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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


If you drive in Manila, there are three rules of the road you should follow:


1. You own the road. Everyone else is there at your sufferance.


2. Streetlights are for other people. They don't apply to you.


3. Pedestrians are for target practice.


If you follow these three rules, driving in Manila is a breeze! :D


You can apply them to Israel and New York' date=' too.[/quote']

I gather that these rules apply approximately everywhere outside of the classical First World countries. Obedience to traffic regulations is considered faintly amusing and unmanly in most of the world. When the US security forces in Iraq used an antivehicle weapon on a car that ignored a traffic signal to stop, Iraqis got a sudden introduction to what civilized people think of road-rules scofflaws.


And, those of us with a predilection for road rage went green with envy.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm working on some miniatures for the upcoming Genghis Con convention in Denver in February. Here's what I'm working on:


A squad of Basti skirmishers (http://www.crocodilegames.com/secure/items/WGE-313.jpg -- WARNING: nekkit catgirl minis; NSFW). I've got four done, three more in process. I just need to buy a heroine/squad leader and a standard bearer.


I'm also working on a diorama, with a Heru Harbinger (http://www.crocodilegames.com/secure/items/WGE-214.jpg) fighting a Khemru warrior (http://www.crocodilegames.com/secure/items/WGE-107.jpg). I've got the diorama put together; I just need to paint it now. I think it'll look pretty sweet. :thumbup:


If I have time, I may put together a Reaper treant (ent, tree-man, whatever the heck they call it) model I got at Christmas (http://www.reapermini.com/store/customer/product.php?productid=5145&cat=118&page=9).


I've got a few others I've done in the last year or so that might be competition-worthy. I modded a Reaper Chronoscape fig to look like she's leaping backwards off a cliff, blazing away with her guns (http://www.reapermini.com/store/customer/product.php?productid=5563&cat=140&page=1). I'll have to look around and see if I have anything else worth entering... :think:


I finished the minis I'm using for my Teen Titans Go! game a couple of weeks ago, so my game minis should all be done and I can concentrate on my competition minis. :celebrate:


Treant SMASH!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


A squad of Basti skirmishers (http://www.crocodilegames.com/secure/items/WGE-313.jpg -- WARNING: nekkit catgirl minis; NSFW). I've got four done, three more in process. I just need to buy a heroine/squad leader and a standard bearer.


I just have one more skirmisher to finish; then hopefully my squad leader will be at the FLGS this week. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I own a copy of the rulebook' date=' but I've never played. My wife has played a few demo games at cons; I think that's where we picked up the rules. I mostly just like the figures. :)[/quote']


Interesting. I didn't know anyone else who'd heard of it.

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