitch? if so, great, and if not, great. Either way you're cool, but don't go changing that status quo just yet, whichever it might be. Take her to the faire. Get the hot cider. It's all cool - your last girl was an astonishing hottie (if you like, I can actually get some salt for the wound...), so you know you can achieve that level of dating hotness. Go with your inbridled bohemian masculine artiness and you'll do fine.


We all know you can do it. You have the might of dozens of strangers in your corner.


This is more of a pep talk than actual advice. Did you want advice? Don't have the Who's "squeezebox" on the radio when she comes over. Too obvious.


EDIT: I clicked the link - damn but she is a hottie.


Thanks for the salt :rolleyes:


Yeah, she IS really frickin' hot. and incredibly talented. And NICE.


Well, in relative terms anyway, on that last one.


I'm not real sure I'm exactly the best judge of that anymore. :nonp:


And no, I haven't mentioned the whole trailer hitch thing yet.

Haven't quite figured out how to broach the subject, tho if she takes a look at Murray the Head and his lifting harness she might wonder.


OK, shower, coffee and clean the catboxes, then off to work.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


And no, I haven't mentioned the whole trailer hitch thing yet.

Haven't quite figured out how to broach the subject, tho if she takes a look at Murray the Head and his lifting harness she might wonder.

For gods' sake don't broach the subject at all! That trick is good any time, and you can wait until you find her comfort level before you show her what you spent your 5 AP on. Preserve a little mystery.


All that aside - get back in the saddle, date that woman.


*Reach* out. Take a *chance*. Get *hurt* even. But play as well as you can. Go team, go! Give me an L. Give me an I. Give me a V. Give me an E. L-I-V-E. LIVE!


Otherwise, you got nothing to talk about in the locker room.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Commercial on Spike that about a show describing the making of Beowulf, "If you think Angela Jolie looks amazing in real life, wait till you see her in 3-D"


Uhm, if I've seen her in "real life" and not just on TV/movie screen than I have seen her in Three Dimensions...dumb asses.


True, but Gentle Giant Studios, Sony Pictures Imageworks (SPI), and W.M. Creations can't airbrush reality.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Paraphrasing Old Man: Alice' date=' listen! And understand! That wolf spider is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are consumed by fear.[/quote']

That's why I killed it. I wouldn't put it past its comrades to avenge it, but apparently they're waiting for the right moment. For now, I'm ready.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The most productive work days I get are the days I'm in the office alone.

Same here. Had it JUST been a matter of various tech-support duties needing to be done, or various back-office supplies needing to be checked in, or co-workers having questions delaying me from getting my work done, I wouldn't have bothered ranting. But when my boss not only dropped ANOTHER last-minute, first-priority thing on my lap, but also pulled me aside after my lunch to explain it to me (despite the dozens of times I've done this project before), and took his sweet time about it, I was ready to tear out my hair.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Same here. Had it JUST been a matter of various tech-support duties needing to be done' date=' or various back-office supplies needing to be checked in, or co-workers having questions delaying me from getting my work done, I wouldn't have bothered ranting. But when my boss not only dropped ANOTHER last-minute, first-priority thing on my lap, but also pulled me aside after my lunch to explain it to me (despite the dozens of times I've done this project before), and took his sweet time about it, I was ready to tear out my hair.[/quote']


Tear out his instead.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Amadan: I'm sure you and she can reach an accord.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is kicking me now. Not hard, but repeatedly.


it went fairly well.

We ended up being somewhat chaperoned by my business partner, who came over after work and kinda threw a weird sidespin on our interaction, but it was still a good time.


She's neat.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


"Hey, Alice, can you come on over here and turn on all the processes on this computer I accidentally rebooted? I'm in the middle of something."


Right, 'cause I'm clearly just sitting here with my thumb up my butt, right? :mad:


I've been in jobs before where they've deliberately set me up to fail so they could fire me. This feels rather similar, actually.


Start keeping a tidy, dated, hard-copy diary logging these things. If emails are relevant, print 'em and tape 'em in.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Why are people so proud when they tell me "I'm computer illiterate."? It's really not something to be proud of.


I suppose if you're a billionaire who can't read, that might be something to proud of. But if you're a homeless, unemployed junkie fresh out of jail...not so much.


I know what you mean, that really bugs me, too. In a way, it's a sort of snide anti-intellectualism.


(PS - though I'm not suggesting many people consciously intend it this way.)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Start keeping a tidy' date=' dated, hard-copy diary logging these things. If emails are relevant, print 'em and tape 'em in.[/quote']

And this sort of dovetails into my rant in the "hoover films" thread - I think people should be protected against wrongful termination in general, rather than making some wrongful reasons okay and others not, especially where it's based on racial, religious, or other social distinctions. Although I'm not so entirely opposed to specific legislation targeting racial, age, or other such discrimnation as I do understand in effect that with job protection there's some societal factors that are harder to combat and "wrongflul termination" is a necessarily slippery bit of definition.


BTW, if you support ENDA, remember to tell your Congressperson and to ensure ENDA retains its protection for gender identity as well as sexual orientation - if that's important to you. I tend to think if we aren't going to find a way to really protect people's job against any sort of personal "I don't like you" or other invalid reasons, then if we must pursue protecting against discrimination against specific classes of people, that should include the people as mentioned in ENDA.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


There was a time, in living memory, when "Let's kill them and take all their stuff" was a perfectly reasonable foreign policy. It was the first principle of every "Great Power", though sometimes prettied up a bit.


Now, many young UKers and Europeans seem to believe that most of their history never happened. I'd guess that the smug, posing pacifism of the UK and the EUers grew out of shame, guilt or denial, but it just doesn't seem all that deep.


Sometimes I think we should kill them and take all their stuff.


But then we'd have ... their stuff. Frankly, I'm not sure it's worth having, let alone worth taking. It's not like we could just drop it in a dumpster and be rid of it.

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