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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That Boromir thing still has me laughing. I think I've watched them like 7 times now and they still crack me up. Hmmm....got 2 hours to kill before I leave for the airport. Maybe I should watch a Godzilla movie MST3k style? I better remember to pack up my carryon. At least I took the swiss army knife off my keychain. I hope they let me keep my disposable lighter.
There's never a wrong time for a Godzilla movie.


And it's a sad state of affairs when a man can't carry his SAK with him :(


Hope you have a nice trip, anyway.


Don't forget the lucky aviator scarf! ;)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


There's never a wrong time for a Godzilla movie.


And it's a sad state of affairs when a man can't carry his SAK with him :(


Hope you have a nice trip, anyway.


Don't forget the lucky aviator scarf! ;)

Proditor really should invest in a cane.


Airports let people with wooden canes through all the time, and the deadliest man in the world, Colonel Rex Applegate, carried one, even though he didn't need it. But, he was mugged at gunpoint while in his sixties.


Poor bastards never stoof a chance. :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Okay, so today, for my Grandmother, his biggest fan, I stood in line for 2.5 hours and waited for Clyde Drexler to sign his book for her. (He's a former NBA player for those who don't know). I was trapped between two whinny college girls and he and his co-author, a former resident of Corvallis, himself, were 45 minutes late but did not stay any longer.

I was one of the last people let in. Literally 5 people behind me is where they called it a night.


The man is a really nice guy. I spoke to him for all of 6 seconds, though. And they told me he didn't have time to "Personalize" it, so I couldn't get him to sign it to "Dorinda" (grandma's name). I did get to say high to co-author Kerry Eggars for my Step Father who coached him in football in the 9th grade. He remembered and Dad was tickled when I relayed his hello.


All in all I'd say it wasn't that much a waste of a saturday. I was glad I went.

thanks for sharing.
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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Not that it really matters, but I figured I'd let everyone know that the surgery went great, and now I'm floating high on Percosit (sp?)


Thanks for the well-wishes those who gave it. And for you others... I leave you all to mightybec :)

Cool that the surgery went well. Hope the recovery goes well.


note: just saw the pain post. owie. Would some toast help? That helped me with various meds.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


"Interesting" day at work today...


We have a fair number of local legal firms as clients, and often get "file jobs" from them; jobs that involve copying all the case materials for a given case. Other, smaller jobs involve copying photos of a crime or accident scene.


I started wondering what was up when everyone in the office seemed to want to pass today's color copy job to someone else. The answer was forthcoming in the actual order instructions, which included the note: "Please do not copy photos of the deceased." Much to everyone's (apparent) relief, this didn't bother me.


Had me wondering: have I really been directly exposed to death (of another person) much more than the average person over the past 40 years (twice, in my case)?

Hmm. From what you described, wouldn't of bothered me either. Unless I knew the deceased and then it's a maybe. But then I've toured morgues.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Having read "Essential Avengers" 3&4, I am reminded why the Vision rocked so much.


I do not know why "Even An Android Can Cry" gets me everytime, but it does.


And I can't help but wonder what it was about the character that had later writers despise him so?


I wish I knew. I'd do anything to undo the wreckage that they did to his and Wanda's marriage. The Vision is my favorite full-time Avenger (ie: not someone like Cap who had his own book). The Vision, like the Martian Manhunter, was the cornerstone of his team, proof that you could make a lasting relationship in a comic, and he was just too frickin' cool looking with an awesome power set.


Hell, the Vision went toe-to-toe with the Silver Surfer during the Avengers-Defenders war and kept the Surfer on the ropes! (One of my favorite Vision moments ever - especially since I hate the whiny Galactus hood ornament).

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I wish I knew. I'd do anything to undo the wreckage that they did to his and Wanda's marriage. The Vision is my favorite full-time Avenger (ie: not someone like Cap who had his own book). The Vision, like the Martian Manhunter, was the cornerstone of his team, proof that you could make a lasting relationship in a comic, and he was just too frickin' cool looking with an awesome power set.


Hell, the Vision went toe-to-toe with the Silver Surfer during the Avengers-Defenders war and kept the Surfer on the ropes! (One of my favorite Vision moments ever - especially since I hate the whiny Galactus hood ornament).


My favorite Avenger (sans his own book) was probably Hawkeye. Still, one thing I liked about the Vision was that he honestly had a reason for angst beyond the "I'm a mutant who looks great AND has super powers... pity me" bit that invaded so much of Marvel. The guy had reason to doubt his very soul's existance. Then again, I liked Machine Man too.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


My favorite Avenger (sans his own book) was probably Hawkeye. Still' date=' one thing I liked about the Vision was that he honestly had a reason for angst beyond the "I'm a mutant who looks great AND has super powers... pity me" bit that invaded so much of Marvel. The guy had reason to doubt his very soul's existance. Then again, I liked Machine Man too.[/quote']



I liked hawkeye a lot, and machine man was pretty cool Vision wasn't bad.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


My favorite Avenger (sans his own book) was probably Hawkeye. Still' date=' one thing I liked about the Vision was that he honestly had a reason for angst beyond the "I'm a mutant who looks great AND has super powers... pity me" bit that invaded so much of Marvel. The guy had reason to doubt his very soul's existance. Then again, I liked Machine Man too.[/quote']


I love Hawkeye too. He's an amazing character. The Avengers have had a lot of cool characters,. Heck... I've always liked the so-called second stringers among the Avengers and JLA.


For the New Circle thread, I'm working on a Zatanna and Elongated Man homage, as well as a Black Canary and Green Arrow analogue. And on the other end, I just whipped up a Vision minimate tonight.


I'm going to have to whip up a Hawkeye next... and a Scarlet Witch.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


for gamers everywhere (assuming they have imagination)


Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. -- Albert Einstein


My daughter just read that to me yesterday, from a book on Einstein she's reading for school. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've got another job interview tomorrow afternoon. I sure hope things go well. I really need somoeone to hire my ass. I need a job' date=' now! i7pfrusty.gif[/quote']

Good luck!


I've got a couple job prospects. One is a "tedius and pays crappy", but better than a sharp poke in the eye. I'd like to avoid that one.

The other is under development with a startup. In other words, rather vague, but I trust the people that I'd be working with. Possible good pay off and a lot of work. And I'd be working in California while still living in Portland.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I have this sort of infamous to-do list I run off of my webpage. It is basically all of my projects or things I need to do that I am horrible about putting off. I normally will remove one and end up adding one. Sometimes I'll knock some items on the list off and find some simple ones to put back up, only to later add some major projects. Over the last month, I have done about one a week. Most of the projects, after all, can't be done after work and usually require a day off.


Today, I completed three of them. One of the projects was a big project that I had been putting off for nearly three months. Now, not only is my to-do list nearly cleared, but I can't even think of things to put back on it.


I'm really impressed with myself. :D


Congrats, that's excellent.

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